Friday, October 01, 2010

Leadership Team Meets at Rock Community Church

The Illinois-Wisconsin District Leadership Team met at the Rock Community Church located near Fairfield in Southeastern Illinois. 12 members, Ex-officio members and NCDT members gathered around the table to continue working on their District Ministry.

Pastor Shannon Hinkle told us of the Ministry of Rock Community Church which emphasizes working with the young people and youth. Their evening programs draw 50 to 60 young people to their facility which was once a local grade school building. The congregation has transformed the building into a very pleasant place of Worship and Education. At the present time members are in the middle of a 40 day period of fasting and prayer.

DE Kevin Kessler led devotions emphasizing Luke 17 and the story of the healed lepers. Only one stopped to thank Jesus for the miracle. Kevin told of holding a door open for a delivery man at McDonalds and the man said thank you. Later another man, following the delivery man, was the recipient of the courtesy said thank you and replied, “And I wasn’t carrying anything” for you to be kind to me too. Jesus holds the door for us and all we have to do is walk through and say Thank You. Kevin ended by thanking all who helps him perform his Ministry as District Executive.

The Visioning Team shared the results of their last meeting with 5 areas where the District should work to move forward. The five points are: Unifying Leadership, Empowering Leaders, Multiplication of Churches, congregations and leaders, Generosity, and Inclusivity. Their work reflects scripture of John 15. The Team paused to pray for the work being done by the Visioning Team. The Team voted to support the Mission Statement and the 5 goals.

Kevin presented two reports for July and September. The Team expressed their appreciation for the amount of work Kevin does in the District as halftime DE and also fill the pulpit at the Canton Church. Our DE has a full calendar every week.

Pat Heid, District Treasurer, attended the meeting and presented the financial report to the Team. Chicago 1st repaid their loan early and we now have about $3,600 in the Mission and Mortar fund. She believes the Market will be positive in September making our investments to increase. Pat suggested that the money from the Frances Sanger Fund be invested at 33%bonds, 33% short term money market and 33% in long term funds. The LT agreed by voice vote. It was suggested that the LT form an Investment Team to advise the board on the best way to be good stewards of our funds.

Moderator, Orlando Redekopp, reported that the Program & Arrangements Committee recommended that the 2011 District be held at the Lake Williamson Christian Center near Carlinville. This is a self contained Christian resort with facilities including hotel like rooms, big conference areas and a wonderful cafeteria. One price would include lodging, meals and meeting facilities.

Ed Garrison of the Annual Conference Standing Committee reported that meetings have been scheduled for Special Response Listening Sessions on Human Sexuality. The meetings are at Rock Community Church, York Center, Peoria, Mt. Morris and Highland Ave and possibly one in Decatur.

The Douglas Park Steering Committee reported continuing work on the Ministries at that location with Pastor Ware and Pastor Petracek. A full report is available at the District Office. The Leadership Team voted to support the Steering Committee in its work and recommendations. Betty Ware has been acting as the property manager at Douglas Park and receives a small stipend for her work. She has requested to be considered property manager and increase her stipend to $400 a month. The LT voted to accept Mrs. Ware’s request.

After discussing appointments that need to be made the Leadership Team adjourned.