Saturday, March 10, 2007


Is it important for congregations who are searching for pastoral leadership to use the Church of the Brethren pastoral placement system? My answer to this question is a resounding, "Yes!" You might assume that my positive answer is due to my position as District Executive, that the position dictates I make this response. Contrary to that assumption, I affirm the importance of the pastoral placement system based not on my position but rather on my experience and personal experience.

My experience is limited since I've held the position of DE for only 2 months. True, but my experience with the district is extensive and I have witnessed issues that have arisen as a result of circumventing the placement system. A very small congregation in our district, which was closed a few years ago, needed pastoral leadership and spiritual shepherding. In their time of need the congregation accepted the goodwill of a young, energetic and well-intentioned potential pastor to provide the leadership for which they were searching. This potential pastor belonged to a quasi-denomination not even similar to the Church of the Brethren. He was being mentored by a strong leader from that group. The mentor ended up taking an active role in the congregation and initiated efforts to have the congregation withdraw from the Church of the Brethren. The congregation was unaware that church polity stated, " that the property of disassociated congregations reverts back to the district". Upon petitioning the district to leave the denomination, they learned the impact their decision would have upon the property. They learned what they would need to do to retain the property under the auspices of another denomination. Discussions around this issue were animated and conflict quickly developed.

I believe that had the congregation worked within the pastoral placement system of our denomination, conflict would have been diverted. Because of their size, this congregation may have had a difficult time securing pastoral leadership through the placement system. However, they would have avoided a very difficult and trying time in their life.

Is it important that the placement system be used? Yes. Does it always work in finding pastoral leadership? Not always. When it is used a good working relationship between the district executive and the congregation occurs. The possibilities that exist from this relationship include the DE helping search for and possibly locate, pastoral leadership willing to affirm and uphold Church of the Brethren values and beliefs. Working outside the system doesn't guarantee finding leadership outside the Church of the Brethren. It simply means there are other avenues for discovering pastoral leadership. If discovery leads to calling someone from outside the denomination, the involvement of the DE is beneficial. The DE can provide both the congregation and the prospective pastor with the appropriate information for ensuring a good relationship. There is also opportunity "up front" to discuss any concerns that might become issues of conflict later. The DE can offer the prospective candidate options for learning more about the Church of the Brethren.

As the new DE, I want to do all I can to avoid conflicts. Therefore, I commit to work closely with congregations looking for pastoral leadership. I cannot promise that our efforts for securing such leadership will always be successful. But I can promise that I will always work toward the most mutually agreeable solutions possible. It is my desire that this district be healthy so it can grow and be fruitful. I hope my efforts will allow this to happen.

Blessings and God's peace,