Thursday, April 01, 2010

Springfied Church Member Attends Bethany Academy Course

Terry Link, TRIM student and member of the Springfield First Church of the Brethren, participated in a Brethren Academy On-site course, The Gospel of John, at Bethany Theological Seminary, January 11-15. 2010. Dan Ulrich, a professor at the Seminary, was the instructor for the course.

Ulrich states, “It was a joy to study the Gospel of John with a group of students who obviously love the Bible, love Christ, and are eager to understand both more fully. The heart of the course was to work together on researching several passages that could each be the basis for a sermon or Bible study. After reviewing our questions about the passage, students volunteered to do additional research and report back to the class. This was definitely an experience where we all taught one another.”

Upcoming Brethren Academy Level Courses:

*Rituals, Ordinances and Worship - Bethany Theological Seminary, Instructor Dawn Ottoni Wilhelm, May 10-14 (MS) Registration Deadline: April 9, 2010

*Church Planting - Bethany Theological Seminary, Instructor David Shumate, course to be held May 19-23 and includes attendance at the Church Planting Conf. (MS) Registration Deadline: April 9, 2010

Defining Set-Apart Ministry within the Bi-vocational Reality - online, Instructor Sandra Jenkins, June 9 – August 11, 2010 (no class sessions held June 30 – July 7) (MS) Registration Deadline: May 7, 2010

*The Theology of Advent and Christmas through Arts - online, Instructor Malinda Berry, Bethany faculty, October 25 – Dec. 17, 2010 (MS) (Thanksgiving Break Nov. 25-28) Registration Deadline: September 24

We are planning to offer a course taught by Ken Rogers of the Bethany faculty that be a study tour to Germany in May, 2011. Due to the nature of this course, planning and registration will be different than our other courses. This course will be in the area of church history (BT) and qualify as both a Bethany and intercultural experience for TRIM students. Should you be interested in the possibility of taking this course, be in touch with our Academy office so we may keep you up to date as details are arranged.

*Bethany Experience - **Brethren College Experience

Courses noted as “SVMC” need to be registered for through the Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center at, 717-361-1450
Courses are open to TRIM students, pastors (earn 2 CEUs) and all interested persons
TRIM designations: BT (Bible/Theology credit) MS (Ministry Skills credit)

While we continue to accept students beyond the deadline, on the advertised Registration Deadline date we determine whether we have enough students to offer the course.

Registration brochures for these and other training opportunities are available through the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership at their website: or by calling 1-800-287-8822, ext 1824.