District Leadership Team Meets at Dutchtown
The District Team met at the Dutchtown Church of
the Brethren in Milledgeville on March 31. Our
thanks to the Dutchtown Church for hosting the
meeting and providing a wonderful lunch and snacks.
Pastor Rick Koch sat in on the meeting and reported
for the Disaster Response Team. Two visitors from
Mt. Morris attended, Esther Fry and Mary Green.
Assistant Chairman, Jim Lehman, presided in the absence of the Chairperson. He opened with a meditation from Matthew 9: 2 – 8 and then led us in prayer.
DE, Kevin Kessler, recited the Mission Statement and spent some time encouraging the Ministry Team Liaisons to meet with their designated Ministry Teams. The Visioning Team had met on January 14. Ideas from that meeting were presented with the admonition to begin to put ideas into action.
DE, Kevin Kessler, reported his activities since the last meeting. He is working on Pastor placement at several Churches. He reported that the Decatur Church is investigating selling their property. They are now meeting in a Disciples of Christ facility. Kevin attended a CODE meeting and reported they worked on balancing a person’s time.
The Disaster Response Team met just before the LT meeting. Rick Koch was elected Chairperson. They are working on having a week working at a Disaster site fully staffed by Illinois-Wisconsin people. The Disaster Response trailer will be at the Deacon Pot Luck and District Conference. The trailer is not fully up to denomination standards and is was suggested that District Churches sponsor a tool.
The Financial Report from the treasurer showed investments doing well and Church allocations are a little lower than in the past but we are meeting expensed at this time. The LT plans on creating a Funding, Investment and Properties Team in the near future.
The Batavia Church held a closing ceremony and auction in February. The property is for sale after a new deed was issued. The Church was originally listed as being owned by the German Baptist Brethren. The LT is operating as the caretaker of the property and paying the bills. The parsonage is being rented.
District Conference will again be at Lake Williamson and sponsored by the Virden Church of the Brethren who are celebrating their 100th anniversary. Dan Ulrich and Benjamin Reynolds will be featured speakers at the Conference.
Other business was discussed and the meeting adjourned with the group singing “Johnny Appleseed”. The next meeting is May 5th at the Springfield Church of the Brethren.
Assistant Chairman, Jim Lehman, presided in the absence of the Chairperson. He opened with a meditation from Matthew 9: 2 – 8 and then led us in prayer.
DE, Kevin Kessler, recited the Mission Statement and spent some time encouraging the Ministry Team Liaisons to meet with their designated Ministry Teams. The Visioning Team had met on January 14. Ideas from that meeting were presented with the admonition to begin to put ideas into action.
DE, Kevin Kessler, reported his activities since the last meeting. He is working on Pastor placement at several Churches. He reported that the Decatur Church is investigating selling their property. They are now meeting in a Disciples of Christ facility. Kevin attended a CODE meeting and reported they worked on balancing a person’s time.
The Disaster Response Team met just before the LT meeting. Rick Koch was elected Chairperson. They are working on having a week working at a Disaster site fully staffed by Illinois-Wisconsin people. The Disaster Response trailer will be at the Deacon Pot Luck and District Conference. The trailer is not fully up to denomination standards and is was suggested that District Churches sponsor a tool.
The Financial Report from the treasurer showed investments doing well and Church allocations are a little lower than in the past but we are meeting expensed at this time. The LT plans on creating a Funding, Investment and Properties Team in the near future.
The Batavia Church held a closing ceremony and auction in February. The property is for sale after a new deed was issued. The Church was originally listed as being owned by the German Baptist Brethren. The LT is operating as the caretaker of the property and paying the bills. The parsonage is being rented.
District Conference will again be at Lake Williamson and sponsored by the Virden Church of the Brethren who are celebrating their 100th anniversary. Dan Ulrich and Benjamin Reynolds will be featured speakers at the Conference.
Other business was discussed and the meeting adjourned with the group singing “Johnny Appleseed”. The next meeting is May 5th at the Springfield Church of the Brethren.
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