The attendance numbers included more than 50 delegates from about half the district’s congregations, about 54 non-delegates, and nine youth and children—most of whom took part in the first district conference youth retreat in quite a few years.
District conference moderator Harold Rose, from the Canton congregation, guided the weekend under the theme “Outside the Walls: Being Jesus in the Neighborhood.” Opening worship Friday evening featured Tim McElwee, the 2023 Church of the Brethren Annual Conference moderator, who also led an equipping session on “Peacemaking in a Time of War” on Saturday and spent some time with the youth.
Carol Davis and Kevin Kessler shared drama for worship, and Pam Willison served as accompanist. Judy Brinkmeier and Susan Jasper from Franklin Grove shared a children’s story, with many of the youth (and a few adults) going forward.
Key business items on Saturday included approval of the 2023 district budget (which includes a gap of about $32,000 to be covered by reserves), recognition of ministry milestones (including 60 years for Willard ‘Duly’ Dulabaum and Dale Roher!), the formal closure and disorganization of the Decatur congregation (with heartfelt sharing about the congregation’s history from former Decatur moderator Leonard Matheny), and revisions to the district constitution and bylaws, eliminating regions as a requirement for selection to district positions and changing the formula for district conference delegate representation.
Delegates also approved the slate of district officers and team members, calling York Center pastor Christy Waltersdorff as moderator-elect. She will assist 2023 moderator Phyllis Batterton (Woodland) in the coming year.
Others called included Ed Carper (Canton) to the district Leadership Team, Dan McFadden (Highland Avenue) and Betty Hare (Polo) to the Gifts Discernment and Call Committee, and Chris Douglas (Highland Avenue) to Program and Arrangements Committee. Lynda Willmann (Lanark) and Joe Brewer (Canton) were approved for additional terms on the Church Revitalization and Development Team, Lisa Fike (Woodland) for the Ministry Leadership Development Team, and Dawn Blackman (Champaign) for Leadership Team. Bobbi Dykema (Springfield) was also formally approved to finish out the term of Dennis Webb (Naperville) on the Annual Conference Standing Committee through 2024.
Representatives from various denominational agencies and district programs shared reports, and Church of the Brethren Youth/Young Adult Ministries director Becky Ullom—who also led a pre-conference continuing education event on “21st-Century Youth/Young Adult Ministry” —shared an upbeat report on National Youth Conference with the help of district youth who attended. Several congregations also shared about their community outreach efforts as they seek to be “Jesus in the Neighborhood.”
After lunch on Saturday, those attending could choose one of three “equipping sessions” to learn about topics of interest. In addition to Tim McElwee’s peacemaking session, Kevin Kessler led a session on theopoetics, and Deb Oskin of the denomination’s Pastoral Benefits and Compensation Advisory Committee led one via Zoom on new pastoral compensation tools.
Rick Koch & Co. organized a silent auction, and Rick led a rousing live auction after business concluded to raise funds for district conference expenses and related ministries. One pecan pie, in particular, was the subject of heated bidding (and likely of heated eating later).
At the close of business, Phyllis Batterton announced that the theme of the 2023 conference would be “Encourage One Another,” drawn from 1 Thess. 5:11. That gathering will take place Nov. 3-4, 2023, at Lanark Church of the Brethren. York Center (Lombard) has tentatively agreed to host in 2024.
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