Wednesday, May 01, 2019

The Moderator's Column

We have much to be thankful for as we get ready to move into another month together in our District! The recent District Potluck was well-planned, well-executed, well-attended, and the Spirit was truly in that place. Many told their stories of how they were moving their communities to help their neighbors for the glory of God!

This theme is so appropriate for this time and this place with the needs that are around us today. There are so many who need physical needs: food, clothes, jobs, cars to get to jobs, medicine, homes and home repairs.

However, along with these physical needs we find that people have great longing for spiritual needs. They need to know that people will treat them equally and love them unconditionally, whether or not they look and dress like you. People need to know that you will come to where THEY are and learn to know them before judging and expecting them to come inside your big churches that are really scary and seem dark and unknowing to them.

But most of all, they need to know JESUS - and the best way we are all finding to teach them about Him is to BE HIM! We show them who He is by our love! It was so evident as we heard stories, saw pictures, sang songs together, felt the passion, that this is what we are called to do…..AND SO WE MUST!

My challenge for you for the month of May is that both of New Church Plants, The Parables Community and The Gathering Chicago are celebrating their 3rd anniversaries in May. For our District to be sponsoring TWO church plants successfully for three years is an amazing thing, my friends. I feel we should bless them by giving our extra plate offerings to them as they both celebrate this month.

The Parables Celebration is May 5th and the Gathering Chicago is May 19th. Both church plants would be happy to take your gifts at the end of the month if you choose to take the challenge for the entire month, but please join them in their celebrations…celebrate their victories and as a District let us rejoice that God is moving into the neighborhoods!

Moderator Leslie Lake