Friday, June 01, 2007

“The purpose of the Illinois/Wisconsin District of the Church of the Brethren is to support the growth and development of the member churches.”


Four things on earth are small, yet they are extremely wise: Ants are creatures of little strength, yet they store up their food in the summer; hyrax are creatures of little power, yet they make their home in the crags; locusts have no king, yet they advance together in ranks; a lizard can be caught with the hand, yet it is found in kings' palaces. Proverbs 30:24-28 (NIV)

Summer by the calendar is not quite here but we consider the time between Memorial Day and Labor Day as summertime. It's the time when we expect warmer temperatures and higher humidity, sunny days and outdoor activities. It's the time when we use the garden hose to supply a drink to thirsty plants and cool off hot, active children. It's the time when ants store up food giving them the distinction of being wise little creatures, at least according to Proverbs. Hmmm…there must be a lesson in the proverb about ants. Ah, yes, something about wisdom, being wise. Right, they store up food in the summer. So, if we store up food in the summer, we'll be wise. Right? Well…not necessarily. What makes the ant wise is knowing when to do something. We might conclude that there are seasons for doing certain things that are good and appropriate. In the summer, for ants, it is storing up food. What good and appropriate things can we do in the summer season that will display our wisdom? Gardening and storing up food would be good, but then not all of us are gardeners. We easily find the food we need at the grocery store anytime of the year. Well, then, how about this? Don't forget God in the summer. What? Well, with more daylight hours, more activities, vacations, and traveling, we can easily spend a great deal of time in these activities and fun things. We give them our energies and attention with little energy and attention left over for God. Should we give up all these summertime activities to focus more on God? No. God doesn't want us to be dull, boring, and disgruntled. Wisdom is not giving up what we do in the summer, but simply remembering to recognize and acknowledge God in the things we do. Instead of storing up food in the summer, try storing up images and experiences of God as you go about all your activities. You can see or experience God in the playfulness of children on a dusty ball diamond, in the grandeur of a scenic landscape, in the coolness of a swimming pool on a hot, humid day, in the lightning and thunder of a summer storm, in the rainbow following the storm, in the "Are we there yet?" questions from travel-weary children, in the kindness of persons helping an injured ball player, in the fellowship around a barbecue grill, in the…? Images and experiences of God are all around us during the summer. As we store up these images and experiences, we won't forget God. Sounds to me like a wise thing to do!

1505 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120
Phone: 847-742-5180 or 888-832-1383
Fax: 847-742-6723

The Church of the Brethren Credit Union was organized and chartered in 1938 by the employees of the Brethren Publishing house and the General Brotherhood Board in Elgin, IL. In 1986 the Credit Union merged with the Brethren Parish Credit Union, which was established in 1941 by the members of the Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren.

In February 2004, the Credit Union's name was changed to Church of the Brethren Credit Union (CoBCU) and its charter was expanded to include all Church of the Brethren members and employees and their family members.

The CoBCU recently added three new products to its line of savings instruments: the Kids Club for children 12 and under, the Youth Club for youth 13 to 18, and the Brethren Youth Mission Club. The "Kids and Youth Club accounts offer a safe opportunity for children and youth to begin to learn sound money management skills. In a world of instant gratification and maxed-out credit cards, teaching your children that there is a smarter way can make a big difference in their lives." The CoBCU, in their brochure about the Brethren Youth Mission Club, states, "We believe that everyone should be able to participate in service opportunities. However, the reality is that the costs-whether it be registration or transportation-can be prohibitive. By planning ahead and starting to save regularly, we hope more individuals will be able to take advantage of service opportunities."

All three accounts pay a higher rate of interest than regular CoBCU savings accounts. For more information about or to open one of these accounts, contact the CoBCU at the numbers listed above.


Illinois/Wisconsin District Involvement

"We can do no great things, only small things with great love. -Mother Teresa

Six members of our district are participating in the National Workcamps in 2007 heeding the call to leave the comfort of the four walls of their church buildings and stepping into a hurting world to serve those in need of God's love and compassion. The following persons are commended for their commitment in continuing the work of Jesus:

Beth BicklerHighland Avenuethe Elgin work camp.
Cassidy McFaddenHighland Avenuethe Los Angeles work camp.
Jeanne DaviesHighland AvenueDominican Republic work camp.
Grant MinerHighland AvenueDominican Republic work camp.
Renee NeherYork CenterNew Windsor 1 work camp.
James LeyvaYork CenterGulf Coast Young Adult work camp.


  • Cerro Gordo - Search Committee in interview process for Full-time pastor; Tony Arseneau will provide pulpit supply during the summer months.
  • Woodland - Search Committee in interview process for Full-time pastor.
  • Virden - Search Committee is in process of completing their congregational profile; Pastor Ron Burtz will be completing his service with the congregation early June.
  • Hurricane Creek - Search Committee is process of completing their congregational profile.

Annual Conference Highlights

  • Opening worship – Jeff Carter, Pastor, Manassas, Virginia, preaching
  • Bible studies, informational sessions on key business items, ice cream social
  • Morning worship – Belita Mitchell, Moderator, preaching
  • Consecration of delegates and opening business session
  • Bible studies, insight sessions, ice cream social
  • Business sessions
  • Evening worship – Tim Harvey, Pastor, Roanoke, Virginia, preaching
  • Bible studies, insight sessions, ice cream social
  • Closing worship – Ataloa Woodin, Pastor, Fresno, California, preaching
All week
  • Organized programs for all age groups
  • Early Evening with the Arts – features concerts or drama each evening
  • Cash buffet for lunches & dinners in the Exhibit Hall; daily ice cream social
  • A variety of nearby restaurants and shopping malls
  • Seven downtown hotels, university housing and camping opportunities


July 23-27, 2007
On the campus of Elizabethtown College,
Elizabethtown, PA
Cost: Commuting Students - $60
Dormitory Students - $175

Application forms and course description are available at the District Office or by writing to:
Brethren Bible Institute
155 Denver Rd
Denver PA 17517
Application deadline is June 28, 2007

Sponsored by Brethren Revival Fellowship

Congregations to Remember in prayer this Month

Allison Prairie 618 928-2321
Douglas Park 630 207-9379
Highland Avenue 847 741-5124
Stanley 715 644-5874

If you have prayer requests for the district, please e-mail your request to


  • Pg. 17 - Vernon Dean, new phone: 815/456-2469
  • Pg. 22 - Kenneth Rutherford, new phone: 618/839-9673
  • Pgs. 25-26 - Ordained Ministers Listing, add Virginia Haney and Rob Tevis III
  • Pg. 27 - Licensed Ministers Listing, add Shirley Petracek
  • Pg. 28 - Camp Emmanuel, website:; toll free phone: 800/348-4839
  • Pg. 34 - Vernon Dean, add phone # above and address: 206 W. Maple, Franklin Grove 61031
  • Pg. 34 - Tom Dooly, new email address:
  • Pg. 34 - Willard Dulabaum, correct email address:
  • Pg. 35 - Lisa Fike, address: 334 S. Main, Pearl City 61062; phone: 815/443-9085
  • Pg. 35 - Esther Frey, correct email address:
  • Pg. 38 - Kenneth Rutherford, new phone: 618/839-9673; new address: 661 North Shell Road, Parkersburg, IL 62452; new email:
  • Pg. 43 - Emergency Response/Service Ministries, new name: Brethren Disaster Services
  • Pg. 44 - Church World Service/CROP, there is no longer an office in Springfield, IL


The material resources program at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Maryland seeks volunteers to work with the Church World Service Gift of the Heart Kit program. Thousands of Gift of the Heart Kits are processed and shipped to disaster locations, refugee camps and ongoing programs through out the world. We need help to check items in the donated kits so that that each person receives a complete and appropriate kit. This requires standing, some lifting and stretching. Volunteer opportunities are available Monday - Friday 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. Lunch for volunteers who work six hours or more. For more information or to schedule a volunteer date, contact the New Windsor Conference Center at (410) 635-8700.

Kathleen Campanella, Director, Public Relations and Hospitality Brethren Service Center, (410) 635-8747


The Springfield First Church will be licensing Terry Link on Sunday, June 10th during the 10:30 am worship service. District Executive, Kevin Kessler will officiate. All are welcome to come and share in this joy!

An Interfaith Initiative to Sustain Creation

JULY 21, 2007 2:00-6:00 P.M.
York Center Church of the Brethren
1 So 071 Luther Ave., Lombard


Friends Committee on National Legislation (FCNL) ( Keynote speaker Ned Stowe III is the Senior Legislative Secretary for FCNL. He leads FCNL's efforts to promote long-term protection of the environment and eliminate a critical cause of violent conflict by reducing oil consumption and accelerating development and use of renewable energy sources.

Faith in Place ( Faith in Place, an affiliate of the national Regeneration Project/ Interfaith Power and Light, partners with religious congregations to promote clean energy & sustainable farming. Since 1999, Faith in Place has partnered with over 200 congregations in Illinois - Christian, Jewish, Muslim, Hindu, Buddhist, Sikh, Baha'i and Unitarian. Audrey DeCoursey, representing Faith in Place, is a summer staff person for the Regeneration Project in Berkeley, CA. Illinois

Renewable Energy Association ( The Illinois Renewable Energy Association (IREA) is a group of people who are interested in energy efficiency, renewable energy and earth- friendly technology. IREA specializes in renewable energy that is specific for Illinois homes and workplaces. Jonathan Stauffer will represent IREA.

New Community Project ( The mission of the New Community Project is to live more sustainably with the earth and more fairly with its people. An excellent source of facts and initiatives, New Community Project is led by David Radcliff of Elgin, IL.

DuPage County Solid Waste Education Center-SCARCE ( SCARCE, represented by Carol Richart, provides professional training and community outreach educational services through workshops, activities, newsletters and resources covering a wide variety of environ-mental topics. SCARCE has offered environmental education presentations to K-12 teachers and community groups including Scouts and Kiwanis.

Argonne Transportation Research Center ( Steve Ciatti is from Argonne's transportation research team, which brings together scientists and engineers from many disciplines to find cost-effective solutions to problems of transporting people and goods - issues like vehicle emissions and energy supply.

The objective of the Green Fair is to engage faith communities in the west suburban area in a discussion of how to promote an appropriate response to global warming, first within their congregations, and second as an example to the wider community. Experts in renewable energy and energy conservation in applications to electrical, heating and transportation sectors will make presentations and be available to answer questions in an informal discussion time. A children's program will include activities promoting an understanding of ecological issues.

A majority of scientists are coming to an agreement that continuation of current patterns of energy demand and supply will produce long-lasting changes in our global climate and ecology. A transition to a new pattern of energy use that sustains economic and social well-being of all the earth's inhabitants presents a major challenge and opportunity for faith communities that share a common responsibility for the stewardship of creation.

Registration is not required, however it would be helpful to have an advance indication of your participation by calling 630-627-7411, or e-mailing to Current information on program and schedule is online at The York Center Green Fair is cosponsored by the York Center Church of the Brethren and the IL/WI District of the Church of the Brethren.

2:00-6:00 Fellowship Hall

2:00 Ned Stowe, Friends Committee on National Legislation

2:30 - 4:00
Panel Discussion – 10 min. presentations followed by Q&A
David Radcliff, New Community Project
Audrey DeCoursey, Faith in Place/Interfaith Power and Light
Jonathan Stauffer, Illinois Renewable Energy Association
Steve Ciatti, Argonne Transportation Research Center

2:30 – 4:00 Children’s Activities
SCARCE/ DuPage County Solid Waste Education Center

4:00 - 6:00
Informal discussions
Visit Displays
Light Vegetarian Meal (donations welcome)

District of IL & WS Calendar PLUS

1 - 6 Ministry Summer Service Orientation
10 Terry Link licensing at Springfield First
15 - 17 Junior High Conference, Elizabethtown College
24 Song & Story Fest, Inspiration Hills Camp, Burbank, Ohio
30 Credit Union Board, Cleveland
30 - July 4 Annual Conference, Cleveland - General Board

3 BBT Board, Cleveland
16 - 19 TRIM/EFSM New Student Orientation, Brethren Academy
21 York Center Green Fair
22 BVS Summer Unit, New Windsor

19 BRF – BVS Unit, New Windsor
20 - 22 On Earth Peace Board, New Windsor
22 - 22 TRIM Coordinators Gathering, Brethren Academy
20 - 23 ABC Board, Elgin
23 - Sept 12 BVS Fall Unit
27 - 31 BVS Retreat, Newark, Ill

14 World Mission Offering Emphasis
16 World Food Day
16 - 24 Peace with Justice Week
20 - 22 General Board, Elgin
26 - 28 Bethany Seminary Board, Richmond

4 National Junior High Sunday
5 - 9 Sustaining Pastoral Excellence National Vital Pastor Retreat (Brethren Academy)
11 Stewardship Sunday
18 Bible Sunday
16 - 17 BBT Board