Monday, July 01, 2019

Invitation: Good Samaritan Banquet at Pinecrest Community

Pinecrest Community invites you to its annual Good Samaritan Banquet on Saturday, August 3, 2019 at 5:00 p.m. The Good Samaritan Fund supports residents at Pinecrest whose personal resources have run out. Pinecrest never asks a resident to leave because they can no longer afford to pay. This commitment has a price, however, and Pinecrest provides nearly $2 million annually in charitable care. The Good Samaritan Banquet is a fundraiser in support of these residents.

The evening includes a delicious dinner with your choice of entrée, entertainment by magical entertainer and balloon sculptor Brett Belleque, good fellowship, and updates on what’s going on at Pinecrest. The cost is $75 per person, which goes directly to the Good Samaritan Fund, and you’ll be seated at a table of six or eight. The event is held in The Grove Community Center on Pinecrest’s campus in Mt. Morris, IL.

To reserve a place for you and your guests, return the attached reply card, indicating meal choice for each attendee (boneless pork ribeye or baked chicken – for special dietary needs, please contact us!). Checks should be made payable to Brethren Home (our legal name) with “Good Sam Bqt” on the memo line. If you have questions or would like additional information, contact or call Amy at 815-734-1712.

We hope you can join us! While you’re at it, bring a carload of friends with you!