Friday, April 01, 2011

Great Harvest Church Planting

IL/WI District Church of the Brethren

Unless the Lord builds the house, its builders labor in vain. Unless the Lord watches over the city, the watchmen stand guard in vain. Psalm 127:1,2

The church will never die. It is eternal. We, as part of the church must step forth and share the good news of what God has done for us with everyone and anyone who will listen. There is an urgency in this, for life here on earth is short. This is our commandment: to tell the world about the love of Jesus. Please join us in prayer for those of our district who are sharing in this work through the ministry of church planting.

Samuel Sarpiya
Pray for a move of God in the city of Rockford.
Pray for the new open discussion group, for young adults, that will be held at the YMCA Café.
Pray that the Bible study on spiritual gifts, pray that many gifts will be revealed.
Continue in prayer for the West Middle School after school program.
Pray for resources to continue the work being done in Rockford.

Frances Baxter
Pray for further development of the vision for Aurora during Frances trip to the area this month.
Pray for financial and ministry partners to join with Frances in the mission of planting in Aurora.
Pray for open doors to the connections needed in the Aurora community.
Thank the Lord in advance for the Illinois Teaching Certificate that she will seek to obtain during her visit.

Anibal Vega
Please pray for Anibal Vega as he seeks to understand God's will for him with regards to church planting.

O loving, sovereign God, whose reign extends around the globe, we rejoice in your greatness; we give thanks for your unending goodness. In all the corners of the earth you are faithfully building your church. We give thanks for the vast embrace of your love, for the multicolored church you are creating. Grant, O God, that we may truly be one church with one baptism, one hope, in one Lord Jesus Christ, to the end of the age, to the praise of God's glory. Amen.

Thank you for your prayers,

The Planters and Team of New Church Development