Tuesday, May 01, 2012

For Delegates at Annual Conference

A reminder to congregations from the Conference Office: If the delegate you have registered for Annual Conference is unable to attend and you need to change to an alternate delegate, you must either, (1) email the Conference Office (annualconferece@brethren.org), or (2) have the alternate bring a letter to Conference indicating the change. For questions or more information call 847-429-4365.

If you haven’t yet registered your delegate, the advance registration period ends June 11. Register online at www.brethren.org/ac. Advance registration is $310. Onsite registration is $360.

Jon Kobel, Conference Assistant, Conference Office, 1451 Dundee Avenue, Elgin, IL 60120, 847-429-4365 Direct, 800-323-8039, x365, jkobel@brethren.org