Wednesday, January 01, 2025
The Village ILWIDIot
“For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love, and self-discipline.” —2 Timothy 1:7, NIV
A new year brings a new chapter, but so far the story has felt rather heavy. Recent tragedy in New Orleans and the raging Los Angeles wildfires join challenging news continuing to come out of Gaza and Ukraine, tumult in Sudan and South Korea, plus political upheaval here and around the world. It’s a lot, and often rather overwhelming.
It can leave us feeling rather powerless, yet I know that’s not true. The author Voltaire (later picked up by Spider-Man), famously said, “With great power comes great responsibility.” Those of us in our little congregations in our little district in our little Church of the Brethren might not believe we possess great power, but we do have the responsibility to use what we have. We all have some degree of power to affect our world, however small.
Brethren musician Andy Murray reminded us of this with his song, “What Can One Person Do?” His answer to that is simple: “That’s a very good question, if you don’t do nothing at all.” Tempting as it is to close the blinds and pull the covers over our face, that’s not an option for followers of Christ.
We pray. We give. We reach out. We respond. We help to rebuild. We mend broken places. We speak words of change. We care. We love. We look out for our neighbors. We increase our awareness. We do small acts of kindness. We do the good we can, the good that is ours to do.
Or, as Andy put it, “If each one would just do what they could, working side by side, we could do a lot of good.”
So power up, friends. There’s work to be done.
Walt is available to visit your church, do pulpit supply, lead sessions, have conversation times, or otherwise connect with your congregation. Please contact to schedule a time. He is half-time and is usually on district duty late afternoons/evenings on weekdays plus weekends.
- Ministry Leadership Development Team, Jan. 15, 6:30 p.m.
- Church Revitalization and Development Team, Jan. 18, 9 a.m.
- Council of District Executives meetings, Melbourne, Fla., Jan. 24-29
- Leadership Team mini-retreat, Oglesby, Ill., Feb. 2, 2-5 p.m.
- Gifts Discernment and Call Committee, Feb. 4, 7:15 p.m.
- Powerhouse regional youth conference, Camp Mack, Milford, Ind., Feb. 7-9
- Program & Arrangements Committee, Feb. 13, 7 p.m.
- “Changing Mindsets for Ministry” online workshop, Feb. 22, 9-11 a.m.
- Potluck Experience 2025, Peoria First Church of the Brethren, March 29
- District Clergy Gathering and CEU event, Bishop Lane Retreat Center, Rockford, May 1-2
- Church of the Brethren Annual Conference, July 2-6, Greensboro, N.C.
The calls we receive may be to go on mission trips, help with the local food pantry, projects at church or in your neighborhood, or getting called to come back to work and help do part of your old job. Wherever those calls may come from, take the request to God and seek his guidance. Whatever the call may be, God will equip you with the tools needed to achieve the goal.
Be in prayer with God and be prepared for his answer, no matter when or how it arrives. Be ready to PLAY BALL!
Bill Williams, IL/WI District Moderator
- Week of Jan. 12: Pray for the Madtown Brethren faith community in Madison, Wisconsin, as they continue to grow and serve in our district’s newest church start.
- Week of Jan. 19: Be in prayer for the Leadership Team of our district, including chair Ed Carper (Canton) and vice chair Anna Lee Hisey-Pierson (York Center) as it makes decisions and carries out the work of the district in the year ahead.
- Week of Jan. 26: Be in prayer for the Council of District Executives as they hold their winter meetings this week, and for all the work of our denomination’s 23 districts.
- Week of Feb. 2: Pray for Brethren Volunteer Service and for all the volunteers who are serving across the US and around the globe, more than two dozen in all. Consider taking time to say thank you to someone who has served through BVS.
- Week of Feb. 9: Pray for the Polo congregation, and for the denominational Clergywomen’s Retreat taking place this week in Florida. Say a word of thanks for all the women who share their gifts with the church.
Please note new contact information for the district: All mail should be sent to 1S071 Luther Ave., Lombard, IL 60148. Peg’s new district email address is And the new district phone number is 630-644-4259. This is a cell phone that goes directly to Peg. You can also reach district executive minister Walt Wiltschek at 630-440-6089 or If needed, you can also call the York Center church at 630-627-7411.
Jonathan Shively and Tony Asta began their team interim service at York Center on Jan. 5 with a commissioning service for them and other church leaders, and an energetic “Kid Sunday.” They will be serving at York Center through June 30.
Be in prayer for the 2025 Denominational Clergywomen’s Retreat, an every-five-years event sponsored by the Church of the Brethren Ministry office, that will take place Feb. 10-13 at San Pedro Spiritual Development Center in Winter Park, Fla., near Orlando. At least half a dozen women from our district are attending. The theme, drawn from Ephesians 5:2, is “Love the World Like Jesus: with Courage, Care, and Healing,” with keynote speaker Meghan Larissa Good, author and lead pastor of Trinity Mennonite Church in Phoenix. Cindy Weber (York Center) is among the planning team members.
Northwest region pastors will meet in Freeport on Jan. 21, 2 p.m. at the church.
Congregational vacancies:
Dutchtown (Milledgeville): The congregation is currently using pulpit supply, with Tim Livengood and Randall Westfall among those periodically filling the pulpit. A new congregational profile is being developed, and a search committee is being formed. District executive Walt Wiltschek will be meeting with the board in February.
Highland Avenue (Elgin): Katie Shaw Thompson has announced her resignation as pastor effective Feb. 9. She has accepted a call as executive director of PADS of Elgin. The congregation is currently completing a congregational profile and calling a search committee. District executive Walt Wiltschek will meet with church leadership Feb. 16.
Lanark: Lynda Willmann retired effective Dec. 31. A search committee has been formed, and the congregational profile has been posted. Rick Koch will be serving as part-time interim from January to March, preaching two to three Sundays per month. Randall Westfall is also filling the pulpit once a month. District executive Walt Wiltschek met with the congregation on Jan. 12.
Woodland: Lisa Fike retired effective Dec. 31 to accept a call as pastor of Wabash (Ind.) Church of the Brethren. Local pastor Mathew Thiner is serving as an interim preacher and providing some pastoral care. Woodland member Kevin Sager is also helping to provide interim leadership, aided by a congregational team.
York Center: Christy Waltersdorff retired effective Dec. 31. A search committee has been formed, and a congregational profile has been published. Jonathan Shively and Tony Asta are serving as an interim pastoral team through June 30.
Chicago First on Jan. 19 will hold a joint worship service with Wellington UCC and Chicago Community Mennonite Church to celebrate Martin Luther King Day, with a meal following.
Woodland (Astoria) had about 100 people in attendance for its Christmas Eve concert and candlelight service. “We were blessed with a packed sanctuary!” member Phyllis Batterton said.
Do you have congregational news: celebrations, milestones, “Jesus in the Neighborhood” stories or other things to share with our district family? Please send those to the district office:
MARK YOUR CALENDARS for a special online workshop that will take place Saturday, Feb. 22, 9-11 a.m. Central, looking at "Changing Mindsets for Ministry." Our keynote leader will be Jeff MacDonald, a pastor and journalist from Massachusetts and author of Part-Time Is Plenty.
The workshop will look at changing models of congregational leadership, including shared ministry teams, greater involvement of lay leaders in the church's ministry, and helping church members re-conceptualize how they envision ministry and what constitutes a "successful" or vital church, among other topics. This free workshop is open to all and will take place on Zoom; the link will be sent out by late January.
Our district is offering this partnership with many of the surrounding Midwest/Plains districts, and with support from the denomination's Ministry Office. Clergy can receive 0.2 CEU’s. A flier was sent to the district list; contact the district office if you need a copy. Save the date and spread the word and we consider how we move forward in ministry together!
The 2025 edition will take place Saturday, March 29 at Peoria First Church of the Brethren around the theme “Are You Being Called?” Morning worship, a keynote panel and a variety of workshops around the theme are being planned. Clothing and household items for Peoria’s Mountain Mission project will also be collected as a service offering. The event will begin with worship at 9:30 a.m. (with registration and a continental breakfast beginning at 8:30) and wrap up with a closing circle around 3:30 p.m.
Potluck Experience team members this year are Leonard Matheny, Pat Ball, Christy Waltersdorff, and Pam Boughton. Watch for a full schedule and more information in the weeks ahead!
National Youth Conference 2026 will take place July 18-23, 2026, with a return to the site that the conference used in 1990 and prior years: the YMCA of the Rockies in Estes Park, Colo. More information will come in the months ahead at National Youth Conference.
Christian Citizenship Seminar is planned for April 5-9, 2025, giving high school students a chance to explore the theme “Faith for Change,” culminating in legislative visits on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. Find out more at
National Youth Sunday on May 4, 2025, will be an opportunity for congregations to empower senior high youth to plan and lead worship. Resources will be posted in 2025 at
Young Adult Conference is planned for May 23-25, 2025, at Brethren Woods near Keezletown, Va. The annual event offers people ages 18-35 a chance to enjoy fellowship, worship, recreation, Bible study, service projects, and more. See
National Junior High Conference takes place June 20-22, 2025, at Juniata College in Huntingdon, Pa. Join other junior high youth and adult advisors for a weekend packed with powerful worship, fun workshops, music, recreation, and more. Registration opened Jan. 10. Registration and details are at
Registration for Church of the Brethren FaithX short-term service trips opened on Jan. 8 at The 2025 theme is “Living with Purpose.” The trips challenge participants to become more aware of themselves, their communities, and their world by serving alongside others following Christ’s example.
This coming year, FaithX participants will have the opportunity to serve in a variety of ministry and non-profit settings, live and worship in community, explore a new place, examine their values and beliefs, and have too much fun! A summary of the 2025 trip locations, with descriptions and pricing information, is at
The summer offerings include two junior high trips, four joint junior high/senior high trips, two senior high trips, one family experience July 25-27 at Camp Mardela in Maryland, and two adult trips (including an international venture to Uganda). Also available is an older adult trip, March 2-7 to Camp Ithiel in Gotha, Fla., near Orlando. Registration for that trip closes Feb. 1.
At its district board meeting this past weekend, Pacific Southwest created an emergency fund to support Brethren affected by the fires, contributing $2,500 from district funds to begin the response. Donations can be mailed to the Pacific Southwest District office at PO Box 760, Glendora, CA 91740 or at Note that gifts are for fire relief. Donations for the broader relief effort can also be send to Brethren Disaster Ministries’ Emergency Disaster Fund at
Early on Jan. 1, a truck was driven into a crowd on Bourbon Street in New Orleans, killing 14 people and injuring 35 others. Children’s Disaster Services (CDS) sent a Critical Response Childcare team on Jan. 5 to provide a calm presence for the children of victims or children of families of the victims. Critical Response Childcare teams are trained above and beyond the typical CDS volunteers, prepared to serve following mass casualty events. Since 1997, CDS’s Critical Response Childcare teams have responded to several mass shootings including in Orlando and Las Vegas, and more recently in Uvalde and Lewiston.
The church is also supporting collections of disaster relief kits by Church World Service (CWS), many of which are warehoused and shipped by the denomination’s Material Resources staff at the Brethren Service Center in New Windsor, Md. Most needed right now are Clean-Up Buckets, and also Hygiene Kits and Period Packs. Find out how to assemble these kits at Staff are encouraging people who put together CWS kits to take them to a CWS “depot”; find locations at To make a monetary donation for hurricane relief, go to or send via mail, through checks made out to the Emergency Disaster Fund with “hurricane response” in the notation line. Mail to: Emergency Disaster Fund, Church of the Brethren, 1451 Dundee Ave., Elgin IL 60120. For more tips for how to help, visit
The planning team for the next National Older Adult Conference (NOAC), to be held Sept. 1-5, 2025, at Lake Junaluska, N.C., has announced the theme for the event: “Alive in the Spirit!”
The theme scripture is Romans 15:13: “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that you may abound in hope by the power of the Holy Spirit” (NRSVue).
The planning team includes Heidi Berkenbosch, Deanna Brown, Bonnie Kline Smeltzer, Leonard Matheny (Peoria First), Don Mitchell, Karlene Tyler, and coordinator Christy Waltersdorff (York Center). Debbie Noffsinger (Highland Avenue) designed the NOAC 2025 logo. Registration information and other details will be coming out soon.
For advance registration (March 5-June 10): Delegates $350; Non-delegate adult, full conference, $175; Non-delegate adult, daily rate, $60; Post-high school to age 21, full conference, $50; Post-high school to age 21, daily rate, $20; Current high school student or younger, free; Active BVSer, free.
For on-site registration (opens July 1): Delegates $425; Non-delegate adult, full conference, $210; Non-delegate adult, daily rate, $75; Post-high school to age 21, full conference, $50; Post-high school to age 21, daily rate, $20; Current high school student or younger, free; Active BVSer, free. Note there is an additional fee for age-group activities.
Registration for virtual participation (non-delegate only): Adult (until June 10), full conference, $195 or daily rate, $75. Group/institutional registration, $500; Post-high school to age 21, full conference, $75.
For lodging, the Sheraton Greensboro at Four Seasons is connected to the Koury Convention Center, making it extremely convenient for guests. The Annual Conference room rate is $120 plus tax (12.75%) totaling $135.30 per night. Parking is complimentary. The Sheraton Hotel provides complimentary shuttle transportation to and from Piedmont Triad International Airport from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. In room Wi-Fi is complimentary for all hotel guests.
• “An Introduction to Fresh Expressions in the Anabaptist/Pietist Tradition” will be offered as a free webinar by the Church of the Brethren Discipleship and Leadership Formation office on Wednesday, Jan. 29, at 1 p.m. Central Time. Matt Lake will be the presenter. “Small forms of Christian community are cropping up in all kinds of places and spaces as churches begin to connect with the communities around them,” a description said. “Our tradition, with its emphasis on reconciliation, peace, and justice, is positioned to be able to connect with a postmodern generation that shares these longings. Learn how your church could begin to connect with this generation in new ways, no matter what size your congregation or budget.” Register at Credentialed minsters can received 0.1 CEUs.
• Registration is now live for the Ventures in Christian Discipleship 2024-2025 webinar series. CEUs are available. Upcoming courses include:
• Feb. 11 & 18: “Luke and Acts: Turning the World Upside Down,” presented by Chris Bucher & Bob Neff
• March 11: “Standing in Solidarity: A Conversation about Race and Allyship,” presented by Eleanor Hubbard
• April 5: “A Place for Everybody: Creating Communities of Belonging,” presented by Jeanne Davies
Suggested donation is $25 per course. Learn more and register online at
• Upcoming courses from the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership include “Ministering Across Cultures: Building Bridges through Intercultural Competence,” led by Darla Kay Deardorff, onsite in person at Bethany Theological Seminary March 17-19 (registration deadline Feb. 10, travel scholarships available); and “Effective Leadership for Times Such As These,” Zoom intensive, April 4-5 and May 2-3, led by Randy Yoder (registration deadline March 4). Register and pay online at Brethren Academy Course Registration/Biannual TRIM Payment | Bethany Theological Seminary ( Our own Christy Waltersdorff is leading the online course “Brethren, We Have Met to Worship” beginning Jan. 15 and continuing through March!
• Upcoming Susquehanna Valley Ministry Center (SVMC) continuing education courses include “Identifying and Responding to Suicide Risk,” led by Julie Guistwite, Jan. 28, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Central, via Zoom, cost $35; and “Supporting Congregational Members Following Divorce,” led by Julie Guistwite, June 3, 8:30-11:30 a.m. Central, via Zoom, cost $35. Course prices are $10 less without CEU’s. Register by visiting the SVMC course page or by contacting Karen Hodges at
• Lombard Mennonite Peace Center offers a variety of training sessions. Upcoming options include “Peaceful, Productive Pastor-Parish Partnerships,” Jan. 23 via Zoom or March 15 in person in La Grange, Ill.; “Conflict Transformation Skills,” Feb. 6 via Zoom; and “Strengthening the Body of Christ,” March 15 in Middleton, Wisc. For details and registration information, go to
• 2025 New Community Project Learning Tours: Go. Meet. Learn. Grow. Change yourself—and your world. These trips will take participants of all ages to: Borneo in mid-May; the Ecuadorian Amazon in early June; Lybrook, N.M. in late June; and Denali/Kenai Fjords National Parks in early August. For more information visit or contact or 540-855-1199.
• Designed particularly for ministers new to the Church of the Brethren denomination, Bethany Theological Seminary’s new certificate of achievement in ministry studies (CAMS) includes six courses that focus on Brethren history and theology, practical experience with the ordinances and preaching of the church, biblical interpretation, and peace studies. The certificate can be completed in two years or even one year, depending on course offerings. Five of the six courses can be completed at a distance. For more information go to
Camp Bethel in Fincastle, Va., seeks a dependable, caring leader to fill the position of full-time, salaried Food Services coordinator. The camp is offering a $1,500 sign-on bonus. Food service ability or experience is required, and staff management experience is preferred. The position oversees kitchen operations including, but not limited to, cooking and preparing meals for groups, inventory and ordering, cleanliness and sanitation, hiring and training of staff, flow and operation of the kitchen. This position is available immediately. Starting benefits package includes a salary of $36,000 with optional family/personal medical insurance plan, an employer-paid pension plan, paid vacation leave, professional growth funds, and optional onsite housing and utilities. Find the on-line application instructions, position description, and more at or e-mail Camp Director Hannah Jarrett at
The Church of the Brethren’s Mission and Ministry Board has declared Thursday, Jan. 16, a day of prayer and fasting for the denomination, at the request of the board of the church’s Atlantic Southeast District. The declaration invites all Church of the Brethren congregations, projects, fellowships, the board, and the denominational staff to participate, focusing on concerns related to immigration. “I was a stranger and you welcomed me” (Matthew 25:35, NRSV) is the theme scripture for the day.
The Church of the Brethren Mission and Ministry Board held a special Zoom meeting Dec. 5 to act on a proposal for the 2025 budget for denominational ministries. The board approved a Core Ministries budget of $5,291,000 income and an expense of $5,311,720. Compared to the 2024 budget, the Core Ministries budget for next year includes reductions across various departments with total reductions amounting to $395,280. Other measures to offset expenses included a $125,000 transfer from designated funds and an additional $33,000 transfer from the Brethren Service Center quasi-endowment, which chair Colin Scott announced is intended to help staff provide language interpretation and translation services. The board’s action included approval of a grand total budget for all denominational ministries of $8,019,400 income and an expense of $8,163,470. Find a link to the 2025 budget at
Brethren Volunteer Service (BVS) orientation dates for 2025 have been set and applications are open. The application form can be found at Orientation dates will be July 27-Aug. 4, summer orientation (Unit 337), at Camp Colorado in Sedalia, Colo. Sept. 10-18, fall orientation (Unit 338), at Camp Mardela in Denton, Md.
The Death Row Support Project (DRSP) will be holding informational sessions for people interested in learning more about writing to those on death row. The sessions will include some basics of how this project works, introduce members of the team who are here to provide support, and talk about expectations of DRSP writers. Upcoming informational sessions are Saturday, Jan. 18, 1-2 p.m. Central ( Meeting ID: 876 5085 3133) and Wednesday, Feb. 5, 6-7 p.m. Central ( Meeting ID: 893 1049 2264). Additionally, for those already writing to pen pals on death row through the DRSP, the DRSP team is holding open office hours on a monthly basis. All current writers are welcome to drop in virtually during office hours to ask questions or share reflections on their pen pal friendship. Office hours are held on the first Monday of each month, from 6-87p.m. Central at:
The Church of the Brethren’s Standing with People of Color Committee has created a curated resource list featuring books, articles, media, and additional resources that provide insight, education, and understanding of anti-racism and racial justice. It is designed to aid in reflection, discussion, and personal growth. For suggestions and comments on this guide, email The resource list can be found at or
- Mission and Mortar: Sustaining and developing ministry (mission) within congregations, as well as maintaining property (mortar), is sometimes hindered because of inadequate financial resources. The Illinois/Wisconsin District, whose mission is to support the growth and development of member congregations, desires to financially support congregations that are in good standing with the district and have specific needs. More information can be found here.
- Being Jesus in the Neighborhood: Congregations can apply for $100 in seed money to start a new outreach project or initiative in their local communities, or to expand an existing one. These should be projects that intentionally engage with the neighborhood immediately around the congregation or, for those in rural locations, with the town or area around the church. Each congregation receiving a grant will be asked to share a little about their project at district conference. More information can be found here.
- Emerging Missions Fund: To facilitate the growth and establishment of new faith communities, this grant is available for church and ministry planting initiatives. New church and ministry plants are encouraged to apply by contacting the district office and/or the CRDT.
The Illinois/Wisconsin District is active in a variety of ministry and mission efforts, both directly and indirectly. Continuing these efforts requires resources in the form of time, tools, knowledge, and especially finances.
Consider making a contribution to the district’s general fund or one of its special funds (disaster relief, youth, emerging ministries, etc.). Look for the donate button at, or send your checks to the district office: 1S071 Luther Ave., Lombard, IL 60148.