Tuesday, May 01, 2012

Volunteers needed for Annual Conference

What a great opportunity we have in the Midwest to host the Church of the Brethren Annual Conference in St. Louis! Volunteer coordinators are working to make sure that their areas are adequately staffed so we can provide the best possible experience for those who attend. Please consider offering your service for a few hours, a day, or whatever time you can give for the Conference. We are all enriched when we participate. Included is a list of the Volunteer Coordinators. Please note that some area coordinators have made specific requests; you may contact them directly. Other areas may need volunteers, based on registrations that are received. If there is an area where you would like to volunteer your services, please contact the Coordinator listed here.

2012 Annual Conference Coordinators

SITE Co-COORDINATORS Phil and Pearl Miller 660-747-2996—home phpemiller@gmail.com

Stephanie Sappington 314-963-0764 ssapp55@yahoo.com

EARLY CHILDHOOD Ronda Neher 319-824-3286—home neherfamily@prairieinet.net

CHILDREN – GRADES K-2 (see 1) Barbara Flory 620-241-1056—home floryb@sbcglobal.net

CHILDREN – GRADES 3-5 (see 1) Rhonda Pittman Gingrich 612-926-9460 - home rpgingrich@yahoo.com

JUNIOR HIGH (see 2) Walt Wiltschek 260-982-5243 – work wjwiltschek@manchester.edu
SENIOR HIGH YOUTH (see 2) Becky and Jerry Crouse 660-441-7427 – Becky cell bbcrouse@cmh.edu

YOUNG ADULTS Barb Lewczak 515-240-0060 bwlewczak@netins.net

SINGLE ADULTS Lisa Irle 660-747-5206 mo_history@embarqmail.com

INFORMATION Gary and Beth Gahm 816-313-5065—home aegahm@gmail.com

REGISTRATION (see 3) Barbara J. Miller 319-234-4130 barb@iowashows.com

TICKET SALES Martha Louise Baile 660-747-9879

Melody Irle 660-909-2182 – cell blue@iland.net

HEAD USHER (see 4) Diana Smith 417-282-1620 dianasmith52@hotmail.com

HOSPITALITY (see 5) MaryWinsor/JimTomlonson, 660-747-2752 jetmew@yahoo.com

Lois and Bill Grove 712-326-8266 – cell Grove19@msn.com
  1. Need people who enjoy and can keep up with children to accompany them on field trips and activities 
  2. Need a few adults on standby for the youth programming. Someone to go Monday and/or Tuesday on the outings if needed as backup. 
  3. Need volunteers for Friday afternoon, Saturday and Sunday. They could use persons with some bookkeeping skills to take the money, some typing skills to type name tags, and there are other tasks most anyone can do. 
  4. Need approximately 50 volunteer ushers each worship service to help with taking up offerings and taking count of people in each section of the auditorium. Services are Saturday evening, Sunday morning, Monday and Tuesday evenings, and Wednesday morning. 
  5. Need volunteers on Saturday to greet people as they come into the building.