Monday, November 01, 2021

In Our Prayers

The Illinois/Wisconsin District is remembering with gratitude the life of Kres Lipscomb, who pastored the Springfield (Ill.) First Church of the Brethren for 32 years until retiring in 2018. Kres passed away Sept. 28 following an illness, with family at his side. In addition to serving as pastor, Kres was very active in ecumenical and interfaith work in Springfield and other volunteer efforts, and in denominational activities. Earlier in his career, he pastored several United Methodist congregations, as well as the Lower Miami Church of the Brethren in Dayton, Ohio. He was a graduate of North Central College and Bethany Theological Seminary. He is survived by his wife, Elizabeth (Liz), and daughters Corinne, Laura, and Rebecca, and their families. A memorial service was held October 30 in Springfield. Our prayers are with Kres’ families, friends, and the Springfield congregation.

A Memorial Service for Pauline Dulabaum was held on Saturday, September 18, at Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren in Elgin. Pauline passed February 22, 2020. Her husband, Willard “Duly” is one of our district’s ordained ministers who has served in interim ministry in the district. Nevin Dulabaum, president of Brethren Benefit Trust, is Pauline and Duly’s son. Mary Dulabaum, Nevin's wife, is a member of the District Leadership Team. We extend our sympathy and care as they continue to remember Pauline’s life and ongoing legacy.