Saturday, September 01, 2018

Service Project for District Conference

In keeping with our Church of the Brethren values of service, the host congregation for District Conference, Cerro Gordo, suggested having a service project for the conference. The Program and Arrangement Committee heartily agreed. See the details below.

Cerro Gordo is asking those who wish to participate in a service project to bring completed hygiene kits to District Conference. Here is what you need for each kit:
  • One hand towel measuring approximately 15″ x 28″ to 16″ x 32″ (no fingertip, bath, dish towel or micro-fiber)
  • One washcloth
  • One wide-tooth comb removed from the package
  • One fingernail or toenail clipper removed from the package
  • One bath-size bar of soap in the wrapper
  • One toothbrush in the package
  • Ten standard size Band-Aids
All items need to be packed inside a one-gallon plastic zipper closure bag. Remove the excess air from the bag and seal.

Do NOT add any extra items or toothpaste. A tube of extended expiration date toothpaste will be added to each hygiene kit just prior to its final journey.

Monetary donations to cover shipping costs will also be gratefully accepted. A box will be provided at Conference for your donations.