Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Mt. Morris Church of the Brethren
7:00 PM Friday - 4:00 PM Saturday
Registration: $15.00 per Youth.

THEME "Let's Get M.A.D." (Making A Difference)

Our emphasis will be; How can Jr. High Youth Make a difference to their neighbors next door and around the world.

We are excited to have Ellis Boughton, Pastor of Yellow Creek Church of the Brethren who will share about mission work that he has been involved in in Honduras. We will be starting a District Jr. High Project Making a Difference. By putting together Honduras Health Kits. Ellis is getting me a list.

We will also be working to help some of the people in the Mt. Morris community in a work Project. Please bring clothes and shoes for work.

Feel free to send me on line registration using this address, revsfike@hotmail.com.

-- Thanks Blessings to all, Pastor Lisa Fike