The Reflector - February 2023

Illinois & Wisconsin Districtof theChurch of the Brethren |
In addition to regular meetings, Walt will be preaching at and meeting with Dixon Feb. 19, attending an Office of Ministry event at the Church of the Brethren General Offices in Elgin Feb. 24-26, meeting with Chicago First Feb. 27, visiting with the Madtown Brethren group in Madison March 4-5, visiting local congregations and helping to lead the closing service at Franklin Grove on March 12, and taking part in the district youth retreat at Camp Emmaus March 17-19.
Note: Walt will be on a mini-vacation Feb. 15-17.
Walt is available to visit your church, do pulpit supply, lead sessions, have conversation times, or otherwise connect with your congregation. Please contact to schedule a time.
The Church of the Brethren 2023 New & Renew Conference will take place May 17-19 at the Church of the Brethren General Offices, Elgin, Ill., with a hybrid/virtual option also available. The conference theme is “Disciples: Called, Equipped and in the Neighborhood!”, based on Matt. 28: 16-20; Eph. 4:11-16; and John 20:19-20. This three-day hybrid conference will have more than 20 sessions to broaden knowledge of church planting and congregational renewal. In addition to workshops, the event will feature inspirational worship, keynote addresses, and storytelling. Those who register can access the recorded sermons, keynotes, and workshops recordings for six months after the event. CEU credits will be available.
Registration cost (not including travel/lodging) for in-person or virtual attendance is $109 per person prior to March 31, then $149 March 1-April 17, and $189 April 18-May 18. CEU credits cost an additional $10. Registration includes the new book by keynote speaker Jessie Cruickshank, Ordinary Discipleship: How God Wires Us for the Adventure of Transformation, to be released on May 9. Registration and more details are at
May 26-29 Memorial Day Weekend Family Camp
July 9-15 Senior High Camp (Grades 9-12)
July 16-20 Intermediate Camp (Grades 3-5)
July 21-23 Young at Heart Camp (Young Adults/Adults)
July 23-29 Middle School Camp (Grades 6-8)
Aug. 4-6 Counselor-in-Training (CIT)
Aug. 5-6 Elementary Camp (Grades 1-2)
Aug. 10-12 Women’s Camp
Aug. 18-20 Men’s Camp
Sept. 1-4 Labor Day Weekend Family Camp
The 2023 Church of the Brethren Annual Conference will take place July 4-8 (a Tuesday-through-Saturday schedule) in Cincinnati with the theme “Living God’s Love.” Tim McElwee of Fort Wayne, Ind., will serve as moderator. Advance delegate registration will be $320 per person ($395 onsite); non-delegate adult advance registration is $140 for the week ($175 onsite; $40 for post-high school through age 21, free for high school age and below). A virtual non-delegate option to participate online will also be available. Conference hotels will be $122 per night, plus tax. Registration and housing reservations will open to the public March 1.
The Association for the Arts in the Church of the Brethren (AACB) will be holding its annual quilt auction at Annual Conference, with proceeds benefiting hunger projects (recently for needs in Nigeria through the Church of the Brethren Global Food Initiative). Each congregation is asked to send an 8 ½” x 8 ½” quilt block for the quilts/wall hangings. Blocks should be postmarked by May 15 and sent to Margaret Weybright, 1801 Greencroft Blvd., Apt. 125, Goshen, IN 46526. A donation of $1 or more is requested with each quilt block to offset the cost of quilting materials. Further details/instructions are available in the attached flier.
The district's Church Revitalization and Development Team (CRDT) is taking applications for two new grant programs. A total of 10 combined grants ($100 each) from the two programs will be given this year, and any congregation in the Illinois & Wisconsin District is welcome to apply.
First, a Being Jesus in the Neighborhood Grant: Congregations can apply for seed money to start a new outreach project or initiative in their local communities, or to expand an existing one. These should be projects that intentionally engage with the neighborhood immediately around the congregation, or—for those in rural locations—with the town or area around the church. Each congregation receiving a grant will be asked to share a little about their project at district conference.
Second, a Give Your Pastor a Break Grant: Congregations can apply for up to $100 for a grant to cover or help cover a guest speaker for an extra Sunday to give your pastor a day off--or at least a day off from having to prepare and preach a sermon. Any time can be challenging to be a pastor, especially when many are filling those roles part-time, and the pandemic and other current events have made it especially so. We hope this might be part of the ways you care for your pastor.
Each congregation may receive only one grant per calendar year. Applications are available on the district website (, or contact the district office. Applications will be reviewed on a rolling basis. Blessings to each of you as you faithfully seek to serve your communities!
District Mission and Mortar Grant/Loan Program
Is your congregation beginning a new mission outreach program but a little short on cash? Is your congregation faced with a major repair or capital improvement project that exceeds your congregation’s capacity to pay for it? Did you know that the district has a program to assist with your needs? It’s called the Mission and Mortar Grant/Loan Program and is available to help meet the needs mentioned above.
Grants are available up to $2,500, and non-interest bearing loans up to $5,000. A congregation that applies must provide financial data and be a regular contributor to the district. Applications are considered on a first-come first-served basis and are reviewed/approved by the district Leadership Team.
If you would like more information or wish to apply, visit the district website. Send completed applications to the IL/WI District Office, 269 E. Chestnut St., Canton, IL 61520.
The Illinois/Wisconsin District is active in a variety of ministry and mission efforts, both directly and indirectly. For these efforts to continue, resources are needed in the form of time, tools, knowledge, and especially finances.
Consider making a contribution to one or more of the following:
Look for the donate button at, or send your checks to the district office: 269 E. Chestnut St., Canton, IL 61520. Thank you!
When is the last time you visited the IL/WI District Website? There you’ll find helpful information about your district including but not limited to:
• District Calendar
• Eco-Stewardship
• District Newsletter
• Ministries
Don’t delay! Check it out! See what you can learn about your district!
The Gifts Discernment and Call Committee (GDCC) is commissioned to discern the gifts of persons for the purpose of inviting and calling them in to positions of leadership and team/committee participation. The GDCC delves into this work based on the names and information available to them. The likelihood is that gifted persons are not invited and called to serve because the GDCC lacks names and information. If you feel compelled to serve in the district and have not been asked, you can connect to the district webpage and learn how to share your name and information with the GDCC. Simply complete the online profile form after clicking on the “online profile form” link in the website article. Or call the district office (649-6008) and a profile form will be emailed to you.
Do you know someone you believe has gifts to serve at the district level? Invite them to visit the district webpage or share their name with the GDCC or district office.
Serving is rewarding!