Tuesday, October 01, 2024


About 20 people from half a dozen congregations attended this year’s district campfire at Camp Emmaus (Mount Morris, Ill.) on Oct. 12, enjoying some fall colors at camp, pumpkins, a light meal, and songs and s’mores around the campfire. Camp manager Randall Westfall provided music and camp updates, with assistance from board chair Sara Garner, and district executive Walt Wiltschek shared a meditation on the theme of community.

Canton recently drew upon the volunteer expertise of some members to make repairs to the rear entryway of the church. Canton also held its fall wiener roast Oct. 13 at a local farm.

Champaign has welcomed a Guatemalan church group, primarily of Mayan heritage, to use space in its building. The faith communities are worshiping together once a month. The groups connected through Champaign’s community garden.

Community performance group Honey Pot held a special event at Chicago First on Oct. 12. Learn more at https://www.honeypotperformance.org/events.

Dutchtown (Milledgeville) held its fall rally day on Sept. 22 with special music in worship and a cookout meal following.

Freeport held a peace gathering in September as part of its ongoing witness against gun violence. Families who have lost loved ones to violence attended the event, which received coverage from the local ABC television news. Pastor Christina Singh said local families and advocates are ready to “work shoulder-to- shoulder” with the church.

Lanark has ben doing several Bible study series, with a new one (“Breaking Free from Fear”) starting Oct. 21. Dan Rusmisel has been leading a six-week study of Galatians. Lanark will hold its annual Thanksgiving Dinner alongside its council meeting on Nov. 10.

Mount Morris recently had “another bumper day” at the Loaves and Fish Food Pantry housed at the congregation, with 50 bags of apples donated by a local orchard and other produce from the church’s community garden. The pantry provides for local individuals and families in need.

Neighborhood (Boulder Hill) will hold its annual chili supper at 5 p.m. Oct. 26.

Peoria First will make its annual fall mission trip to Kentucky Nov. 7-10, taking donations to assist with needs in the Appalachian region.

Springfield First welcomed 2025 Annual Conference moderator Dava Hensley on Oct. 13, when Sister Dava spoke at worship and spent some fellowship time over a potluck meal with the congregation.

Woodland (Astoria) is holding a trivia night on Oct. 26.

York Center had about 20 people attend a game night and ice cream social on Oct. 5.

Congregations looking for resources and ideas for community connections can find some on the denomination’s website: https://www.brethren.org/neighborhoodtools/demographics/.

Do you have congregational news: celebrations, milestones, “Jesus in the Neighborhood” stories or other things to share with our district family? Please send those to the district office: andreag.iwdcob@gmail.com.