Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Cleaning flower beds, painting lawn furniture, and washing windows are some tasks lined up for us at the Third Annual District Work Day at Pleasant Hill Village May 17. We invite all churches in the Illinois/Wisconsin district to send a team to Girard to work, fellowship, and learn about our district's important ministry to the aging. Work begins at 9 a.m. and goes to 3 p.m.

The Home will furnish refreshments and our noon meal, plus a tour of the campus. Workers should bring gloves, rakes, shovels, paint brushes, paint rollers and trays, and putty knives. We need power washers. A small roofing job needs to be done if enough roofers show up. There is plenty of inside work to be done. Work will go on, rain or shine. Those who want to spend the time visiting with the residents will find that a rewarding task as well.

The District Leadership sponsors this Work Day . Please let us know in advance if you are coming. Call Fletcher Farrar at 217-525-9083 when you know that you're sending a team. Questions may be directed to Fletcher or to Paulette Miller, executive director at Pleasant Hill, 217-627-9502.