Longest Night Retreat
7:30-9:30 pm Eastern / 4:30-6:30 pm Pacific Time
Saturday, December 21
The holidays are a difficult time for many people, especially those of us who are grieving a lost loved one or an estranged relationship, or who do not have the means to celebrate in the contemporary fashion of our culture. Entering into the shortest days of the year can also be challenging for those of us who are energized by sunshine and warmth. Yet there is a wisdom also in the darkness: the tomb is also a womb of resurrection and rebirth. We will gather to reach out to one another across the miles and hold each other tight through the darkness, praying and reflecting together with scripture, poetry, images, and music. Both pain and joy are part of the story of Incarnation, and we will be present to and make room for both. Join us in this tender time led by Pastor Bobbi Dykema. Join us at https://livestream.com/livingstreamcob/Advent2019
Saturday, December 21

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