Help Needed!!!
Your help is needed. There is a need for leadership to plan for the Junior High District Conference Retreat. The last several years there has been a retreat for Junior High age young people during District Conference. However, as of yet, no one has stepped forward and accepted the call to be in that role for this year. If you do not feel called to lead a retreat, perhaps you would be willing to plan activities for this age group during business sessions on Saturday. If you feel called to a leadership position for these young people for either a retreat setting or for the business session times or have questions concerning this, please contact Pat Rittle, District Moderator, at Thank you for your prayerful consideration on behalf of the Junior High age young people in our District. Help these young people to have the opportunity to share together at District Conference under your willing and able leadership. Without you, the Junior High young people may have NO activity at District Conference. HELP!!
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