Wednesday, July 01, 2009


Women's camp was held at Camp Emmanuel. Close your eyes and think about camp, see happy faces, hear women's laughter and singing, taste delicious food, smell the wood smoke, feel the warmth and camaraderie and know that God was with us all at Camp Emmanuel June 5-7th 2009.

Flip Flop camp started Friday evening with everyone introducing themselves backward and forward. Some of the ladies wore outlandish backward outfits. It was a fun opening and the fun continued with a humorous DVD by Anita Renfroe. We laughed until we cried.

We dove into bible study several times throughout the weekend. With the main focus being: To realize we cannot go forward in our lives by going backwards, but to go forward with God we have to listen, pay attention and obey. The bible studies were intense and thought provoking.

Even with all the bible studies and fun we made some pillowcases for the ConKerr Cancer - A Case for Smiles project. We made 28 pillowcases in all. Our pillowcases will go to St. John's Children's Hospital in Springfield.

Saturday evening's Flip Flop beach event showed off everyone's new summer flip flops. We laughed and cried and even moved mountains! On Sunday we finished camp with a heartfelt praise and worship service to carry us forward with God.