DE Ponderings
by Kevin Kessler
Destinations are
great. But more inspirational than arriving at the place to which we are
traveling is all we observe and absorb while on the journey. For example, Tammy
and I recently traveled to Greensboro, NC, for Annual Conference. The miles on
the road to and from conference were scenic as we traveled across flat
prairieland and through mountainous areas, all of which provided unique vistas
of grasses, trees, rivers, farmland, architecture, rock formations, etc. The
eye was never without a view nor the mind without a thought about the
encompassing majestic beauty.
Journeys, in addition
to the physical aspects, also offer a spiritual component. Pilgrimage is a term
often incorporated when thinking of a spiritual journey. Christians make
pilgrimage to the Holy Land and Muslims to Mecca. These are significant sites
and places with religious meaning, places where pilgrims on the way can reflect
introspectively and upon their faith, becoming more self-aware and more
intimately connected with the Divine as understood in their tradition. Annual
Conference, as a destination this summer, evolved into a pilgrimage for me. I
normally look forward to Annual Conference, but something was different this
year. That the usual conference format was changed for compelling vision
purposes was not a factor in my unusual sense of attending. Rather, I was more
tired than usual. My expectations were low. I made the trek to the Big Meeting
somewhat out of obligation.
I wonder if I’m alone
in this kind of experience. Likely not and neither would I be alone in being
surprised by a spiritual encounter in moments of low expectation. Several
factors were at play in changing my perspective. I rarely attend an insight
session every evening but this year I wanted to attend 2 or 3 some evenings.
The subject matter was enticing. I was impressed by the questions the
Compelling Process Team had developed for thought-provoking discussion. Those
who shared sermons and messages during the week obviously engaged in thoughtful
study to provide quality insights. I observed many persons from our district
who were in places and positions of leadership during the conference. It warmed
my heart. The music penetrated my soul at various times. From all that this
pilgrim encountered during the few days of Annual Conference, I reflected
deeply about my participation in kingdom work and encountered the Divine in
ways that strengthened my faith. None of this did I expect before the
pilgrimage of Annual Conference. But it was the pilgrimage through the days of
the conference that refreshed, renewed, and reenergized my spirit and my being.
The value of
pilgrimage became real for me. I also learned that I don’t have to travel to
another land to experience this value. God is present in any and all places,
able to excite and empower our senses and sensibilities to become more than we
can expect to be. Even when we are not open to what God has in store, we can be
I’ll be able to
approach Annual Conference in another way from this point onward. I may not
always have great expectations of conference, but I’ll value the opportunity to
be a pilgrim, to be open to the unexpected God may have in store for me and for
others. May this be a common experience for us all.
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