Saturday, March 01, 2025


The 2025 Illinois/Wisconsin District clergy gathering and CEU event will take place May 1-2 at Bishop Lane Retreat Center near Rockford (7708 E. McGregor Rd.). The event, planned by the district Ministry Leadership Development Team (MLDT), will begin at 4 p.m. on Thursday, May 1 (with registration and check-in available beginning at 3 p.m.) and will conclude by 4 p.m. on Friday. A registration link will be available in late March. 

The event is open to all those in the district who are licensed or ordained or are currently in a ministry discernment program. Our leader this year will be Stan Dueck, director of organizational leadership for the Church of the Brethren, on the theme "Ministry in a BANI* World" (*Brittle, Anxious, Non-Linear, and Incomprehensible). Stan has spent significant time researching the changing landscape of the church and ministry and will be leading some fascinating exploration and conversations. Pastors, chaplains, denominational staff, retired ministers, or those serving in another role should all find it helpful and engaging. 

Thanks to a subsidy from MLDT, the per-person registration cost is just $75, which includes a private room with bathroom (or shared room for those who would like to share a double with someone), three meals, and all program fees. Participants will receive 0.5 CEU's. (If money is an issue, please contact district executive Walt Wiltschek directly and confidentially at to discuss options.) In addition to the sessions and meals, the schedule will include time for worship and some "down time" to enjoy the beautiful grounds, play games, or have some R&R. Anyone who would like to come early to stay Wednesday night at Bishop Lane for a longer retreat time should contact the center directly at 815-965-5011 to inquire about possibilities.