Thursday, January 01, 2009

Pray with Benjamin & Dawn Amankwaa

“We ask that you continue to pray for Dawn and the unborn baby's healthy and for a safe delivery. We also ask prayer for my immigrant visa to be completed in time for me to be in the US before the baby is born.” (Benjamin’s paperwork has made its way to California which pretty much guarantee’s he will be here by March but the baby is due in February.)

“Again, I am establishing an Internet Classroom here in Ghana for Apostolic Faith Online Bible College, USA. They've sent computers to me here to train people who otherwise couldn't undertake any academic work to get ready for the work of the great commission. Please pray for success and for the people truly called into the field to enroll so as to empower them to ready the bride of Christ. It's a tuition-free school. Also, pray for more computers to be donated for the program.”

God bless!

Source: Great Harvest Church Planting Newsletter - January 2009