Monday, February 01, 2010

Illinois/Wisconsin Spring District Youth Retreat

March 19-21, 2010
Springfield First Church of the Brethren
“Christ in the City”

Where: Springfield First Church of the Brethren, 2115 S. Yale Blvd., Springfield, Ill.

Who: All youth currently in 9th-12th grades, and advisors

Theme: “Christ in the City”

Leadership: Guest leaders will include Fletcher Farrar, who has been active in neighborhood redevelopment; Springfield pastor Kres Lipscomb, and others.

Schedule: Registration begins at 8 p.m. Friday evening; we'll finish after worship on Sunday morning. In addition to our sessions and a city walking tour, the weekend will include meals and snacks, times of worship, recreation and games, service opportunities, and more.

How much?: $30 for youth; advisors accompanying youth attend at no charge.

Please register by March 12. At least 12 registrations are needed by that date or the retreat will be cancelled. Forms and further information on the district youth program are available at

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Have you registered for National Youth Conference?

Registration is open at

The conference will be held July 17-22 in Fort Collins, Colorado!