- Pg. 17 - Vernon Dean, new phone: 815/456-2469
- Pg. 22 - Kenneth Rutherford, new phone: 618/839-9673
- Pgs. 25-26 - Ordained Ministers Listing, add Virginia Haney and Rob Tevis III
- Pg. 27 - Licensed Ministers Listing, add Shirley Petracek
- Pg. 28 - Camp Emmanuel, website: www.cob-net.org/camp/emmanuel.htm; toll free phone: 800/348-4839
- Pg. 34 - Vernon Dean, add phone # above and address: 206 W. Maple, Franklin Grove 61031
- Pg. 34 - Tom Dooly, new email address: thomascdooly@yahoo.com
- Pg. 34 - Willard Dulabaum, correct email address: wnpduly@aol.com
- Pg. 35 - Lisa Fike, address: 334 S. Main, Pearl City 61062; phone: 815/443-9085
- Pg. 35 - Esther Frey, correct email address: eefrey@verizon.net
- Pg. 38 - Kenneth Rutherford, new phone: 618/839-9673; new address: 661 North Shell Road, Parkersburg, IL 62452; new email: brokenmanna@hotmail.com
- Pg. 43 - Emergency Response/Service Ministries, new name: Brethren Disaster Services
- Pg. 44 - Church World Service/CROP, there is no longer an office in Springfield, IL
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