Saturday, October 01, 2022


October is Clergy Appreciation Month! If you haven’t already, be sure to take time this month to say thanks to the pastors and chaplains in your midst, and perhaps do something special for them in appreciation for all that they do through the year.

Terri Monnin began as pastor of the Milledgeville (Dutchtown) Church of the Brethren on Oct. 3, with her first Sunday in the pulpit Oct. 9. District executive Walt Wiltschek will do an installation service for her on Oct. 30, as well as making official her licensing in the denomination. Terri has found an apartment in Sterling. She and her husband, Joe, currently live in the Cleveland, Ohio, area, and will be working on the transition in the coming year. Terri is a seminary graduate but is new to the Church of the Brethren. Welcome, Terri!

Rickey Ferguson completed his service as pastor of the La Place congregation on Sept. 30.

Benjamin Reynolds has announced his resignation as transitional pastor at Chicago First effective Dec. 31.

The Dixon congregation has posted its profile as it begins a pastoral search. It is a half-time position.

Cherry Grove, Virden, and La Place also have current vacancies and are various stages of the search process.