Saturday, August 05, 2006
"SSSSSHHHHH It's a Silent Auction"

Our District is having it's Annual Silent Auction during District Conference once again. When's that you say? Well it is from Friday-Sunday, November 3-5 at the York Center Church of the Brethren!
Once again you are encouraged to donate Craft Items, Night's on the town, meals in your home, etc.
We will have all of these items displayed at Conference for you to bid on. Please let me know if you are bringing an items or two.
If you have any questions about the Silent Auction, please contact Rick Koch at 815-225-7812 or 815-225-7338 or e-mail at All monies will go towards the Ministry of the District.

The NOAC bus from our district needs 12 more people. Its not too late for people to sign up for NOAC. To reserve a bus seat send to me - Willard Dulabaum - at 820 Mill Street, Elgin, IL 60123 a check for $150 for round trip. We hope to have enough to make it go, or work out a partnership with another district.
Please note this was as of June.
A Community Festival for Heifer International Supporters

Churches of the Illinois/Wisconsin District are invited to attend the Heifer Hoedown - a Heifer International community festival to be held at the DuPage County Fairgrounds on September 23, 2006. Click the link to download a flyer with all the details.
Heifer has recently celebrated the phenomenal growth of its first 60 years, and the Midwest Region of Heifer has been an integral part of that growth. The Church of the Brethren is also justified to have a special pride for its role in giving birth to this program that is making a dramatic difference in the lives of millions of families in the United States and throughout the world.
So it is time to celebrate! At this first-time event in the western Chicago suburbs we will
- Celebrate the accomplishments and generosity of those that make this critical work possible
- Encourage mutual support of all involved in that work
- Eat, play, dance and be merry
2006 IL/WI Directory Updates

- P. 6 - Camp Emmanuel - Jerry & Connie Reynolds, Mgrs.
- P.9 - Gifts Discernment & Call Com.- Kevin Kessler, Chair
- P.24 - Cherry Grove directions, ½ mile east of Hwy 73 on Brethren Rd.
- P.25 - Hurricane Creek - Randy Sarver resigned 6/1/06; Tom Dooly is church contact
- P. 26 - Mt. Morris; email:
- P. 27 - Neighborhood - E-mail:
- P.27 - Mt. Morris -
- P. 31 - Ellis Boughton - E-mail:
- P.32 - Tom Dooly - E-mail:
- P. 38 - Peter Yordy - 1407 N. County Rd 2000 E
- Other - Joe Meredith moved from Oak Grove to Allison Prairie 7/1/06

Church of the Brethren
District Conference
November 3rd, 4th, and 5th
at the York Center Church of the Brethren
1S071 Luther Ave, Lombard, IL 60148-4163
You are invited!! Come, “be still” with your sisters and brothers of our District, but only in times of prayer and mediation. The rest of the time be full of joy, laughter, singing, praise, and a general good time visiting with all. Do bring your questions and comments for the business meeting as well. Watch for the District Conference packet coming to your church soon. Ask for information from it. Read it, this year’s business meeting is going to be a little different. We will “do” business, but celebrate the life of our District as well. Again, YOU are invited to come, be still and know that God is God of you, the District, and our world!!

Editors: Gil Crosby at and Leonard Matheny at