Tuesday, November 01, 2022


Terri Monnin began as pastor of the Milledgeville (Dutchtown) Church of the Brethren on Oct. 3, with her first Sunday in the pulpit Oct. 9. District executive Walt Wiltschek officiated her installation and licensing service on Oct. 30, which was followed by a reception in the church fellowship hall. Terri is living in Sterling while her husband, Joe, finishes up a move from the Cleveland, Ohio, area.

Benjamin Reynolds has announced his resignation as transitional pastor at Chicago First effective Dec. 31. The congregation is working on plans going forward.

The Virden congregation has called Katrina Spencer as its pastor. She can be reached at Pastor.Katrina@hotmail.com.

The Dixon congregation has posted its profile as it begins a pastoral search. It is a half-time position. Cherry Grove and La Place also have current vacancies and are at various stages of the search process.

Note that November is open enrollment month for any of the ancillary insurance products for pastors and other church workers through Eder Financial (formerly Brethren Benefit Trust).