Friday, June 01, 2007

An Interfaith Initiative to Sustain Creation

JULY 21, 2007 2:00-6:00 P.M.
York Center Church of the Brethren
1 So 071 Luther Ave., Lombard


Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) ( Keynote speaker Ned Stowe III is the Senior Legislative Secretary for FCNL. He leads FCNL's efforts to promote long-term protection of the environment and eliminate a critical cause of violent conflict by reducing oil consumption and accelerating development and use of renewable energy sources.

Faith in Place ( Faith in Place, an affiliate of the national Regeneration Project/ Interfaith Power and Light, partners with religious congregations to promote clean energy & sustainable farming. Since 1999, Faith in Place has partnered with over 200 congregations in Illinois - Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Baha'i and Unitarian. Audrey DeCoursey, representing Faith in Place, is a summer staff person for the Regeneration Project in Berkeley, CA. Illinois

Renewable Energy Association ( The Illinois Renewable Energy Association (IREA) is a group of people who are interested in energy efficiency, renewable energy and earth- friendly technology. IREA specializes in renewable energy that is specific for Illinois homes and workplaces. Jonathan Stauffer will represent IREA.

New Community Project ( The mission of the New Community Project is to live more sustainably with the earth and more fairly with its people. An excellent source of facts and initiatives, New Community Project is led by David Radcliff of Elgin, IL.

DuPage County Solid Waste Education Center-SCARCE ( SCARCE, represented by Carol Richart, provides professional training and community outreach educational services through workshops, activities, newsletters and resources covering a wide variety of environ-mental topics. SCARCE has offered environmental education presentations to K-12 teachers and community groups including Scouts and Kiwanis.

Argonne Transportation Research Center ( Steve Ciatti is from Argonne's transportation research team, which brings together scientists and engineers from many disciplines to find cost-effective solutions to problems of transporting people and goods - issues like vehicle emissions and energy supply.

The objective of the Green Fair is to engage faith communities in the west suburban area in a discussion of how to promote an appropriate response to global warming, first within their congregations, and second as an example to the wider community. Experts in renewable energy and energy conservation in applications to electrical, heating and transportation sectors will make presentations and be available to answer questions in an informal discussion time. A children's program will include activities promoting an understanding of ecological issues.

A majority of scientists are coming to an agreement that continuation of current patterns of energy demand and supply will produce long-lasting changes in our global climate and ecology. A transition to a new pattern of energy use that sustains economic and social well-being of all the earth's inhabitants presents a major challenge and opportunity for faith communities that share a common responsibility for the stewardship of creation.

Registration is not required, however it would be helpful to have an advance indication of your participation by calling 630-627-7411, or e-mailing to Current information on program and schedule is online at The York Center Green Fair is cosponsored by the York Center Church of the Brethren and the IL/WI District of the Church of the Brethren.

2:00-6:00 Fellowship Hall

2:00 Ned Stowe, Friends Committee on National Legislation

2:30 - 4:00
Panel Discussion – 10 min. presentations followed by Q&A
David Radcliff, New Community Project
Audrey DeCoursey, Faith in Place/Interfaith Power and Light
Jonathan Stauffer, Illinois Renewable Energy Association
Steve Ciatti, Argonne Transportation Research Center

2:30 – 4:00 Children’s Activities
SCARCE/ DuPage County Solid Waste Education Center

4:00 - 6:00
Informal discussions
Visit Displays
Light Vegetarian Meal (donations welcome)