Tuesday, October 01, 2024


Christy Waltersdorff

“Clothes yourselves with love.”

We will meet as a district in a very short time for district conference. In preparation, perhaps you will check the weather forecast for Lombard before you decide what to wear. We will be inside for the conference, and the good folks of the York Center congregation will do what they can to keep the temperature at a comfortable level —so you shouldn’t need to dress too warmly. But the outside temperature will determine if you need a coat.

My guess is that most of us are fortunate to have several coat choices at home: a light jacket, a heavier jacket, a winter coat, maybe a heavy parka. I am embarrassed to admit that I have coats hanging in my closet that I haven’t worn for a few years. It really is time to clean out that closet.

Our district conference theme invites us to think about what it means to clothe ourselves with Christ’s love. One thing it means is sharing out of our abundance with those who may not be as fortunate. As we prepare for the approach of winter, let’s provide support and warmth for others. You are invited as congregations or as individuals to bring a new or gently used coat to district conference. The coats will be donated to the Clothes Closet of The Outreach House in Lombard. They accept clothing and coats in sizes 5T and up. Over 330 families visit the Clothes Closet each month. In fall/winter 2022, they gave away over 700 coats. Your gifts will provide warmth and support for our sisters and brothers in the Lombard area. Let’s clothe ourselves and others with love.