2021 District Conference Update
The Illinois/Wisconsin district conference took place virtually Nov. 5-6, with worship
starting things off Friday evening and a morning of business following on Saturday. A
big THANK YOU goes out to our virtual “hosts” at Peoria Church of the Brethren, our
tech crew, moderator Blaine Miner, Program & Arrangements Committee, and all the
others who helped make the event possible and relatively seamless.
Highlights included adopting a district budget for 2022, calling a new slate of district leaders, and consecrating Harold Rose (Canton) as moderator and Phyllis Batterton (Woodland) as moderator-elect for the coming year, along with a variety of reports and other sharing.
A total of 83 people participated in Saturday’s business session, including 53 delegates. And on Friday evening, 44 people joined the online worship service.
The 2022 district conference is tentatively planned as an in-person event Nov. 4-5 at Peoria Church of the Brethren, with the theme “Beyond the Walls: Being Jesus in the Neighborhood.”
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