Sunday, June 01, 2008

The Reflector -- June 2008 -- Vol 5 Issue 5


I’m a generalist. I can do many things but I don’t excel at any of them. Let me put this in vernacular that we all understand: I’m a jack of all trades but master of none.

This makes me a square peg trying to fit into a round hole, especially in our modern day context when specialization seems to be the norm. Do you know what I mean? We don’t just go to a doctor when we have a medical problem. We go to an oncologist, or nephrologist, or gynecologist, or ornycologist, or podiatrist, or ophthalmologist, etc, etc. And even when we visit a general practitioner, chances are they’ll send us to a specialist.

Granted, specialization has its benefits. Seeing a cardiologist is a great choice when facing a problem with the old ticker. But benefits abound with the generalist as well.

One benefit is the opportunity to meet a lot of people in a variety of fields. Take me, a generalist, for instance. I’ve done a lot of things in my life. I’ve played softball, basketball, volleyball. I’ve worked for a farm service company, in a bank, and as a pastor. I’ve driven cars and trucks and tractors. I’ve tried my hand at farming, mostly as a hobby. I’ve done some woodworking, have gardened, and traveled. I’ve helped do roofing, dry walling, simple carpentry, and minor electrical work. I’ve even dabbled with poetry and writing. Maybe if I’d focus on one of these area I’d become really proficient at it. But, you know, if I did I’d miss out on the opportunity to visit with and be with people in all of these various areas of life. I’d miss the opportunity to learn from others in all of these various areas. I’d miss out on myriad opportunities for fellowship. I’d miss out on making new acquaintances and gaining new friends. I’d miss out on more opportunities to help others.

I’m okay with being a square peg. I’m okay because I’m of the opinion that I’ll be able to experience much, much more in life as a generalist. Something I read in an article in The Christian Century not to long ago confirmed this for me. The article written by Ralph C. Wood was taking a look at G. K. Chesterton. Wood actually was reviewing four authors who had written about Chesterton. One of those authors wrote about Chesterton’s ideas on humanity enjoying freedom. Wood then makes these statements: Humans squandered their freedom not by perceiving and desiring too much, but by envisioning and creating too little. Finite and fallen imaginations cannot behold the surplus of light that pervades the entirety of created being.”

Freedom is found in being a generalist. Being a generalist allows our minds to envision, to create, to move beyond the finite to “behold the surplus of [pervasive] light.” Being a generalist allows one’s mind to reach out and touch more than can be imagined. Being a generalist allows one to use their mind in a vast array of ways. A generalist is unlimited in what they can imagine, what they can explore, what they can do (even if they may never excel in any of it).

I want to be clear that I value specialization. I’m simply saying that in our world of specialization, it is still okay to be a generalist. Come to think about, as Christians we follow a generalist—Jesus. Jesus was able to talk about a lot of different topics—from farming to finance to food. He met a lot of people influencing their lives in helpful ways. Because he was a generalist, he could meet people on their turf and relate to them in a relevant way. Jesus was a great example of a generalist who made a difference with his life. Can I be as effectively influential? I don’t know, but I’ll keep trying.


Neighborhood Church of the Brethren (Montgomery, IL) celebrates 50 years in Boulder Hill with a Homecoming Celebration on Oct. 11-12, 2008. For more information see the website at

More information regarding the schedule of events and festivities will appear in the NEWSLETTER and on the website when it's available. MARK YOUR CALENDARS.

Program Coordinator – Ministry of Reconciliation

Position Announcement
On Earth Peace Assembly, Inc.

On Earth Peace is an agency of the Church of the Brethren with responsibility for peace and reconciliation ministries. The office is located at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, MD. The location for this position is negotiable.


The Program Coordinator is responsible for planning and coordinating the overall Ministry of Reconciliation program of On Earth Peace, working with other staff, volunteers, church agencies, and resource persons.
  • Coordinate planning, publicity, and registration for workshops and a wide variety of other educational activities with congregations, districts, camps, etc.
  • Coordinate reconciliation services such as conflict intervention, mediation, and meeting facilitation, drawing upon a network of reconcilers
  • Assist with interpretation of conflict transformation program through conferences, printed materials and other means; respond to requests for information and resources
  • Strengthen and expand Ministry of Reconciliation practitioner network
  • Personal commitment to Christian peacemaking and leadership development
  • Ability to provide spiritual leadership through reconciliation ministry
  • Experience with faith-based educational or service program planning
  • Basic understanding of conflict, reconciliation, and scriptural basis of peacemaking
  • Strong self-motivation and ability to work independently as well as part of a team
  • Strong written and oral communication skills
  • Excellent organizational ability, including program budget management
  • Computer skills and familiarity with internet, word processing, e-mail and other tools
  • Willingness to travel
  • Familiarity with Church of the Brethren beliefs, practices and organization
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent experience
  • Position is available July 21, 2008. Location is flexible.
  • This is a full-time position, but open to negotiation for less than full-time.
  • Salary range is $32K to $40K, depending upon experience and demonstrated ability, with full benefits.
  • Review of applications will begin June 25, continuing until position is filled.
  • For a complete position description, go to and click on the Opportunities tab, or contact Darlene Johnson, office manager, at 410-635-8704 or
  • Send resume, letter of application, and contact information for 3-4 references to Bob Gross, executive director, at
    Email with attachments is the preferred form of application.

Take the Bus to Annual Conference

Come along, relax and enjoy the fellowship.

A Dixon-Meyers Trailways coach will provide service to Annual Conference in Richmond, VA. The trip is straight through, a sixteen hour pilgrimage each way. On the return trip, the bus departs Annual Conference after the closing worship service (at a time yet to be determined).

The following stops will be made to pick up passengers:
Stop 1: Mt. Morris, IL, Church of the Brethren – July 11, 9 pm CDT
Stop 2: Freeport, IL, Wal-Mart Super center (west side of the parking lot)
This is just south of Freeport on Highway 26 – July 11, 9:45 CDT
Stop 3: Warsaw, IN, place to be determined. July 12, 2 am CDT/ 3 am EDT
Stop 4: Columbus, OH, place to be determined – July 12, 6:15 am CDT/ 7:15 am EDT
Stops 3 and 4 depends on whether people from Indiana and/or Ohio reserve a place on the bus before it reaches its capacity of 50.
The cost of this trip, with its blessing of free fellowship, is $125.00 per person with the bus at full capacity.

To reserve your seat, send a check or money order
Payable to: IL-WI District COB
Mark the “memo” or “for” line: AC bus
Please include your name, address, telephone number and email (if applicable), and mail to:
IL-WI District Office COB
269 E. Chestnut St.
Canton, IL 61520
Call or (prefer) email Alan McLearn-Monz at or 815-599-0909


The CoBCU announces checking accounts with debit cards. “The introduction of debit cards is exciting because, for the first time, our Church of the Brethren Credit Union members can access their accounts from anywhere,” said Cindy Bravos, marketing coordinator of Brethren Benefit Trust.

No minimum balances required to open an interest-bearing checking account with CoBCU; however, a minimum balance of $25 must be maintained in a share savings account. A debit card will be issued automatically upon opening a checking account and surcharge-free ATMs are available to members nationwide. Choosing the signature option when using your new debit card will give you 5¢ back on every transaction. Learn more about all the benefits and how to open your CoBCU checking account with debit card, contact CoBCU at 888-832-1383 or visit


The IL/WI District is providing Bus transportation to the National Older Adult Conference at Lake Junaluska, NC September 1-5, 2008. The bus departs from the Mt. Morris Church of the Brethren at 7:00am on Sunday, August 31. Possible additional stops will be announced later. A deposit of $160.00 is required by July 1 . The total cost per person is $250 for double motel occupancy or $295 for single motel occupancy. The balance is due by August 1, 2008. Please make reservations with Marvin Thill. Make checks payable to NOAC BUS. Mail your check with the following information (Name, Address, Phone Number, and motel occupancy preference) to:
Marvin Thill
8040 US 20E
Stockton, IL 61085
Ph. 815-947-3197

Bethany Seminary Celebrates One Hundred Third Commencement

Richmond, Indiana—Bethany Theological Seminary celebrated its one hundred third commencement on May 3, 2008. Two observances marked the occasion. A ceremony for conferring degrees took place in Bethany’s Nicarry Chapel. A public worship celebration was held at the Richmond Church of the Brethren.

Dr. Steven L. Longenecker, Professor and Department Chair of History and Political Science at Bridgewater College, Bridgewater, VA., spoke at the conferring of degrees ceremony. In his address “The Useful Dunker Past,” Longenecker shared the story of Howard Sollenberger, who immediately after graduating from Manchester College in 1938 persuaded the Church of the Brethren General Mission Board to send him to China, providing relief for the Chinese during their war with Japan. “Quite obviously, Sollenberger provides a strong role model,” Longenecker said. “Admittedly, God calls only a few to flirt with danger on a distant continent or in a war zone, but God summons all to faithfulness. Those of great faith, like Sollenberger, inspire the rest of us to walk our humble but still vital walks.”

Dawn Ottoni Wilhelm, associate professor of Preaching and Worship, was the speaker for the afternoon worship service. In her message, “Where the River Goes,” based on Ezekiel 47:1-12, Dr. Wilhelm also referenced the Church of the Brethren 300th anniversary, including a specific mention of the eight founders of the denomination. th “When eight persons stepped into the Eder River 300 years ago, they counted well the cost of giving their lives to Jesus Christ, of giving up their homes and wealth in mutual support, of moving into unchartered waters. But little did they know where the baptismal waters of the Eder would take them,” said Wilhelm. “You can count the cost however you will, but you can never figure where the water is going to take you. It is not ours to plot the course.”

President Ruthann Knechel Johansen noted significant events in the past year related to Seminary personnel. Dan Ulrich, New Testament Studies, was promoted to full professor. Appreciation was expressed to Delora Roop, Steven Breck Reid, and Jonathan Shively. Delora Roop, Coordinator of the Office of Institutional Advancement, will retire in the summer of 2008 after 23 years of service. Reid, Academic Dean, has accepted a position as Professor of Hebrew Bible at George Truett Theological Seminary, Waco, Texas. Shively, Director of the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership, has accepted a position as Executive Director of Congregational Life Ministries for the Church of the Brethren General Board.

Those who received degrees, and their home congregations, are:
  • Master of Divinity, Peace Studies Emphasis:
    • Brandon Grady, Madison Avenue Church of the Brethren, York, Pennsylvania
  • Master of Divinity:
    • David Beebe, Bear Creek Church of the Brethren, Dayton, Ohio
    • Nan Lynn Alley Erbaugh, Lower Miami Church of the Brethren, Dayton, Ohio
    • Stephen Carl Hershberger, Roaring Spring Church of the Brethren, Roaring Spring, Pennsylvania
    • Elizabeth Jacqueline Keller, Richmond Church of the Brethren, Richmond, Indiana
    • Jason Michael Kreighbaum, Nettle Creek Church of the Brethren, Hagerstown, Indiana
    • Matthew Eugene McKimmy, Good Shepherd Church of the Brethren, Blacksburg, Virginia
    • V. Christina Singh, Richmond Church of the Brethren, Richmond, Indiana
    • Karl Edward Stone, Richmond Church of the Brethren, Richmond, Indiana
    • Paula Ziegler Ulrich, Richmond Church of the Brethren, Richmond, Indiana
    • Douglas Eugene Osborne Veal, Richmond Church of the Brethren, Richmond, Indiana
  • Master of Arts in Theology:
    • Marla Bieber Abe, First Church of the Brethren, Akron, Ohio
    • Susan Marie Ross, Churubusco United Methodist Church, Churubusco, Indiana
  • Certificate of Achievement in Theological Studies:
    • Mildred F. Baker, Diehls Cross Roads Church of the Brethren, Martinsburg, Pennsylvania
    • Nicholas Edward Beam, Pleasant Hill Church of the Brethren, Pleasant Hill, Ohio
    • Jerry M. Sales, Peoria Church of the Brethren, Peoria, Illinois (ILL/WISC Moderator)

Bethany Seminary Calls New Professors, Interim Academic Dean

Bethany Theological Seminary has called H. Kendall Rogers as Professor of Historical Studies, beginning in the 2008/2009 academic year. Dr. Rogers has served as a professor in the Religion and Philosophy department at Manchester College, North Manchester, Ind., for thirty years. He is a Manchester College graduate, and holds B. A. and M.A. degrees from Oxford University in England and M.A. and Ph. D. degrees from Harvard University.

Dr. Rogers also served as Resident Director for Brethren Colleges Abroad in Germany and China, as Fulbright Program Adviser for Manchester College, and as Coordinator for the Ministry Training Institute of Manchester College and the Church of the Brethren in Indiana. His publications and presentations include “The Church of the Brethren and Liberation Theology,” “The War in Iraq: Theological Reflections,” and “Engaging Students of Church History Through Interviews of Retired Church Leaders.”

Malinda Berry will join the Bethany faculty in the 2009/2010 academic year as an instructor in Theological Studies and Director of the M.A. program. Ms. Berry is a Ph.D. candidate at Union Theological Seminary in New York, and is currently Visiting Scholar in Religion & Women’s Studies at Goshen College, Goshen, Ind. She is a graduate of Goshen College and holds an M.A. degree in Peace Studies from Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary, Elkhart, Ind.

Ms. Berry also served as Interim Minister at the Manhattan Mennonite Fellowship in New York City, and as Associate Director of Mennonite Voluntary Service. Her publications and presentations include “Women and Missio Dei,” “A Theology of Wonder,” and “Reading with Daughters of Sarah & Hagar: Authority, Scripture and the Christian Life.”

Richard B. Gardner will serve as Interim Academic Dean during the 2008-2009 school year. Dr. Gardner is Emeritus Professor of New Testament Studies and served as the Seminary’s Academic Dean from 1992-2003. He is a graduate of Juniata College, Huntingdon, Penn., and holds a M.Div. degree from Bethany and a D. Theol. degree from the University of Würzburg in Germany.

Dr. Gardner also served as parish ministries staff for the Church of the Brethren General Board. His publications and presentations include Matthew in the Believers Church Bible Commentary Series, “Vocation and Story: Biblical Reflections on Vocation,” and “No Creed But the New Testament.”

“I am delighted that each of these persons has accepted the call to join the Bethany Seminary faculty,” said President Ruthann Knechel Johansen. “In addition to their strong academic backgrounds, each brings a deep faith commitment to Jesus Christ and the Anabaptist-Pietist tradition, to discerning the mind of Christ through careful study of scripture, history, and theology in community, and to practicing Christ’s Way of love in a blessed but fractured world. With their variety of gifts and experiences, these people will enrich Bethany’s educational vision and mission of empowering Christian discipleship for the 21st century.”


June 19-21, 2009 are the dates for the second National Junior High Conference of the Church of the Brethren.

The 2009 Conference will be at James Madison University in Harrisonburg , VA , just off Interstate 81. A maximum of 1,300 junior high youth and their advisors will be able to attend because of limited seats in the auditorium. Start making plans now for this special event!

Youth in sixth, seventh and eighth grades, along with their adult advisors, can register in January 2009. A website with limited information has begun at More information will appear as the Planning Committee makes decisions. Keep checking the website for additional details.

The first National Junior High Conference took place in June 2007 at Elizabethtown College with space for only 800 participants. Registration for that event were closed two months before the conference because all of the spaces were filled. We look forward to another terrific event!

Chris Douglas, Director of Youth/Young Adult Ministry
Bekah Houff, Coordinator of 2009 Junior High Conference

Pinecrest Community Center

Building Blocks for Building Community in the Rock River Valley

June 5th - 13th, 2008
Daily tours * Live Theater * Refreshments
Entertainment * Arts & Crafts Demonstrations * Health & Wellness Advice
‘Spirit of Compassion’ Sculpture Unveiled * Vendor Shows

Call 815-734-4103 for more information.

Pinecrest Community's 16,000 sq.ft. Community Center is complete:
  • Domed 180 seat capacity auditorium
  • Coffee shop/deli open for business!
  • Wellness Center to help you feel great!
  • omputer Lab to learn
  • Meeting Rooms for celebrations/club gatherings, etc.
June 5-7
* 7:30 pm nightly
June 7
* 2:00 pm Matinee
June 8
* 12:30 pm Good Samaritan Banquet with Matinee at 2:00 pm.
Call 815-734-4103, ext. 273 for reservations.
Live Theater with Mt. Morris' Performing Arts Guild presenting Robert Folghum's All I Really Need to Know I Learned in Kindergarten.

June 9
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Senior Services Day with representation from financial institutions, home health care, hospice, and more.

June 10
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Wellness Day with exercise demonstrations, along with health talks, rehabilitation representatives answering questions, and more.

June 11
10:00 am - 3:00 pm
Activity Day with basket weaving, knitting, and other crafts demonstrated.

June 12
10:00 am & 2:00 pm
Church of the Brethren Day with special guest and Church of the Brethren Historian, Nevin Dulabaum giving a
PowerPoint presentation on the 300 year history of the Church of the Brethren.

June 13
3:00 pm
Unveiling of the Good Samaritan sculpture by renowned artist Jeff Adams.

Pinecrest Community Center is located at 500 Evergreen Lane, off McKendrie Avenue south of Rt 64 in Mt. Morris, Illinois. For directions, please call 815-734-4103 or visit our website at Once you get to Mt. Morris, look for signs to our Building Blocks/Building Community Party.


The Brethren Bible Institute, sponsored by the Brethren Revival Fellowship, is being held on the campus of Elizabethtown College in Pennsylvania, July 21-25, 2008. Brochures with registration information are available from the district office upon request or by contacting the Brethren Bible Institute at 155 Denver Road, Denver, PA 17517.


A new biography, Alexander Mack: A Man Who Rippled the Waters, written by Myrna Grove and illustrated by Mary Jewell, will arrive in time to celebrate our church’s 300th anniversary. Well-researched and beautifully illustrated, the first edition will make its debut in mid-May 2008. Written especially for children from 8 to 12, this beautiful and informative book will become a treasured resource for all ages. Alexander Mack, the first minister and organizer of the Brethren Church movement in the 18th century, took many risks for his faith. He was a humble and capable man who inspired spiritual commitment during an unsettling time in Germany.

Alexander Mack: A Man Who Rippled the Waters covers Mack’s early education and work at his father’s mill in Schriesheim. Dissatisfied with the established church, Mack is threatened by officials and flees to the safe haven of Schwarzenau. After the forbidden baptisms in the Eder River, Mack organizes the small group's evangelistic activities and writes about their beliefs. Sharing his personal funds with those less fortunate than he, Mack devotes his life to preaching and caring for the German Baptists as they endure hardships in Germany and Holland and, later, when they sail for America.

The 64-page hardcover book is enhanced with 50 carefully researched oil paintings which portray the time period of Mack’s life. Readers follow the journey of the Brethren from Germany to the peat bogs of Holland and, finally, to America. Myrna Grove recounts Mack’s biography with grace, conviction, and accuracy. Special features include a timeline of Mack’s life, an 18th century German map, and a bibliography of suggested readings for adults.

Information about ordering Alexander Mack: A Man Who Rippled the Waters, priced at $22, can be found at The book will also be available at


  • Brethren Benefit Trust (BBT) has announced the opening of the position of director of Credit Union Operations. Applicants should have a minimum of five years of experience in credit union or banking management and/or corporate financial management, and have a CPA Certificate or strong financial background. The portfolio will include supervision, operational management, loans, deposits, asset management, operation management, compliance reporting, new products development, marketing, financial and Board reporting. This position will be located in Elgin, Ill. By June 27, applicants should submit a letter of interest, resume, and three references to Donna March via e-mail at or by fax or mail to Donna March, Director of Office Operations, Church of the Brethren Benefit Trust, 1505 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120; fax 847-742-6336.

  • Bethany Theological Seminary has announced an opening for the fulltime position of director of admissions, with a starting date in September. This is an opportunity for a creative professional to serve the church, helping to identify and encourage leaders to develop their gifts through graduate theological education. The director of admissions will be responsible for a wide range of student recruitment activities, including taking the lead to implement a recruitment plan, working as a team member in recruitment activities, representing the seminary at off-campus events, developing relationships with prospective students, and conducting interviews. The work will include significant travel to visit students, attend camps and conferences, etc. Applicants should hold a bachelor's degree; a seminary degree is preferred. Familiarity with and an understanding of the Church of the Brethren is required. Two to five years of professional experience in a field working with people is valuable. Applicants should demonstrate strong oral and written communication skills, listening skills, organizational skills, ability to help individuals discern vocational calling, and eagerness to work as part of a team. Experience in communications technology and multicultural recruitment is a plus. Submit a letter of application and resume to the Executive Director of Student and Business Services, Bethany Theological Seminary, 615 National Rd. W., Richmond, IN 47374. Application review will begin on June 6. Applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Bethany Theological Seminary is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from those who can further enhance the breadth and diversity of educational community.

  • Online registration will be available through May 30 for the 2008 Annual Conference in Richmond, Va., which will be held from July 12-16. After May 30, those who want to attend the Conference will need to register onsite in Richmond for an increased fee. Go to the Annual Conference website at to register.

  • The airport bus shuttle has been canceled for Annual Conference in Richmond. Due to insufficient demand for bus shuttle service between the airport and hotels in Richmond, airport shuttle service has been canceled, reported the Annual Conference Office. The bus company will contact those who signed up for the service and suggest alternate transportation. This cancellation only applies to airport service and all hotel bus shuttles will be fully operational and complimentary.

  • Neighborhood Church of the Brethren in Montgomery, Ill., will celebrate its 50 years in Boulder Hill with a Homecoming Celebration on Oct. 11-12. Go to the website at for more information.

  • Shannon McNeil will begin a one-year internship at the Brethren Historical Library and Archives on June 2. In May, McNeil graduated from Bridgewater (Va.) College with a degree in international studies. Her home is in Dunlap, Ill. As the official repository of the Church of the Brethren, the archives collects, preserves, and organizes Brethren materials and is located at the church's General Offices in Elgin, Ill.

  • First Church of the Brethren of Peoria celebrates their 60th anniversary with a Pot Luck and program Saturday, June 7th in the fellowship hall. Peoria was a church planted by denomination in 1948 with assistance of the Oak Grove Congregation. All are invited to attend.

  • Decatur Church of the Brethren celebrates their 100th anniversary October 18th and 19th. Watch for additional information in future newsletters.


Following is a list of what we need for a special Illinois/Wisconsin 300th Anniversary Artifacts Display at Annual Conference:
  • DISPLAY CASE (enclosed, lockable) one or two depending upon size
  • MANIKINS to display historic clothing
  • EASELS on which to display posters/articles, pictures, etc. (either tall standing or on table)
  • PEOPLE....(Real, live people)
    • to help us prepare graphics, posters or articles for posting
    • to help staff our booth and Annual Conference
Duly Dulabaum 847-888-4153
Martin or Patty Stauffer 815-946-3981
Lois Snyder 773-493-2201


July 12-16
Richmond, Virginia

Coordinators of the 2008 Annual Conference program activities are appealing for volunteer assistants. From the list below, you can find many opportunities to lend a hand for an extensive amount of time or for shorter periods of time. Please indicate on the form below where you can serve. Send the form to:
Attn: Dana Weaver
Annual Conference Office
500 Main Street
New Windsor, MD 21776
or email
I will send the completed form to the proper program coordinator and that coordinator will be in touch with you as the work schedule is developed.

Information Serving Friday noon through Wednesday noon on a scheduled basis
Early Childhood Services Serving Saturday evening through Wednesday noon
Children's Activities Serving Sunday through Wednesday morning
Junior High Activities Serving Saturday evening through Wednesday noon
Senior High Activities Serving Saturday evening through Wednesday noon (adult volunteers only)
Registration Friday afternoon through Tuesday noon (computer experience necessary)
Ushers Serving during worship and business sessions (Saturday through Wednesday)
Tellers For business sessions
Ticket Sales – Serving Friday noon through Tuesday on a scheduled basis
First Aid Nurses (to be scheduled for Friday through Wednesday)
Loading/Unloading Crew - (Friday 7:30 am and Wednesday 12:00-5:00pm)
- - - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

I am volunteering my help with Conference tasks in the area(s) indicated below.

I plan to arrive at Conference on ____________.

Program area(s)

Would prefer to work these dates: _______________________________________

Name _______________________________________

Address _______________________________________

Phone _______________________________________

email: _______________________________________

Bethany Theological Seminary

Announcement of Opening

Bethany Theological Seminary announces an opening for the full-time position of Director of Admissions with a starting date in September of 2008. This is an opportunity for a creative professional to serve the church, helping to identify and encourage leaders to develop their gifts through graduate theological education. The Director of Admissions will be responsible for a wide range of student recruitment activities, including taking the lead to implement a recruitment plan, working as a team member in recruitment activities, representing the seminary at off-campus events, developing relationships with prospective students and conducting interviews. The work week will include significant travel to visit students, attend camps and conferences, etc.

Applicants should hold a bachelor’s degree; seminary degree is preferred. Familiarity with and an understanding of the Church of the Brethren is required. Two to five years professional experience in a field working with people is valuable. Applicants should demonstrate strong oral and written communication skills, listening skills, organizational skills, the ability to help individuals discern their vocational calling and the eagerness to work as part of a team. Experience in communications technology and multicultural recruitment is a plus.

Interested individuals are invited to submit a Letter of application and resume to:
Executive Director of Student and Business Services
Bethany Theological Seminary
615 National Road West
Richmond, IN 47374
Application review will begin on June 6, 2008. Applications will continue to be accepted until the position is filled. Bethany Theological Seminary is an equal opportunity employer and encourages applications from those who can further enhance the breadth and diversity of educational community.

Bethany Theological Seminary as a graduate school and academy seeks to prepare people for Christian ministry and to educate those called to be witnesses to the Gospel of Jesus Christ in the cities and communities of the world.

2008 District Calendar

7 District Leadership Team, West Branch
14 District Deacons, Peoria
15 Father's Day
23 Pleasant Hill Village Board Meeting
23-26 TRIM/EFSM Orientation, Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond, IN
4 Independence Day
10 - 12 Council of Dist. Executive's Summer meeting, Richmond, VA
12 - 16 Annual Conference, Richmond, VA
26 District Leadership Team, Springfield
28 Pleasant Hill Village Board Meeting
2 District Program and Arrangements Committee, Peoria
3 300th Anniversary Celebration Sunday
3 300th Anniversay Celebration in Schwarzenau, Germany
11 - 15 National Young Adult Conference, Estes Park, CO
1 Labor Day
1 -5 National Older Adult Conference, Lake Junaluska, NC
6 District Leadership Team, Neighborhood
14 Bethany Sunday
OctoberDisabilities Awareness and Domestic Violence Awareness Month
5 World Communion Sunday
12 World Mission Offering Emphasis
13 Columbus Day
16 World Food Day
16 National Boss Day
16 - 24 Peace With Justice Week
18 - 20 General Board Meetings, Elgin
18 District Leadership Team, Yellow Creek
19 National Children's Sabbath
26 - 28 Midwest District Executives' Fall Retreat, Dayton OH
1All Saint's Day
2National Junior High Sunday
2Daylight Saving Time Ends
4 Election Day
7 - 9 District Conference, Peoria COB
9 Stewardship Sunday
11 Veterans Day
16 Bible Sunday
16 National Donor Sabbath
27 Thanksgiving
30 First Sunday in Advent