Monday, August 01, 2011

The Reflector -- August 2011 -- Vol 8 Issue 7

From the Moderator, Lisa Fike

Greetings from Camp Emmaus! As I am composing this letter I am directing Elementary 2 Camp. We have a great group of 9 and 10 year olds and a wonderful counseling and support staff. As I was preparing for the activities at camp I was reminded once again of God’s wonderful ways. When I saw that the theme for our final day at camp is “I am the true vine, my Father is the gardener. I am the vine and you are the branches when I am joined with me and I with you …” John 15:1, 5. Once again God put this scripture in front of me. One of our final activities with the campers will be to make a giant grape cluster using purple balloons and green chenille sticks to represent vines. Each of the participants will be invited to write on a balloon a way they are connected to Jesus....

(Later) After passing the challenge of blowing up balloons and tying them, the children had many great ideas on how they can connect with Jesus; their responses included praying, making Christian friends, go to Sunday school and camp, sing Christian Rap Music! And many, many more.

How do you stay connected to Jesus? As I told the campers at Camp Emmaus …When we are connected to Jesus, we can do amazing things in His name.

A Thank Your from Beth

I would like to say thank you for the beautiful plant, cards, notes and prayers that our family received after the death of our son, Caleb. There are no words to tell you how much they have meant to us; the comfort that we’ve felt as we read the cards and the sense of peace that was felt each time someone said ‘I’m praying for you’.

Beth Carpentier

Mt. Morris Volunteers

In the spring of 1989 Donna Elliot was contacted by Roger Ingold of Elgin to come to the General Offices to sort skids of books. She organized a group of persons from Mt. Morris to do this, traveling in Elliott’s van. The General Offices had other projects so the group continued to go to Elgin as volunteers. When Donna began teaching school in the fall of 1990 Dwight Butterbaugh took over organizing the group to work at Elgin. The group assembled the Church of the Brethren pamphlet “Source” which is sent monthly to denominational congregations.

In the spring of 1990 several car loads of volunteers went to Elgin eight or ten times to assemble the Vacation Bible School Kits. Some work was taken back to Mt. Morris to do at night. That project became too big for the volunteers but they continued to do the “Source”.

A “Thank You” luncheon was held at the Mt. Morris Church in the fall of 1991 for the volunteers. In 2000 Uldine Baker assumed the responsibility of organizing volunteers to work at Elgin. The group continues to drive from Mt. Morris to Elgin once a month. Donna Elliott has a list of all the volunteers who have worked on this project at the Mt. Morris Church.

Contributed by Howard Royer.

DE Thoughts by Kevin Kessler

Read Psalm 145:8-9, 14-21

The news in recent weeks has been, to say the least, a bit depressing, although not any more than usual. However, I’ve been more deeply affected by it for some reason. I find rather disturbing the acts of terrorism in Norway, starving children in African nations, and our U.S. political system having such a difficult time finding a way forward through the debt-ceiling, and all that goes with it, debate. Add to these things the stifling heat and drought, and associated difficulties, in this country, and the level of discomfort resulting from bad news increases. News from our own denomination, as well as from other faith communions, moves me into a state of yet deeper concern.

I consider these moments of deep concern like potholes in the road. When we travel over them occasionally we get jolted around a bit. We may even get bumped slightly off course wondering how to gain control and get back on track.

Having recently hit one of these potholes, I was comforted when I read through the verses in Psalm 145 listed above. Descriptive words for God evident in this text helped me to remember that when we hit the big bumps there is One who ultimately and unconditionally cares for us. Here is a list of descriptors from these verses that I found helpful. God is: gracious, merciful, slow to anger, abounding in steadfast love, good, compassionate, faithful, the One who upholds, the One who raises up, giver, satisfier, just, kind, near, listener, fulfiller, the One who saves, the One who watches over us.

God is not each of these descriptors one at a time but all of them wrapped into one all of the time. So when we become overwhelmed with what goes on around us, we have One whose totality encompasses us. Our problems and concerns are not laid to rest because of God’s omnipresence, but we are comforted because we are abundantly cared for in the midst of our depression, distress, and discomfort.

Because God’s abundance smoothes out the way for us, and we are made in God’s image, I’ve pondered that we, then, are capable of sharing abundantly, with the descriptors from Psalm 145, in the lives of others. In doing so, I envision the news we receive having a different effect than depressing us. Rather, it will enlighten us, encourage us, and empower us We’ll spend more time in thanksgiving and praise. I believe this is possible as we strive to reflect the image of God that we were created to be.

District Conf. Packets

District conference packets have been mailed to the Churches by the District Office. They include the registration forms and maps to Lake Williamson.

MESSENGER Seeks News Items

Interim editor for the Messenger, Randy Miller, would like news items from congregations and districts to print in the “In Touch” section of the Messenger. Miller looks through district websites and reads various congregational newsletters to find articles to print. However, it would make his work less time consuming if articles and pictures were sent to him specifically for this section of the magazine. Miller states that “Messenger is a great denominational ‘town square.’ The more information we can share with one another about what’s going on in our churches and districts, the better.”

News and photos can be sent to directly to Randy Miller at: Don't be shy about sharing the good news happening in your congregation with the rest of the denomination. Your news may be the spark that ignites the flame for something new to happen in a sister congregation a few miles down the road or somewhere across the country.

A Pastoral Letter from the Council of District Executives

Out of concern for the state of our denomination, we, the Council of District Executives, offer this pastoral letter to the Church and the gathered body at the 2011 Annual Conference.

We are acutely aware that we live in a time of great anxiety and apprehension, and we recognize that tension exists within the Church. We see this tension straining our bonds of affection, trust and cooperation. In the months preceding Annual Conference, some in our midst already were asking: "How will our denomination survive the internal and external pressures placed upon it?" We also recognize that differing points of view over Biblical interpretation and authority are causing deep pain with the denomination. We affirm our belief in the authority of Scripture as a guide for our living, while acknowledging that Brethren disagree on matters of interpretation.

We see our Church struggling to find that narrow way between several Scriptural mandates. Some in our body sincerely believe they are prophetically calling us to holiness, purity and righteousness and out of the immorality and sinfulness of the prevailing culture. Others sincerely believe they are prophetically calling our Church toward justice for the oppressed and excluded, and inclusion and welcome for those with a different point of view. Members of the body wrestle with discerning sins to be repented of or delivered from and what is to be celebrated as part of the diversity of God’s creation.

We have observed the impact that the district Standing Committee hearings have had on individuals and congregations. We have heard the cry of those who wish to keep the Church together while speaking truth in love to those who hold differing points of view. And we grieve over statements made out of deep convictions but phrased in ways that do not show the love of Christ.

We, the Council of District Executives, are unanimous in our desire to do all we can to keep the Church of the Brethren focused on our unity in our one faith in God revealed in Jesus Christ (Eph. 4:5).

Therefore, individually and as the Council of District Executives:
  • we covenant to do the hard work of discerning the times that call for forbearance and discerning the times that call for judgment (Acts 15).
  • we covenant to pray for God's direction and truth for the Church.
  • we covenant to gather in community around the Scripture, seeking the mind of Christ and the leading of the Holy Spirit.
We urge all members of the Church to join us as we seek God's direction and the mind of Christ. Further, we call our brothers and sisters to renew their baptismal and membership vows, to live and share in the bonds of Christian May we, by God's grace, put aside anxiety, seek Christ's peace, and walk together in faith, hope and love toward the future God has promised.

These Biblical references informed the writing of this letter Jeremiah 7, 1 John 4, Acts 15, 1 Corinthians 13, Ephesians 4, Psalms 46, Romans 8 and Micah 4, John 14:27

District Leadership Team Meets in Peoria

The Illinois-Wisconsin Leadership Team met at the Peoria Church on July 23rd. The Team Chairperson, Anna Lee Hisey-Pierson opened with a moment of silence and prayer. The DE, Kevin Kessler, reported on the Visioning Team by quoting the Gospel of John Chapter 15. “I am the vine, ye are the branches.” The Team has been working on a Vision and Mission Statement. Kevin also presented the District Executive’s Report to the team. We congratulated him on the birth of a new granddaughter.

A Constitutional amendment has been proposed for the inclusion of the New Church Development Team into the mission of the District. The Team will continue to exist as a parallel entity for continued support for the Rockford Church plant. The Leadership Team will take the responsibility of board members.

Jim Lehman presented the Financial Report as submitted by Pat Heid, our treasurer. The District at the present time is meeting expenses with the contributions coming in from District Churches, investments and individual contributions. The District works with a very modest budget. A new budget was presented and will be brought to the District Conference for approval.

The District Leadership Team presently acts as the Leadership Team for two congregations in the district, Batavia and Douglas Park. The Team discussed possibilities for continuing ministries at these facilities.

The Rockford Church was commended for the wonderful ceremony where they gifted their building to the Rockford Community Church pastored by Samuel Sarpiya.

The Polo Church and the Canton Church have established property covenants into their deeds. Several other Churches are working on placing these protective covenants into their deeds and constitutions.

The next meeting will be held at the Dixon Church of the Brethren on September 17th.

Pleasant Hill Village Annual Dinner

SAVE THE DATE: Saturday October 15th

Doors open at 5:00 pm for the annual dinner fundraiser for PLEASANT HILL VILLAGE. We again will meet in the Virden Knights of Columbus hall. We are looking for donations of hand-crafted items and pro-sport tickets for this year’s auction. More details to come next month. Until then, view the thrilling pictures of events taking place at The Home on our Facebook page.

Camp Emmaus Dinner & Dedication

Camp Emmaus will hold an Appreciation Dinner on September 3, 2011. The dinner begins at 5:30 PM. Following the dinner the New Swimming Pool will be dedicated. If you are attending please let Bill or Betty know by Aug. 27th by phoning 815-734-4027. Another successful camp season draws to a close. We really appreciate everyone’s help, gifts and prayers. Please join us to celebrate the completion of the swimming pool.

Camp Emmanuel Family Camp

September 2 – 5, 2011

Hello Camp Emmanuel Friends,

Labor Day Weekend, and Family Camp, will be here before we know it. Why not welcome fall with old friends and make some new ones at Camp Emmanuel Family Camp? This is how we wrap up summer and welcome the fall every year.

Please complete and return a registration form so the camp deans, managers, and cooks can better plan for the weekend. Additionally, register before August 19th and get a discount on the fees. See a schedule for the weekend so you will know what to expect.

If you have any questions call Mike or Ruth Siburt, camp managers, at 309-329-2291 or the Co-Deans.

Hope to see you at Camp Emmanuel over the Labor Day Weekend.

Ray and Kitty Knotts, Co-Deans (309-692-0846)
Andy and Teresa Fulk, Sarah and Debra, Co-Deans (217-763-6624)

Illinos/Wisconsin District Conference

HAPPY BIRTHDAY Oakley Brick and West Branch

CONGRATULATIONS and a big Happy Birthday as well, to two congregations within the IL/WI District. Unless you are a history buff you may not know that two of our congregations have reached a significant milestone this year. Oakley Brick (1856) is celebrating 155 years as a church, and West Branch (1846) is celebrating 165 years as a church. Here’s an idea – have your congregation send them a card to help celebrate! In the meantime read their histories in the books, “Church of the Brethren in Southern Illinois” and “Brethren in Northern Illinois and Wisconsin”. In their histories you will discover which one is the answer to a quiz question below.
  • At one time, this church was named Sangamon Valley, until they learned another held the same name.

  • After a summer Love Feast for Brethren living in the county was held in the barn of John Price, this church was organized.
Submitted by Terry Link, Chaplin at Pleasant Hill Village

District Congregations Respond to Call for Comforters

For the 2011 Annual Conference in Grand Rapids, Michigan, Moderator Robert Alley asked that each district bring a comforter. Initially, they were to be donated to Church World Service, but it was later determined that resources would be greater if they were auctioned and the money used to purchase blankets for donation. A total of $3240 was raised for this cause. Our District Leadership Team decided to invite congregations to make comforters and since only one went on to Annual Conference, the others will be auctioned off at District Conference this November. The following churches sent comforters: Freeport, Decatur, Franklin Grove, Mt. Morris, Cherry Grove, West Branch, Elgin Highland Avenue, Cerro Gordo, Allison Prairie, Woodland, and Dixon. All of the comforters were beautiful and well made. A committee from a neutral church selected the one from Franklin Grove (left middle with the gold cross in the picture) to represent the Illinois/Wisconsin District. All of the district comforters were displayed across the front of the stage at Annual Conference. Others will be available for bid in November. Thanks to all who participated for the wonderful display of workmanship and commitment to this project.

Submitted by Ed Garrison, Ill.-Wisc. Standing Committee Delegate.

Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leaqdership

Upcoming Academy Level Courses:
  • “Introduction to Old Testament” Online, Instructor: Craig Gandy, September 12 – November 5, 2011 (BT)

    Registration Deadline: August 12, 2011

  • “Jesus and the Law”, Online, Instructor: Susan Jeffers, September 19 – October 28, 2011 (BT) ^SVMC

    SVMC Registration Deadline: September 5, 2011

  • * **“Seeing Things Through John’s Eyes: A Study of Revelation”, McPherson College, McPherson KS Instructor: Rick Gardner, Bethany Emeritus Professor of New Testament Studies, September 22-25, 2011 (BT)

    Registration Deadline: August 22, 2011

  • “Now the Silence, Now the Songs: The Body of Christ at Worship”, Online, Instructor: Lee-Lani Wright, October 17 – December 16, 2011 (MS)

    Registration Deadline: September 16, 2011
2012 Courses:
  • *“The Historic Peace Churches Seeking Cultures of Peace”, Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond IN, Instructor: Scott Holland, Bethany Professor of Peace Studies and Cross-Cultural Studies, January 9-13, 2012 (BT or MS depending on focus of final project)

    Registration Deadline: December 9, 2011

  • “The Spiritual Life of the Congregation”, Online, Instructor: Rhonda Pittman Gingrich, Winter 2012 (MS)

  • “Matthew and the Brethren”, Online, Instructor: Susan Jeffers, February 12 – March 23, 2012 (BT) ^SVMC

    SVMC Registration Deadline: January 30, 2012

  • *“The Protestant National Church in Germany Today” a study travel experience to Marburg, Germany with Instructor: Kendall Rogers, Bethany Professor of Historical Studies, May 18-June 3, 2012. TRIM students will receive 2 units of credit in Bible and Theology (BT). EFSM students will receive credit for one learning experience. Both will meet their Bethany and Intercultural experience requirements. 4 CEUs will be awarded to ordained clergy. Please call the Brethren Academy Office to join the list of those who will be informed of details as they emerge.

    Registration deadline: December 1, 2011

  • “Defining Set-Apart Ministry within the Bi-vocational Reality” Online, Instructor: Sandra Jenkins, June 6 – August 14, 2012 (one week off for Annual Conference), 2012 (MS)

    Registration Deadline: May 4, 2012
Please note: While we continue to accept students beyond the Registration Deadline, on that date we determine whether we have enough students to offer a course. Many courses have required pre-course readings, so students need to be sure to allow enough time to complete those.

*Bethany Experience
**Brethren College Experience
Courses noted as ^SVMC need to be registered through the Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center at, or call 717-361-1450

Courses are open to TRIM students, pastors (earn 2 CEUs) and all interested persons. TRIM designations: BT (Bible/Theology credit) MS (Ministry Skills credit)

Registration brochures for these and other training opportunities are available through the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership at their website: or by calling 1-800-287-8822, ext 1824.

Pledge to Actual Comparison

Position Announcement

Programmer Analyst & Technology Support Specialist
This is a full-time salaried position based in Elgin, Ill., for a not-for-profit, faith-based organization that provides Pension, Insurance, and Foundation services for 6,000 individuals and client organizations nationwide. This position reports to the Director of Operations for Information Technology.

Church of the Brethren Benefit Trust is one of four official agencies of the Church of the Brethren, a Protestant denomination founded in 1708 that includes more than 122,000 members, 1,050 congregations, five colleges and one university, one seminary, and more than 20 affiliated retirement communities.
This person serves as the programmer analyst and provides technology support.
Scope of Duties
The primary responsibility is to develop and maintain a working knowledge of all IT systems; handle technology support requests from staff; write, analyze, review, and rewrite programs as well as maintain current computer programs; conduct trial runs; write documentation of programmed applications; provide backup for the Director of Operations for Information Technology, and complete other duties assigned by the Director.
The ideal candidate will possess a high level of technical proficiency, intense attention to detail, impeccable integrity, a collegial and engaging demeanor, and a strong faith commitment.

We are seeking candidates with an undergraduate degree in computer science or related fields/work experience. Requirements include strong verbal and written communications skills, the ability to work independently and to conceptualize and understand data with minimal direction, and proficiency in --
  • Microsoft Visual Studio (2008/10) – .net Framework, MS SQL, XML
  • or C#
  • Windows Forms Application and
In addition to required skills, preferred skills include Javascript, HTML, Sharepoint, SSRS, AJAX and Crystal Reports. Current and active membership in the Church of the Brethren is preferred; current and active membership in a faith community is required.
Salary and benefits are competitive with Church Benefits Association agencies of comparable size and scope of services. A full benefits package is included.
Please send a letter of interest, résumé, three professional references, and salary-range expectation to Donna March at 1505 Dundee Ave., Elgin, IL 60120, or For questions or clarification about the position, please call 847-622-3371. You may also apply using the form below. For more information about Brethren Benefit Trust, visit

Regional Youth Conference

The 2011 Powerhouse Regional Youth Conference will take place at Manchester College (North Manchester, Ind.) Nov. 12-13. Jeff Carter, pastor of Manassas (Va.) Church of the Brethren, will be our keynote speaker for the weekend. Other details will be developed in the months ahead, but for now please mark your calendars and plan to join us! For questions, contact the Manchester College Campus Ministry office at Walt Wiltschek; MC Campus Ministry, 260-982-5243

Banners For District Conference

Our Moderator Lisa Fike and the Program and Arrangements Team asks each fellowship/ Church to make a small banner using the conference theme “Joined with me and I with you” from John 15:5 You may also use your Church theme or logo. Banners should be finished size 12” x 15” and include a means of hanging.

They can be made of any material and can be any color. Please include your Church name in some manner. The banners will be the back drop for worship and business services. At conference end the banners will be re-distributed. Each church will receive the banner of a sister church and are encouraged to hold this sister congregation in your prayers throughout the next year.

We please ask that you send the banners to the District Office or give to one of the members of the Program and Arrangements Committee by September 15, 2011.

Members are: Roger Ruth – Springfield, Joyce Person – Dixon, Twila Habegger – York Center, Lisa Fike, Fletcher Farrar, Bill Williams and Kevin Kessler are members Ex-officio.

Calendar of Upcoming Events

 2-5 - Camp Emmaus Elementary II Camp
 5-7 - Camp Emmaus Women's Camp
12-14 - Camp Emmanuel Men's Camp
14 - Camp Emmanuel Board Meeting
20 - Program & Arrangements
 2–5 - Camp Emmanuel Family Camp
 2-5 - Camp Emmaus Family Camp
 5 - Labor Day
 5-9 - NOAC, Lake Junaluska
11 - Grandparent’s Day
17 - Leadership Team @ Dixon
21 - International Day of Peace
29 - Rosh Hashanah
 2 - World Communion Sunday
 8 - Yom Kippur
 8 - Program & Arrangements
10 - Columbus Day
13-16 - Men's Way of Christ Weekend
15 - Leadership Team @ Peoria
20-23 - Women's Way of Christ Weekend #20
22 - Camp Emmanuel Fall Work Day
 4–6 - District Conference, Lake Williamson
 6 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
12 - Camp Emmanuel Board Meeting
12-13 - Regional Youth Conference @ Manchester College
18-19 - Leadership Team Retreat @ Camp Emmaus
24 - Thanksgiving
27 - First Sunday of Advent
21 - Hanukkah
25 - Christmas
26 - Kwanzaa