Saturday, March 01, 2025


A district prayer calendar has been created for your use in praying for our district and related programs through the year. We invite you to include the following in your prayers in coming weeks: 

Week of March 9: Pray for the Panther Creek congregation in Roanoke, Ill., and for the large and vibrant Church of the Brethren faith community in Nigeria (Ekklesiyar Yan’uwa a Nigeria). 

Week of March 16: Pray for Brethren Disaster Ministries and its work at various sites, for district disaster coordinator Rick Koch, and for all those who serve in the wake of disasters. Remember those in North Carolina and elsewhere in the Southeast recovering from last year’s severe hurricanes. 

Week of March 23: Pray for the district’s Potluck Experience Team, and for the special biennial “Potluck Experience” event taking place at Peoria on March 29, considering the ways that we are called by God. 

Week of March 30: Pray for the Dixon congregation, and for the work of the denomination’s Discipleship and Leadership Formation office as it equips congregations across the country. 

Week of April 6: Pray for the district’s Gifts Discernment and Call Committee as it calls leaders for the work of the church, and for youth and advisors attending this year’s Church of the Brethren Christian Citizenship Seminar in Washington, D.C. 

Week of April 13: As we journey through Holy Week and on to the new life of Easter, spend time in quiet reflection, then rejoice in hope of Christ’s resurrection and all the new things that God is doing among us.