The event will begin with worship at 9:30 a.m. (with registration and a continental breakfast beginning at 8:30) and wrap up with a closing circle around 3:30 p.m. There's no cost for the event, but everyone is asked to register to help with planning for the day. Please register at https://iwdpotluck.rsvpify.com. You'll receive a confirmation after registering.
The panel will feature several district members who have been called to serve in a variety of contexts. Workshop topics will include shared ministry team models in congregations, engaging people with disabilities, camps’ role in calling, and the story of Peoria’s Mountain Mission project. A full schedule for the day and workshop details were sent out via the district email list and are also available on the district website, www.iwdcob.org.
Please bring a dish or two to share for the meal. Place settings and beverages will be provided. Clothing and small household items (kitchen tools, towels, etc.) for Peoria’s Mountain Mission project will also be collected as a service offering. Please bring all those donations in small, white kitchen-sized trash bags (or smaller). No large items can be accepted, and please do not bring textbooks/encyclopedias, hymnals, TVs, tires, or non-working electronic items.
Potluck Experience team members this year are Leonard Matheny, Pat Ball, Christy Waltersdorff, and Pam Boughton.
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