Sunday, February 01, 2009

The Reflector -- February 2009 -- Vol 6 Issue 2


By Kevin Kessler, District Executive

(Read I Corinthians 12)

We are familiar enough with I Corinthians 12 to understand the metaphor it provides for the church. But do we take this metaphor seriously?

Do we understand that as a congregation of the Church of the Brethren that our activity and influence, or lack thereof, affects the entire district, the entire denomination, and the entire church?

Do we understand that our activity and influence, or lack thereof, as a committee or team within a congregation or within the district has impact upon the whole? Or have we become ingrained with the assumption that who we are and what we do has impact only on the immediate context in which we function and move and participate?

I’m confident wisdom is on our side when responding to these questions. We are well aware that our activity or inactivity has consequences that reach beyond our own little slice of the world when we maintain connection with the metaphor of I Corinthians 12.

However, a gentle reminder occasionally helps us to stay focused on the bigger picture. For instance, the work of the District Leadership Team impacts every district team, every district congregation, and can even have influence upon the work and ministry of other districts. Every ministry and ad-hoc team in the district makes a difference in the work of the Leadership Team and the work of every other team. Every congregation in this district has the power to bring about change in congregations in other districts. And so on and so on.

I’ve shared nothing new so far. I hope, though, that we’re reminded and inspired to take more seriously the need for and the benefits of collaboration. Understanding our individual roles as making a collective difference hopefully entices us to be engaged and involved. The body functioning is the body alive. The body functioning is the body that is toned and fit and strong, ready to meet the demands placed upon it as well as to ward off the dis-ease that threatens it.

Together, not separately, we make a difference. Therefore, I hope we keep in mind that whatever we do affects the whole body. And a body, healthy and functioning well as a whole, will ultimately have a positive impact on the world in which it exists. Seems to me this is the plan God has for the body called the church, and specifically the part of the body called the Church of the Brethren.


May 23-25, 2009 (Memorial Day weekend) at Camp Swatara (north of Harrisburg, PA)
Featuring: Greg Laszakovits, Dana Cassell, and Katie O’Donnell
Cost: $90 prior to April 15
Theme: “The Journey of Discipleship”
For registration information contact: Youth & Young Adult Ministry office at 800-323-8039, x 297, or


By Gil Crosby, Moderator – Illinois-Wisconsin District

“Satan uses our words to divide us.”

Right after Christmas I held my three week old Grandson in my arms for the first time. What a moment of awe and joy. Someone famous once said , “There is nothing so satisfying as holding a sleeping baby in your arms.” He arrived early just a little over five pounds in weight but his little human features were perfect miniatures of God’s image. I can honestly say his little body didn’t touch the crib as long as a Grandma or Grandpa was in the house.

A lady in our Church once asked why God sent Jesus to us as a baby and not some other age. That got me to thinking about all kinds of possibilities. If He had arrived as a teenager, obviously knowing everything, He could have ended up challenging everybody and arguing about how to live his life People would have dismissed him as a poor, misguided youth trying to find himself.

Suppose Jesus would have been put on earth as a full grown man, full of wisdom and knowledge. He could have gone immediately to the temple and debated with the scholars of the day refuting all their traditions and rules. They would bounce out the front door as a know-9t-all nut case or thrown him in the pokey until he saw things their way.

But every body loves a baby. We stare at them in amazement and wonder and make funny noises and faces. They are so helpless and depend on us for their every need. Babies instinctively trust whoever holds them and know that they will be fed and cared for. Jesus said we must be born again and come to the Father as children.

I don’t think when Jesus said we should become as children that he meant that we should have temper tantrums when we don’t get our own way, or sit and pout when someone disagrees with us. Then there is the child who gets mad because you won't play by his rules and takes his stuff and goes home.

As God’s children we should be little sponges soaking up His knowledge and love. Then we should return that love to those around us, showing others how Brethren Christians display their love for Jesus. Sometimes we as children of God forget what Jesus said in Luke 6:31 “Do unto others as we would have them do to us.” We have to learn to play well with others.


As you know, language is important and many people are sensitive to the subtle messages sent, often unintended.

The Denominational Disabilities Ministry Group asks that the growing concern of the use of the words "Stand if you are able" in our worship services be reconsidered. We all know that this language was adopted to recognize that some elderly and disabled are not able to stand, and our former pattern was to just ask people to "stand." In consultation with other denominations, the new recommended language is "Rise in body and in spirit" or a version like that. This language focuses on the lifting up of our spirits as the primary task, and our ability to stand as secondary.


The Northern Plains and Illinois/Wisconsin Districts have combined efforts to provide a Matthew 18 Training for Trainers Workshop to be be held at the First Church of the Brethren, Peoria, IL, on March 20-21, 2009. Rick Polhamus of the Ministry of Reconciliation (MoR) arm of On Earth Peace (OEP) will lead the training which begins on Friday evening and continue through Saturday afternoon. MoR provides this training without charge. Meals are provided and details for lodging are still being worked on. Please contact Kevin Kessler, District Executive at 309-649-6008 or by email ( for additional information.


Plans are in progress for a Jr. High Spring Retreat to be held at Camp Emmaus, April 24-25, 2009. More information will be coming as plans materialize.

Lisa Fike, District Jr. High Advisor, announces that only one (1) inquiry has been made concerning a district bus to go to the National Jr. High Conference, June 19-21, 2009, at Harrisonburg, VA. Please contact Lisa immediately if Jr. High youth and advisors from your congregation are interested in bus transportation to the conference. Arrangements for a bus need to be made before February 28. You may contact Lisa at ((815) 232-1938 (Freeport COB) or by email at


Johnson County, Indiana Flood Recovery
The project house now has bunk beds - no more cots - thanks to both Franklin College and Camp Alexander Mack. The downstairs bedroom is set up for women and has four bunks. Upstairs, the two bedrooms each have three bunks, and the upstairs "landing" area has a bunk and three single beds. In addition, two rooms with double beds have been set up for project leadership. Project Director Steve Keim says, "Things are surprisingly roomy for so many beds, and there is closet space as well as room for luggage. Our bottleneck will be in the bathrooms, but if everyone cooperates I think we can make it." It's necessary to be frugal with water to avoid overloading the septic system. As far as jobs, there is enough work to keep people busy. Currently, this is mostly inside.
Chalmette, Louisiana Katrina Recovery
We're still chipping away at the devastation caused by this mega-disaster 3 1/2 years ago. Our BVS'er, Don Knieriem has been assigned to this project as an assistant to the project leaders.
Rushford, Minnesota
The final house is almost complete! A group of brave souls from Mid-Atlantic District has just returned from a week of volunteering there. They report that there is about a week's worth of work for a skilled crew of 4 or 5 persons. Housing is in Winona, and volunteers need to take their own tools.


Those who attended District Conference at Peoria in November were invited to sign the District Anniversary Signature Quilt. This quilt travels around the district so that everyone can have an opportunity to sign it. It is not a big quilt so we ask that you sign only once. If you signed it at District Conference please do not sign again.

The quilt now resides in the northwestern region and will be going to the southern area next. When the quilt arrives at your church it is imperative that you keep it for one Sunday only so it can get to all churches before next year's District Conference. If members of your church are absent on your Sunday feel free to sign for them.

Lisa Fike made the quilt for the district 300th anniversary committee. Our hope is the quilt will be auctioned at District Conference 2009 with the proceeds going to the District.


The District Office has four (4) copies of a Minister’s Guide for 2008 Income Tax. This is a helpful tool for ministers who have questions or concerns about preparation of income tax forms. Please contact the District Office to borrow a copy of the guide, or ask district staff to research the guide for responses to your inquiries.


Please remember that 2010 is the year for the every Five-year Ordination Review for the entire Church of the Brethren. All ordained persons should be tracking their Continuing Education Credits (CEUs) to ensure that Church of the Brethren Guidelines for continuing education are being met. It is the responsibility of active, ordained persons to secure, verify, and document CEU certificates. Copies of certificates and any related documentation should be sent to the district office for inclusion in personal files. If you need a refresher on the Annual Conference Continuing Education Guidelines, a copy can be viewed or downloaded at:

National Jr. High Conference

“Transformed: Inside Out”
June 19-21, 2009
at James Madison University
Harrisonburg, VA
Featuring Ted Swartz and Ken Medema
For registration information contact:
Rebekah Houff at 800-323-8039 Ext. 281


National Jr. High conference is being planned for June 19 - 21 in Harrisonburg, VA. We invite Jr. High age students, those that have completed 6, 7, or 8 grade, to participate in this action packed weekend. Check with your youth advisor or pastor for more information. You can register on line at The cost for the conference is $125.00 per participant. Our district Jr. High advisors, Brian Archerand and Lisa Fike, are working to provide a district bus for the trip.

Please contact Lisa or Brian if you have youth that would like to ride the bus. We'd love to fill a bus from our district. The conference two years ago was fantastic. Brian's Email address and Lisa's


National Youth Conference’s (NYC) 2010 theme: “More Than Meets the Eye,” was drawn from 2 Cor. 4:6-10 and 16-18 (The Message). The National Youth Cabinet created the theme and some other aspects of the conference when they met Jan. 2-5 in Elgin, Ill. In a statement on the theme, NYC co-coordinators Audrey Hollenberg, Emily LaPrade, and Matt Witkovsky said the scripture passage “reminds us that God does great things through each person. . . . Even though we may seem like simple jars of clay, with God’s light we are more than meets the eye.”

The cabinet discussed worship speakers and music leaders, who will be finalized in the coming months, along with broader goals, the schedule, and promotion ideas. Details will be posted as they become available at the new NYC website: NYC 2010, for senior high youth and advisors, will take place July 17-22, 2010, at Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colo.

Members of the cabinet meeting in mid-August in Colorado, are Sam Cupp, Jamie Frye, Tyler Goss, Kay Guyer, Kelsey Murray, and Ryan Roebuck, along with adult advisors Christy Waltersdorff and Walt Wiltschek, Church of the Brethren Youth/Young Adult Ministry director Chris Douglas, and the NYC co-coordinators

Praise Report

The Sarpiya family arrived safely in Illinois on January 31st and moved into their apartment on Paradise Boulevard in Rockford. Many thanks, to all of you who contributed time, food, and household items to help in their transition. It has been amazing to watch and see how God provided to make their new apartment a home in such a short period of time. Thank you for all of your prayers. We invite you to continue to keep the Sarpiya’s in your prayers as they begin their new life and ministry in Rockford. Here are their prayer requests:
  1. Thanking God for provision and safe
  2. Pray for adjustment to life in Illinois
  3. Pray for open doors for ministry
  4. Pray for provision for a van
  5. Pray for Anna integration into school we hope that she can start next week
  6. Pray Pray
Samuel & Gretchen Sarpiya

Source: Great Harvest Church Planting Newsletter - February 2009

Continue in Prayer for Herman and Betty Ware

Chicago Westside Plant
  • Pray for focus and direction as they seek to meet the needs of individuals in the Douglas Park community.
  • Pray for the provision of salary support for the Ware’s
  • Pray for doors to be opened for the gospel to be shared.
  • Pray that their van is restored to reliable operation.
Source: Great Harvest Church Planting Newsletter - February 2009

Ministry Teams 2009

(Appointed by LT )
Ethics Team (Liaison 2009 Gil Crosby) Ethics Team - 3-year term, 2 term tenure
Ellis Boughton Yellow Creek
Bob Weller Virden
Christy Waltersdorff York Center
Chr. Joel Kline Elgin
Jo Ann Kreider Peoria
Ministerial Leadership Development Team (Liaison 2009 Fletcher Farrar) MLDT - 5-year term, 1 term tenure
Chr. Kathleen Brinkmeier Rockford
Neil Brinkmeier Franklin Grove
Vicki Matheny Peoria
John Sgro Lanark
Phyllis Batterton Woodland
(Appointed by LT) No term limit, no tenure or as organized.
The Youth Cabinet has their own By-Laws
Disaster Response Team (Liaison 2009 Jim Lehman)
Chr. Carolyn Sweeney Dixon
Marian Patterson Milledgeville
Paul & Kathy Skoog Milledgeville
Don Hart Cherry Grove
Mike Siburt Decatur
Sam Brandenburg Milmine
District Deacons (Liaison 2009Anna Lee Hisey-Pierson) (3 year term-2 term tenure)
Kathy Gingrich Naperville
Chr. Allegra Hess York Center
Dennis Webb Naperville
Anna Lee Hisey-Pierson Neighborhood
Jim Dunn Hurricane Creek
Clareen Dunn Hurricane Creek
Leon J. Swigart 527 N. 2nd Street, Girard, Il 62640-1219 Virden
Peace Team (Liaison 2009 Bob Champlin) (3 year term - 2 term tenure)
Becca Lipscomb Springfield
Martha Harr Canton
Carol Novak Franklin Grove
Daniel Radcliff New Beginnings
Duane Ediger Chicago First
Kari Lego Lanark
Youth Cabinet (Liaison 2009 Vernon Dean)

District Calendar

Feb. 14   Valentine’s Day
Feb. 20-Mar 5  Emily Cleer on vacation
Feb. 21 New Church Development Team meeting, Champaign
Feb. 22   District Deacons meeting, Peoria, 3:30pm
Feb. 25   Ash Wednesday
Mar. 7 Leadership Team meeting, Dixon COB
Mar. 8   Daylight Saving Time Begins
Mar. 13-16   Church of the Brethren, Inc. meetings, Elgin
Mar. 17   St. Patrick’s Day
Mar. 20-21 Matthew 18 Training for Trainers workshop
Mar. 28 New Church Development Team meeting, Elgin
Mar. 29-Apr. 1  Midwest DE’s gathering, Camp Mack, Milford, IN
Apr. 4   Program and Arrangements Committee meeting, Naperville, 10am
Apr. 4   Gifts Discernment and Call Committee meeting, Naperville, 1pm
Apr. 5   Palm Sunday
Apr. 10   Good Friday
Apr. 12   Easter
Apr. 26-29   Council of District Executives Professional Growth Event, Kansas City, KS
May 3   District Deacons meeting, Peoria, 3:30pm
May 10   Mother’s Day
May 21   Ascension Day
May 25   Memorial Day
May 31   Pentecost
Jun. 21   Father’s Day
Jun. 24   Council of District Executives Summer meeting, San Diego, CA
Jun. 26-30   Annual Conference, San Diego, CA
Jul. 4   Independence Day
Aug. 8   Program and Arrangements Committee meeting, Naperville, 10am
Aug. 8   Gifts Discernment and Call Committee meeting, Naperville, 1pm
Sep. 7   Labor Day
Oct. 3   District Deacons meeting, Peoria, 10am
Oct. 10   Program and Arrangements Committee meeting, Naperville, 10am
Oct. 10   Gifts Discernment and Call Committee meeting, Naperville, 1 pm
Oct. 12   Columbus Day
Oct. 25-27   Midwest DE’s gathering, Camp Mack, Milford, IN
Nov. 1   Daylight Saving Time Ends
Nov. 6-8   District Conference, Naperville
Nov. 11   Veteran’s Day
Dec. 24   Christmas Eve
Dec. 25   Christmas Day
Dec. 31   New Year’s Eve