Tuesday, March 01, 2011

From the Moderator, Lisa Fike

Preparations for District Conference 2011 have been underway since the close of District Conference 2010 by the Program and Arrangements Committee. We know that conference is going to be a bit different than recent conferences but the opportunities are immense. The following gives you just a taste of what is being planned for us.

Lake Williamson

To begin with we will be meeting at Lake Williamson Conference Center. Lake Williamson is located 4 miles from Carlinville, IL. (A bit of history here: In 2009 Program and Arrangements was issued a challenge to investigate the possibilities of having District Conference at a place other than a church. Many of the churches in our district cannot accommodate the number of participants that we have or have membership that would be unable to host this event. Lake Williamson was one of the few places that the committee determined as a possible location for our conference)

Lake Williamson provides numerous opportunities for us to do the work of the district and fellowship as brothers and sisters in Christ. In addition to worship and business, recreational activities including; indoor swimming, volleyball, wally-ball, basketball, mini golf to name a few will be available. Lodging and meals will be included in registration fees. Lake Williamson has a website www.lakewilliamson.com.


This year in addition to the silent auction we will have a live auction which will include blanket-comforters from the churches, and some other large handmade items. Rick Koch; Dutchtown pastor and his wife Becky, will be in charge of the auctions and are available to answer your question. We are hoping that each church will provide at least one larger item and are looking for handmade items not flee market finds.

Please plan on attending this new, exciting and different District Conference at Lake Williamson.