Thursday, January 01, 2009

Sarpiya’s Preparing to Plant in Rockford

Samuel and Gretchen Sarpiya ask that you continue to keep their family in your prayers as they prepare for their move to Rockford from Kona, Hawaii the end of the month. Pray that the finances for the travel expenses and housing will be in place in plenty of time. Please pray for the right housing near Conklin Elementary School. This school has great ethnic diversity and living in this area will be very advantageous to the ministry they will be starting.

The Sarpiya’s will be arriving with only their personal belongings because it would be far too expensive to bring their furnishing from Hawaii. They will need furniture and other items to set up their household as well as reliable transportation. Please pray that these things will be made available for them. You may be able to partner with the Sarpiya’s by providing some of these basic needs. As a 501c3 New Church Development is able to receive charitable donations of assets and will provide you with the necessary receipting so that you can take advantage of the deduction on your tax return.

Please keep Rockford 1st Church of the Brethren in your prayers as they work with the Sarpiya’s to provide encouragement to this new work.

Source: Great Harvest Church Planting Newsletter - January 2009