Tuesday, November 01, 2011
2011 District Conference – 38 Grapes
Tables set up for Love Feast, Banners surrounding the room and a cross at the front of the room with a cluster of 38 grapes. Pastor and Moderator, Lisa Fike, had set the tone for the 2011 District conference. 38 Grapes represented the 38 congregations in the Illinois Wisconsin District who had supplied 38 banners ringing the sanctuary.
Moderator Fike emphasized the theme from John 15, “..Joined with me, and I with you…” A continuing question asked of those assembled was, “Do you Love Jesus”? If you Love Jesus everything else becomes unimportant and our differences fade in comparison.
Love feast was a family event with husband and wives, men and women, Lovers of Jesus all sitting around tables prepared with a symbolic meal of fruits, nuts and cheese. Feet washing began with the host of the table kneeling and washing the feet of the person on their left. This was the first time many, if not most, has participated in co-ed Love Feast. The whole evening seemed to evoke the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Saturday morning began the business portion of the 2011 District conference being held at the Lake Williamson Christian Center in Carlinville, IL. Moderator Fike opened the session by passing out “Jelly Beans” and compared out District like a package of Jelly Beans. We are all different flavors but when you “taste” the bean and get to know their flavor, you find we are good people who are Brethren. The official session was opened with prayer.
The first order of business was the pleasing task of accepting a New Fellowship into the District. The Rockford Community Church of the Brethren formally entered the Illinois-Wisconsin District by acclimation and congratulations. The Rockford 1st Church received recognition for their generosity and compassion in gifting their Church building to the New Fellowship.
Next came the general business of commissioning the delegates, approving the minutes of 2010, accepting the agenda (with an addition), affirming the tellers, time keeper and parliamentarian. Carol Kussart from Gifts Discernment and Call presented the ballot which was approved.
The next report was from the District Deacons whose major event will be the District Potluck at the Peoria Church of the Brethren on a date that everyone should remember…. APRIL 28,2012.
DE Kevin Kessler reported for his 5th District Conference as the District Executive. Kevin not only serves as the DE at a “half time” basis but Pastors the Canton Church of the Brethren. He installed 4 Pastors in the District, meets with the Leadership Team, the Visioning Team, The District Ministerial Leadership Development Team, The Illinois Council of Churches, and participates with other Ministry Teams.
The Illinois Conference of Churches, representing 14 denominations, was represented by Executive Director, Laurie Vail. She reported to the conference the ongoing work being done through the Conference of Churches.
The next presentation on Church revitalization came from Pastors Rich Koch and Ginny Haney. The story was told of an elderly couple being mugged in a downtown street and left injured. A priest saw them and crossed the street to avoid getting involved. Minutes later a pastor saw them lying in the street and walked by. Finally an agnostic came along, administered first aid, then took them to the hospital. Who was the neighbor? Would a Brethren have stopped to help? Next Pastors from the District were asked to tell how they are serving the Church. How are we “Being the Church”? Churches told of food pantries, community meals, handing out bottles of water in the community, counseling, Boy Scouts, teen centers, a free clothing store, a mentoring program, giving away back packs to children and giving away flowers.. How can your congregation “Be The Church”?
The District Leadership Team reported to the conference by presenting new Mission and Vision Statements. After some discussion the conference affirmed the new statements. The New Church Development Team meeting was convened to offer an amendment to transfer the directorship of the corporation to the Leadership Team. The existing members of the NCDT have submitted their resignations to facilitate the transfer. The NCDT continues to function as the sponsor of Pastors Samuel and Gretchen Sarpiya. This was approved after clarification to the conference.
The Leadership Team then reconvened to offer Amendments to the Constitution. The Church Revitalization and Development Team became an official, recognized team reporting to the Leadership Team. This team assumes some of the responsibilities of the New Church Development Team.
Other business included the retirement of the Rockford 1st Church of the Brethren and honoring the Rockford Community Fellowship.
Jim Lehman presented the District Budget to the conference going through several items that were changed from the last budget. The budget passed unanimously.
The rest of the business meeting heard from the Retirement Homes, Camps, Shared Ministries (Bethany & BBT), TRIM, Disaster Relief, and the Standing Committee.
Then Rich Koch presided as auctioneer over an energetic live auction of the Quilts that were made by several congregations. The bidding began slowly but ended with a quilt selling for over $500. Between the silent and live auctions the District raised over $3,500. Thanks Rich!!
Sunday Worship opened with hymn singing led by Worship Leader Leaders Shannon Hinkle and Ruthie White. Pastor Hinkle introduced the speaker for the morning, Annual Conference Moderator, Tim Harvey. Pastor Harvey comes to us from the Roanoke City Church of the Brethren. His theme was the Annual Conference theme, “Continuing the Work of Jesus… peacefully, simply, together.” He spoke to the need for Brethren to speak to each other in love and not in confrontation. One of Moderator Harvey’s goals is to seat delegates at round tables in groups of seven, at assign places from different geographical areas, genders, and opinions. It this situation they would need to face each other and discuss their differences instead of standing in line at a microphone presenting one side of an issue.
The rest of the Sunday session included installing the Moderator, Fletcher Farrar, and Moderator-elect, Mark Flory Steury. The new Moderator challenged us to eat healthy concentrating of vegetables and fruits.
The last item was the exchange of Banners to District Churches.
The Lake Williamson Christian Conference site offered all the facilities needed for a successful meeting. Even though there were 4 other groups on site we did not overlap in any way, except meal times. Meeting rooms, equipment, lodging, activities, Worship centers, and a wonderful staff provided the District with a very successful conference.
Many thanks to the Hurricane Creek Congregation for hosting the 2011 Illinois-Wisconsin District Conference.
Moderator Fike emphasized the theme from John 15, “..Joined with me, and I with you…” A continuing question asked of those assembled was, “Do you Love Jesus”? If you Love Jesus everything else becomes unimportant and our differences fade in comparison.
Love feast was a family event with husband and wives, men and women, Lovers of Jesus all sitting around tables prepared with a symbolic meal of fruits, nuts and cheese. Feet washing began with the host of the table kneeling and washing the feet of the person on their left. This was the first time many, if not most, has participated in co-ed Love Feast. The whole evening seemed to evoke the presence of the Holy Spirit.
Saturday morning began the business portion of the 2011 District conference being held at the Lake Williamson Christian Center in Carlinville, IL. Moderator Fike opened the session by passing out “Jelly Beans” and compared out District like a package of Jelly Beans. We are all different flavors but when you “taste” the bean and get to know their flavor, you find we are good people who are Brethren. The official session was opened with prayer.
The first order of business was the pleasing task of accepting a New Fellowship into the District. The Rockford Community Church of the Brethren formally entered the Illinois-Wisconsin District by acclimation and congratulations. The Rockford 1st Church received recognition for their generosity and compassion in gifting their Church building to the New Fellowship.
Next came the general business of commissioning the delegates, approving the minutes of 2010, accepting the agenda (with an addition), affirming the tellers, time keeper and parliamentarian. Carol Kussart from Gifts Discernment and Call presented the ballot which was approved.
The next report was from the District Deacons whose major event will be the District Potluck at the Peoria Church of the Brethren on a date that everyone should remember…. APRIL 28,2012.
DE Kevin Kessler reported for his 5th District Conference as the District Executive. Kevin not only serves as the DE at a “half time” basis but Pastors the Canton Church of the Brethren. He installed 4 Pastors in the District, meets with the Leadership Team, the Visioning Team, The District Ministerial Leadership Development Team, The Illinois Council of Churches, and participates with other Ministry Teams.
The Illinois Conference of Churches, representing 14 denominations, was represented by Executive Director, Laurie Vail. She reported to the conference the ongoing work being done through the Conference of Churches.
The next presentation on Church revitalization came from Pastors Rich Koch and Ginny Haney. The story was told of an elderly couple being mugged in a downtown street and left injured. A priest saw them and crossed the street to avoid getting involved. Minutes later a pastor saw them lying in the street and walked by. Finally an agnostic came along, administered first aid, then took them to the hospital. Who was the neighbor? Would a Brethren have stopped to help? Next Pastors from the District were asked to tell how they are serving the Church. How are we “Being the Church”? Churches told of food pantries, community meals, handing out bottles of water in the community, counseling, Boy Scouts, teen centers, a free clothing store, a mentoring program, giving away back packs to children and giving away flowers.. How can your congregation “Be The Church”?
The District Leadership Team reported to the conference by presenting new Mission and Vision Statements. After some discussion the conference affirmed the new statements. The New Church Development Team meeting was convened to offer an amendment to transfer the directorship of the corporation to the Leadership Team. The existing members of the NCDT have submitted their resignations to facilitate the transfer. The NCDT continues to function as the sponsor of Pastors Samuel and Gretchen Sarpiya. This was approved after clarification to the conference.
The Leadership Team then reconvened to offer Amendments to the Constitution. The Church Revitalization and Development Team became an official, recognized team reporting to the Leadership Team. This team assumes some of the responsibilities of the New Church Development Team.
Other business included the retirement of the Rockford 1st Church of the Brethren and honoring the Rockford Community Fellowship.
Jim Lehman presented the District Budget to the conference going through several items that were changed from the last budget. The budget passed unanimously.
The rest of the business meeting heard from the Retirement Homes, Camps, Shared Ministries (Bethany & BBT), TRIM, Disaster Relief, and the Standing Committee.
Then Rich Koch presided as auctioneer over an energetic live auction of the Quilts that were made by several congregations. The bidding began slowly but ended with a quilt selling for over $500. Between the silent and live auctions the District raised over $3,500. Thanks Rich!!
Sunday Worship opened with hymn singing led by Worship Leader Leaders Shannon Hinkle and Ruthie White. Pastor Hinkle introduced the speaker for the morning, Annual Conference Moderator, Tim Harvey. Pastor Harvey comes to us from the Roanoke City Church of the Brethren. His theme was the Annual Conference theme, “Continuing the Work of Jesus… peacefully, simply, together.” He spoke to the need for Brethren to speak to each other in love and not in confrontation. One of Moderator Harvey’s goals is to seat delegates at round tables in groups of seven, at assign places from different geographical areas, genders, and opinions. It this situation they would need to face each other and discuss their differences instead of standing in line at a microphone presenting one side of an issue.
The rest of the Sunday session included installing the Moderator, Fletcher Farrar, and Moderator-elect, Mark Flory Steury. The new Moderator challenged us to eat healthy concentrating of vegetables and fruits.
The last item was the exchange of Banners to District Churches.
The Lake Williamson Christian Conference site offered all the facilities needed for a successful meeting. Even though there were 4 other groups on site we did not overlap in any way, except meal times. Meeting rooms, equipment, lodging, activities, Worship centers, and a wonderful staff provided the District with a very successful conference.
Many thanks to the Hurricane Creek Congregation for hosting the 2011 Illinois-Wisconsin District Conference.
District Auctions a Major Success!
If you did not make it to this years District Conference you missed out on several things that are happening in our District. The one I want to tell you about is our Annual Silent Auction and a resurrecting of our Live Auction. I want to thank all of you out who donated items for our Silent Auction. It is you that make this a success! I also want to thank those of you who bid and who had fun doing it! Between these two groups of people we raised $1,424.00 from our Silent Auction. Congrats to you all!
At our Live Auction we had 9 quilts made by District Auctions a Major Success! different Churches in our District. We also had a hand made blanket chest that was cedar lined, made by Paul Schmidt of Polo. I tried my hand at being an auctioneer for the first. The bidding for these ten items was ferocious! Together they brought in $2,180.00 for a grand total of $3,604.00. I believe that all in attendance had a great time. I want to take a moment and thank a few people. First to “The Guys” who helped with the live auction, great job! To Program and Arrangements for the perfect site for the Silent Auction. And lastly to my wife Beckie who worked diligently to help make both Auctions a success.
As we look towards next year, I encourage you to begin thinking now about what you might bring to either the Silent Auction or live one. We would like to have another live auction, but we need once again several “Big Ticket” items. We need more Quilts or Wall Hangings and yes once again a few nice handmade furniture pieces. And for the Silent Auction food always sells. We could use a whole bunch of pies, cakes or cookies. A jar of apple butter went for $20.00 and I paid $30.00 for a fantastic peach pie, thank to Pam Boughton!
One last time thank you to you and see you next year!
Pastor Rick Koch – Dutchtown Church
At our Live Auction we had 9 quilts made by District Auctions a Major Success! different Churches in our District. We also had a hand made blanket chest that was cedar lined, made by Paul Schmidt of Polo. I tried my hand at being an auctioneer for the first. The bidding for these ten items was ferocious! Together they brought in $2,180.00 for a grand total of $3,604.00. I believe that all in attendance had a great time. I want to take a moment and thank a few people. First to “The Guys” who helped with the live auction, great job! To Program and Arrangements for the perfect site for the Silent Auction. And lastly to my wife Beckie who worked diligently to help make both Auctions a success.
As we look towards next year, I encourage you to begin thinking now about what you might bring to either the Silent Auction or live one. We would like to have another live auction, but we need once again several “Big Ticket” items. We need more Quilts or Wall Hangings and yes once again a few nice handmade furniture pieces. And for the Silent Auction food always sells. We could use a whole bunch of pies, cakes or cookies. A jar of apple butter went for $20.00 and I paid $30.00 for a fantastic peach pie, thank to Pam Boughton!
One last time thank you to you and see you next year!
Pastor Rick Koch – Dutchtown Church
Powerhouse Regional Youth Conference
Registration remains open for the 2011 Powerhouse regional youth conference, which will take place Nov. 12-13, 2011, at Manchester College (North Manchester, Ind.). It is open to all youth in grades 9-12 and their advisors. Cost for the weekend, including three meals, is $50 for youth, $40 for advisors.
Come hear keynote speaker Jeff Carter, pastor of Manassas (Va.) Church of the Brethren, as he shares on the theme “Follow: If You Dare” and the music of Manchester’s Praise Jam band; learn and discuss in a variety of workshops; enjoy some recreation time; and have fun while meeting new people from around the Midwest. All the details and registration forms are at www.manchester.edu/powerhouse. If you have questions, please contact Walt Wiltschek at wjwiltschek@manchester.edu.
Manchester College, Campus Ministry/Religious Life, Phone: 260-982-5243
Come hear keynote speaker Jeff Carter, pastor of Manassas (Va.) Church of the Brethren, as he shares on the theme “Follow: If You Dare” and the music of Manchester’s Praise Jam band; learn and discuss in a variety of workshops; enjoy some recreation time; and have fun while meeting new people from around the Midwest. All the details and registration forms are at www.manchester.edu/powerhouse. If you have questions, please contact Walt Wiltschek at wjwiltschek@manchester.edu.
Manchester College, Campus Ministry/Religious Life, Phone: 260-982-5243
Leaf Raking at Camp Emmaus
The Annual Leaf Raking Party will be held at Camp Emmaus Saturday Nov. 12. The raking begins at 8:00 AM with leaves piling up until Noon. A Work Day provides Fun and Fellowship. And if it should RAIN the next date for raking will be the following Saturday, November 19. Come out and enjoy a day at Camp.
Springfield Church shares DVD’s
A five session study on the topic, "Confronting Death: A Christian Approach to the End of Life," has recently been concluded at First Church, Springfield. The study, using a DVD, is a series of presentations by Rev. Walter Wangerin, Jr. First Church would be happy to share it with any interested congregation in the district. For information contact the Springfield Church of the Brethren at pastor@1stcob.net or phone at 217-523-5212.
Camp Emmaus Pool Dedicated
After a tough summer of delays in updating and re-construction, mainly due to weather problems, the pool at Camp Emmaus is ready for swimmers starting in the summer of 2012. As the pool was not ready for use in the various camps at Emmaus this summer (the first time in 50 years), some other outside facilities were used and the camp board really appreciates the accessibility. A service of dedication for the pool was held Sept. 3 in the Camp Emmaus lodge at the annual appreciation dinner.
Camp Emmaus is owned and operated by the Illinois-Wisconsin District of the Church of the Brethren on 97 acres outside Mt. Morris. Besides the swimming pool and 1 acre lake, the camp has 9 log cabins able to handle 185 campers, a main lodge with kitchen and dining facilities and a retreat lodge and log cabin for year round use. Brethren camps use the facilities in July and August otherwise the camp is available to be rented by other groups. Bill Hare, the camp manager, can be contacted at (815) 734-4268 for more information.
The pool is available for open swim on weekend afternoons in the summer.
Camp Emmaus is owned and operated by the Illinois-Wisconsin District of the Church of the Brethren on 97 acres outside Mt. Morris. Besides the swimming pool and 1 acre lake, the camp has 9 log cabins able to handle 185 campers, a main lodge with kitchen and dining facilities and a retreat lodge and log cabin for year round use. Brethren camps use the facilities in July and August otherwise the camp is available to be rented by other groups. Bill Hare, the camp manager, can be contacted at (815) 734-4268 for more information.
The pool is available for open swim on weekend afternoons in the summer.
Taking Care of Church Business
Congregations select individuals to represent them in the various aspects of their operational activities. One of those important activities is the management of the congregation’s financial matters. Elected leadership of the congregation typically completes required paperwork with banks and other financial organizations authorizing specific individuals to conduct financial business on behalf of the congregation. Although it is customary for the congregation to select these individuals as a matter of routine business each year, a congregation also needs to routinely revisit the paperwork on file with the various financial institutions with which it conducts business to ensure that the list of authorized individuals is kept current. Doing so minimizes difficulty that may occur due to out-of-date paperwork.
Consider two scenarios, which are offered to make the point:
Scenario 1: A congregation elects a new treasurer because the one who has served the church for the past many years moved to a distant city. Because of an emergency, the new treasurer goes to the bank to withdraw money from the church’s checking account and learns that she is not authorized to conduct business with the bank on behalf of the congregation. The paperwork was not updated at the bank in a timely manner, and now there will be a delay while the necessary corrections are completed. This may be a short delay or a longer delay depending on the requirements of the bank and the availability of church representatives who are acceptable to the bank for making the corrections. In the meantime, the emergency cannot be addressed.
Scenario 2: A congregation encounters a very divisive situation that causes some members to leave the congregation in anger. Those who leave the congregation include the current elected leadership of the congregation. The congregation elects new leadership but, in the pressure of the moment, fails to contact the bank and complete paperwork authorizing the new leadership to conduct business on behalf of the congregation. This poses a risk for the congregation because the bank still recognizes the former leadership as the authorized individuals and would honor requests if made by the former leadership.
Every congregation should review all authorizations issued on its behalf on a regular basis, at least once a year, and each time new leadership is called into service. Each review should include contacting every financial organization with which the congregation has a relationship to ensure that the list of authorized individuals is current and accurate.
Submitted by District Executive, Kevin Kessler.
Consider two scenarios, which are offered to make the point:
Scenario 1: A congregation elects a new treasurer because the one who has served the church for the past many years moved to a distant city. Because of an emergency, the new treasurer goes to the bank to withdraw money from the church’s checking account and learns that she is not authorized to conduct business with the bank on behalf of the congregation. The paperwork was not updated at the bank in a timely manner, and now there will be a delay while the necessary corrections are completed. This may be a short delay or a longer delay depending on the requirements of the bank and the availability of church representatives who are acceptable to the bank for making the corrections. In the meantime, the emergency cannot be addressed.
Scenario 2: A congregation encounters a very divisive situation that causes some members to leave the congregation in anger. Those who leave the congregation include the current elected leadership of the congregation. The congregation elects new leadership but, in the pressure of the moment, fails to contact the bank and complete paperwork authorizing the new leadership to conduct business on behalf of the congregation. This poses a risk for the congregation because the bank still recognizes the former leadership as the authorized individuals and would honor requests if made by the former leadership.
Every congregation should review all authorizations issued on its behalf on a regular basis, at least once a year, and each time new leadership is called into service. Each review should include contacting every financial organization with which the congregation has a relationship to ensure that the list of authorized individuals is current and accurate.
Submitted by District Executive, Kevin Kessler.
Best Practices Resource Workshop
Registration is now open for the Best Practices Resource Workshop, to be held Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012, in Kansas City, Mo. The seminar is co-sponsored by Church of the Brethren Benefit Trust, and is designed for pastors, church treasurers, financial secretaries, stewardship and finance committee members, and others involved with the finances of their church. This workshop for congregations will empower your church to better understand —
This event is led by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability, a Christian financial educational organization. A group of member denominations affiliated with the Church Benefits Association, including BBT, is sponsoring the event. The CBA is a voluntary membership association of approximately 50 church pension boards, religious orders, and denominational benefit programs for clergy and church professionals.
- Best Practices in Financial Management for the Local Congregation
- Health Reform and the Church
- Latest Pastoral Housing Issues
- Taxation, Compensation, and Retirement Issues
The Best Practices Resource Workshop will be held Saturday, Feb. 4, 2012, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Kansas City International Airport Marriott, Kansas City, Mo. Registration information is available at www.ecfa.org/events. Scroll down to the “Best Practices Resource Workshop” and click on “Register now.” The workshop registration fee is $50.
Brethren Benefit Trust is an official not-for-profit agency reportable to Church of the Brethren Annual Conference, the denomination’s highest elected authority. BBT provides retirement benefits, health and welfare benefits, asset management, and financial advocacy to pastors, employees, and members of the denomination. As the financial agency of the Church of the Brethren, BBT seeks to serve as a financial advocate for its members.
New Church Planting Conference
May 17 – 19, 2012
Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond, IN
Plant Generously, Reap Bountifully
This dynamic gathering will include worship, prayer, keynote addresses, over 30 workshops, small group conversations, networking opportunities, community outreach experiences, and a focused track for Spanish speakers.
Keynote Leadership
Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond, IN
Plant Generously, Reap Bountifully
This dynamic gathering will include worship, prayer, keynote addresses, over 30 workshops, small group conversations, networking opportunities, community outreach experiences, and a focused track for Spanish speakers.
Keynote Leadership
Mike Chong Perkinson is Lead Pastor of Estrella Mountain Church in Goodyear, Arizona, a trained Natural Church Development coach-consultant, author and the senior developer for Praxis Center for Church Development. He is married to Theresa and they have two daughters.
Rev. Tom Johnston is a church planter, author, leadership developer, pastor, Divisional Superintendent with Foursquare Churches, and Executive Director of The Praxis Center for Church Development. He lives in Raymond, NH with his wife Cathy.
Church of the Brethren Planting Network
Sponsored by the Church of the Brethren New Church Development Advisory Committee and Congregational Life Ministries in partnership with Bethany Theological Seminary.
Sponsored by the Church of the Brethren New Church Development Advisory Committee and Congregational Life Ministries in partnership with Bethany Theological Seminary.
Positions Available at Elgin Office
Data Analyst and Registration Specialist
Karin L. Krog, Director of Human Resources, Church of the Brethren
1451 Dundee Ave, Elgin, IL 60120-1694, 847-742-5100 Extension 258
kkrog@brethren.org, www.brethren.org
Full-time, hourly position to ensure accurate and timely data flow between organizational databases and creates online registration and donation forms. Builds, tests, and supports those forms. Runs routine processes related to databases including data synchronization. Works with various organizational databases and reconciles discrepancies caused by information flow between them. Assists in or manages other website-related projects as assigned. Skills should include database management, problem-solving, multi-tasking, attention to detail, teamwork, customer service orientation, and ability to maintain confidentiality. Computer experience required. MPAct or other CRM solution experience helpful. Convio or other web-building solution experience helpful. Associates or Bachelor degree preferred.Support Specialist
Full-time, hourly position to coordinate and provide the services of the Buildings and Grounds Department. No experience required. Serves as event planner, Office including scheduling, coordination, catering services, tours, employee functions, and special events. Receive and deliver all incoming packages and mail. Provide support for outsourced mail processing. Responsible for the break room operations, including ordering, stocking, and overall appearance. Maintain and manage inventory of office supplies including purchasing of supplies and equipment following established guidelines. Oversees the day to day photocopier needs. Responsible for receiving, loading, and coordinating trailer replacement. Responsible for the set up of conference rooms, and supports the office moves of employees within the building. Serves as custodian and operator of Buildings and Grounds vehicle. Responsible for the day-to-day storage, organization, and tidiness of the warehouse and dock. Assists with any building or maintenance task as instructed. Back up for selected tasks when the Director is absent. Visitor and delivery door monitoring. Occasional weekend or after hours work required. Good oral and written communication skills. Ability to maintain detailed records. Ability to lift and move objects up to 75 lbs. Must have and maintain a valid driver’s license. High School Diploma or equivalent preferred.Program Assistant
Congregational Life Ministries of the Church of the Brethren is seeking a full-time program assistant to support the executive director and a staff of six directors. This position requires excellent computer skills, strong interpersonal communication, and the ability to prioritize and follow through on a diversity of simple clerical and more complex organizational responsibilities. The preferred candidate will be proficient in both verbal and written English; demonstrate accuracy with basic financial transactions; efficiently collect, organize and manage data; work easily with email and web-based applications; have experience coordinating meetings and events; and effectively manage multiple tasks. Sensitivity to other cultures is essential; fluency in Spanish is welcome.We will begin reviewing applications on November 5th and until the position is filled. Qualified candidates should contact Karin Krog at kkrog@brethren.org for an application packet.
Karin L. Krog, Director of Human Resources, Church of the Brethren
1451 Dundee Ave, Elgin, IL 60120-1694, 847-742-5100 Extension 258
kkrog@brethren.org, www.brethren.org
District Potluck
APRIL 28, 2012
Peoria Church of the Brethren
Registration Fee --- $5.00
Peoria Church of the Brethren
Registration Fee --- $5.00
Plan now to attend this exciting event. Bring your favorite potluck dish to enjoy with others from across the district. Drinks and table service will be provided. Share this information with others in your church. There will be something for everyone including pastors, Christian education teachers, deacons, spiritual advisors, and those who simply want to learn, worship, and enjoy wonderful fellowship. So, bring a car load. More details about workshops coming later.
This one-day event is being planned by your District Deacons on behalf of the Leadership Team of the District.
Historic Sites Jigsaw Puzzle
Church of the Brethren
Illinois/Wisconsin District
Historic Sites Jigsaw Puzzle
Including information insert with 80-question quiz
Jigsaw Puzzles make perfect gifts for all occasions! Place your order and reserve copies today. $20 per puzzle, includes group activity insert with quiz, answers and a key to the current and historic sites.
Complete the puzzle together AND enjoy fellowship:
- Locate more than 100 historic Church of the Brethren sites of the IL/WI District
- Identify puzzle pictures of current meeting houses, care hones, offices and camps
- Take the 80-question quiz and name the historic Brethren meetinghouses, persons, events and locations
- Support Pleasant Hill Village! All funds raised will go to preserve the historic materials of the Brethren Home of Girard
$25 includes shipping to family and friends anywhere in the USA, and we will include a note card with your personal message.
Call Chaplain Terry Link at 217-627-2181 and pre-order your puzzles today!!
Calendar of District Events
4–6 - District Conference @ Lake WilliamsonDECEMBER
6 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
12 - Camp Emmanuel Board Meeting
12-13 - Regional Youth Conference @ Manchester College
18-19 - Leadership Team Retreat @ Camp Emmaus
24 - Thanksgiving
27 - First Sunday of Advent
21 - HanukkahFEBRUARY
25 - Christmas
26 - Kwanzaa
1–17 - BVS Winter OrientationMARCH
20 - President’s Day
10–12 - Mission & Ministry Board @ New WindsorAPRIL
6 - Good FridayMAY
7 - First Day of Passover
8 - Easter
23–May 4 - BVS Older Adult Orientation
28 - District Pot Luck @ Peoria CoB
1 - Labor DayJUNE
6 - National Youth Sunday
13 - Mother’s Day
17–19 - New Church Dev. Conf. @ Richmond, IN
25–28 - Camp Emmaus Memorial Day Family Camp
28 - Memorial Day
10–29 - BVS Summer OrientationJULY
16–22 - National Young Adult Conf. @ Knoxville
17 - Father’s Day
6–7 - Ministers Assoc. Pre-Conf. @ St. Louis, MOAUGUST
6–11 - Annual Conference @ St. Louis, MO
7 - Mission & Ministry Board @ St. Louis, MO
13–15 - Camp Emmaus Counselor-in-Training Event
14–15 - Camp Emmaus Elementary I Camp
17–20 - Camp Emmaus Elementary II Camp
22–28 - Camp Emmaus Senior High Camp
July 20–August 3 - BVS/BRF Orientation @ New WindsorSEPTEMBER
July 29–August 4 - Camp Emmaus Junior High Camp
5–10 - Camp Emmaus Elementary III Camp
10–12 - Camp Emmaus Women's Camp
Aug 31–Sept 3 - Camp Emmaus Labor Day Family CampOCTOBER
3 - Labor Day
September 16–Oct 5 - BVS Fall Orientation
17 - Rosh Hashanah
26 - Yom Kippur
September 16–Oct 5 - BVS Fall OrientationNOVEMBER
20–23 - Mission & Ministry Board @ Elgin, IL
4 - National Jr. High SundayDECEMBER
16–18 - Mission Alive @ Lititz, PA
22 - Thanksgiving Day
25 - First Sunday of Advent
9 - First Day of Chanukah/Hanukkah
25 - Christmas Day
31 - New Year’s Eve