DE Pondering by Kevin Kessler

During my most recent visit, March 27th, I learned that students with the highest academic and social achievements at Manchester College are those with strong congregational affiliation and attendance. These individuals then become productive and successful contributors to society. When I received this information, it dawned on me that participation in and attendance at church has an impact well beyond the local congregation. The world also reaps benefits.
Frequently, new understandings open my eyes to see a bigger picture. For instance, I've been convinced in my own mind that regular church attendance contributes to the vibrancy of congregational life. Now, I am inspired to view church attendance as a factor contributing to the welfare of the world.
I do realize that the scope of my new view encompasses more than merely being present at church related services and events. The wealth of information a person accumulates and puts into practice is a result of being in attendance. From this result, a person is molded to move into various chapters of their lives with what is needed to impact the world in helpful ways.
Thus, church attendance in and of itself isn't enough. Attendance with awareness of and attention to the mission of the church influences a person's level of success and achievement. It becomes important, then, that the church live out its missional potential as a means of helping to appropriately shape the lives of those who attend church. Such efforts have an expansive reach and provide a valuable contribution to the world.
How has attending church impacted your life? In what way have you contributed to the world as a result of your church attendance? In what ways does this influence your thinking about inviting others to attend church? Does this give church attendance new meaning or place it on a higher plane of importance? I continue to ponder these questions. Will you ponder them with me?
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