Monday, March 01, 2010

DE Ponderings

by Kevin Kessler, District Executive

The Annual Conference of the Church of the Brethren produced a number of important papers and statements throughout its history. A visit to the following web address will allow you to view, and print, many of these documents:

In 1996, the Conference adopted a Statement of Ethics for Congregations in the Church of the Brethren. The 1994 Standing Committee called for the development of this paper based on a 1992 Annual Conference statement which stated, “that a congregational code of ethics and a system whereby congregations may be called into accountability for unethical behavior be developed. A study committee in 1994 brought a progress report to the 1995 Standing Committee and the subsequent paper to the delegates for approval in 1996.

The study committee entered their work well aware of several “givens”:
  • The paper would be a companion piece to the paper on ministry ethics.
  • Arbitrary requirements not biblically sound or outside the parameters of Brethren values should be guarded against.
  • Annual Conference statements, references, and sources would heavily influence the paper’s content.
  • The paper would not be a legal document but rather an affirmation of our call to remain obedient followers of Christ in our faith and discipleship.
  • The paper would speak to congregational actions, the collective body, rather than to individual ethics.
The committee’s work resulted in a paper that establishes an understanding of the nature of a congregation and ways in which congregations function relationally. Sections of the paper deal specifically with relationships to the Larger Church, to the Community, within the Congregation, and to Pastoral and Related Staff. Another section provides information regarding Sexual Improprieties.

Congregations are called to comply with the ethical guidelines in the paper. They are also encouraged to engage in a thorough self-assessment on a regular basis, using this paper as a guide. To assist in the self-assessment process, an Inventory of Ethics for Congregations was developed. The inventory provides an overview of how “the congregation functions as an ethical community.” The value of engaging in this process is not in “grading” how well a congregation is performing but rather the prayerful responses that come from it.

As District Executive, I am glad to assist congregations with the self-assessment process. As a congregation, if you are unable to download a copy of the Ethics for Congregations paper, the district office will provide it for you. The inventory is not included with the down-loadable document on the Annual Conference website. The district office is able to provide copies of this instrument as well.

The benefit of doing a self-assessment is the opportunity to grow stronger in all areas of relationship, build on strengths, and develop strategies for improving weaknesses. Increased vitality among congregations and within the district is sure to result.