Thursday, January 01, 2009

Your Partnership bridges the gap, bringing ministers of the Gospel to those in need of the Gospel

In a perfect world, resources and needs would be equally matched. But we live in a fallen world and look to our Lord for principles of the stewardship of our resources. The Lord provides resources for the building of His Kingdom through His people. We are called to be faithful in using daily, for the advancement of the Kingdom, that with which He has blessed us. The reason some are blessed with abundance is so they can provide for those who have needs. The human way is to focus on the most visible people, and for greater credit to go to them. The biblical way is that everyone is of crucial importance in the Lord’s work. The sender is just as crucial, just as spiritually gifted, just as called by the Spirit, as the one who goes. Romans 10 – How will they hear without a preacher? How will they preach – unless they are sent?

Source: Great Harvest Church Planting Newsletter - January 2009