Tuesday, April 01, 2008

April 2008 -- Vol 5 Issue 3


Loading District files and equipment from York Center will begin Thursday, April 3. Christy Waltersdorff did indicate that people are on the premises on Thursdays because of a tutoring program at the church. This should not interfere with the District transition.

We have set Thursday, April 3 for the move. A truck will be at the church and ready to load by 9:00 AM or very shortly thereafter. Christy will announce at York Center for volunteers to help load. If you would like to help, you now have the date and time. Kevin Kessler will find volunteers to unload at Canton, the site of the new office, the next morning, Friday, April 4. If you are available to help unload, all volunteerism accepted.

Any questions or concerns call Kevin Kessler at (630) 261-0951


Cleaning flower beds, painting lawn furniture, and washing windows are some tasks lined up for us at the Third Annual District Work Day at Pleasant Hill Village May 17. We invite all churches in the Illinois/Wisconsin district to send a team to Girard to work, fellowship, and learn about our district's important ministry to the aging. Work begins at 9 a.m. and goes to 3 p.m.

The Home will furnish refreshments and our noon meal, plus a tour of the campus. Workers should bring gloves, rakes, shovels, paint brushes, paint rollers and trays, and putty knives. We need power washers. A small roofing job needs to be done if enough roofers show up. There is plenty of inside work to be done. Work will go on, rain or shine. Those who want to spend the time visiting with the residents will find that a rewarding task as well.

The District Leadership sponsors this Work Day . Please let us know in advance if you are coming. Call Fletcher Farrar at 217-525-9083 when you know that you're sending a team. Questions may be directed to Fletcher or to Paulette Miller, executive director at Pleasant Hill, 217-627-9502.


Our district is going to provide a bus from the Illinois and Wisconsin District to Annual Conference in Richmond, VA. If you are interested or have questions please contact Alan McLearn-Montz at 815 289-9517 or bajamm@netscape.com.

The cost will be $125.00 per person round trip with full capacity of 50 people on the bus. E-mail or call now to reserve your spot. Look for a registration form in next month's newsletter.


Representatives from churches in the IL/WI District are invited to an all day workshop on April 19 on Environmentally Sustainable Living hosted by the York Center Church.

Tom Benevento of the New Community Project will lead the workshop. The workshop objective will help people see what actions have the greatest positive impact on the environment and deepen our connection to God and creation. The preliminary agenda is:

9:00 - 12:00
Discussion of environmentally friendly actions for churches and individuals.
  1. Christian perspectives of care for creation
  2. Our planetary crisis and climate change
  3. Consumer culture and impacts on our planet
  4. Reasons for hope and the emerging movement of mutual partnership with the earth
  5. Most effective actions; personal and public
Noon - Lunch

1:00 - 4:00
Energy efficiency for church buildings. (The focus will be on the York Center Church but the discussion will apply to other church buildings.)
  1. Exploration of goals, current resources, and what has been done.
  2. Discussion of what other churches have done and how we can learn from them.
  3. Walk through the church building structure, systems and appliances, and outside.
  4. Setting a list of priorities regarding effective carbon reduction and cost savings.
Tom Benevento, the workshop leader, has a degree in Sustainable Systems and has extensive experience in development work and community organizing. His work with New Community Project involves leading Undoing Global Warming workshops for congregations and other groups, and developing a model sustainable living center at his home in Harrisonburg, Virginia. You can learn more about NCP work from their website, newcommunityproject.org.

There is no charge for attending the workshop, however space is limited so we ask that you register in advance by calling the York Center office at 630-627-7441, or jomiller071@comcast.net For more information, contact Loren Habegger at 630-852-7515, or habegger4@comcast.net.


You will be receiving your new 2008 Directories in the very near future.

ERROR CORRECTIONS Please make the following corrections in the new directories.

Page 6 San Diego Annual Conference is June 26 - June 30.
Page 8 Vernon Dean's congregation is Franklin Grove
Page 11 Allison Gibble is President of the youth cabinet
Page 13 Paul Kohler's congregation is Decatur
Page 16 Champaign's e-mail address is: church@cubrethren.org
Page 18 LaMotte Prairie's address is: P.O. Box 118, Palestine 68451
Page 18 Bill Scott's phone # is: (618) 586-5428
Page 33 Tom DeVore's email address is tdevore@newbeginningsfellowship.cc
Page 34 Jack Flore's e-mail address is: jrflrs@yahoo.com
Page 36 Terry Link's zip code is 62563.
Page 39 Cynthia Taylor's e-mail is: cynthia6@verizon.net Duane Steiner

Neglected Voices

Peace in the Old Testament
by David A. Leiter

The Bible has a reputation for underscoring violence in the Old Testament and elevating peace in the New Testament. David Leiter challenges that oversimplified notion in Neglected Voices: Peace in the Old Testament as he explores passages in which God calls for the making of peace. By identifying key typologies, Leiter shows the Old Testament's relevance to today's struggles for peace.
“Perhaps Leiter's greatest gift in this book is his contention that the Old Testament contains a systemized typology for peace. In seeking to demonstrate the truth of this conviction, he introduces multiple distinct ideologies of peace that demonstrate where the Old Testament contains nonviolent responses to conflict. The presence of these ideologies of peace recasts the dominant perception that the Old Testament only supports violence.”
—from the foreword by Jay W. Marshall
David Leiter is pastor of the Green Tree Church of the Brethren in Oaks, Pennsylvania. He holds a Master of Divinity degree from Bethany Theological Seminary and a PhD in biblical studies from Drew University. Leiter has taught at New York Theological Seminary and the Ecumenical Institute of Theology in Baltimore. He also has published numerous articles and essays in Old Testament studies. Leiter was born and raised in Waynesboro, Pennsylvania.

Order from Brethren Press for $16.99 plus shipping and handling, call 800-441-3712.


Twenty-one people from five congregations were part of this year's spring district youth retreat, held Feb. 29 to March 2 at the Decatur Church of the Brethren.

The 300th anniversary took center stage for this retreat, with the theme "300!: Remembering Our Brethren Heritage." Logan Condon from the General Board's Brethren Historical Library and Archives showed some of the changes from past to present with a Powerpoint presentation and stories from Brethren history.

James Gibble-Keenan, the district's Youth Heritage Team member, shared other glimpses from history in an afternoon session, and the Saturday evening worship featured vignettes of the early Brethren in Germany, Sarah Righter Major, and Ted Studebaker.

Our expert chef, Jewel McNary, again provided several good meals during the weekend, and Saturday afternoon was spent at the Decatur YMCA for swimming and other recreation.

Many thanks go to the Decatur church for hosting us so well, including a fellowship time after worship on Sunday, and to the advisors at nearby Cerro Gordo for setting up the use of the YMCA.

The fall retreat will be held during district conference, Nov. 7-9 in Peoria. Leadership will be provided by On Earth Peace. Also, don't forget to register for youth camps at Camp Emmanuel and Camp Emmaus this summer!


Mt. Morris Church of the Brethren
7:00 PM Friday - 4:00 PM Saturday
Registration: $15.00 per Youth.

THEME "Let's Get M.A.D." (Making A Difference)

Our emphasis will be; How can Jr. High Youth Make a difference to their neighbors next door and around the world.

We are excited to have Ellis Boughton, Pastor of Yellow Creek Church of the Brethren who will share about mission work that he has been involved in in Honduras. We will be starting a District Jr. High Project Making a Difference. By putting together Honduras Health Kits. Ellis is getting me a list.

We will also be working to help some of the people in the Mt. Morris community in a work Project. Please bring clothes and shoes for work.

Feel free to send me on line registration using this address, revsfike@hotmail.com.

-- Thanks Blessings to all, Pastor Lisa Fike


Pictured here are team members Paula Harris, Terry Dobbs, Jan Stoller, and Fletcher Farrar, along with Project Return Director Debi Edmund, and Pastor Kreston Lipscomb. Project Return is a non-profit organization with a mission to help incarcerated mothers reintegrate into the Springfield community. Assistance is given in areas such as finding housing, employment, child care, health care, counseling and addiction support, transportation and safety net resources. Modeled after Project Cope from the St. Louis area which has operated for 20 years; Project Return is new to Springfield. The Springfield team has completed 30 hours of training in areas of: reentry theology, restorative justice, diversity, ethics, boundaries, criminal justice system, effects of incarceration, criminal thinking, interpersonal violence, substance abuse, mental health issues, and community resourcing. With the first announcement of a need for a bed, a hand shot up and God had again provided through His people. Project Return is slowly branching out and is currently expanding into the Peoria area and is seeking volunteers.

-- Terry Link reporting from Springfield.

300th Anniversary Celebration

2008 Brethren World Assembly
Schwarzenau, Germany
Sponsored by Brethren Encyclopedia, Inc.

Saturday, August 2, 2008
8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Register at Sportplatz
During the day View the movie By Water and the Word; visit the Alexander Mack Museum, the former Alexander Mack Schule, the old mill, and the castle/Bible in Bad Berleburg; meditate at Eder River; hike as Alexander Mack did from the Hüttental to the old mill; take a walking tour of Marburg.
Noon–1:30 p.m. Lunch at Tent (cost 6 euros – not included in registration fee)
5:00–6:30 p.m. Supper at Tent (cost 9 euros – not included in registration fee)
7:00 p.m. Concert: McPherson College Choir; Männerchor Eintract, Schwarzenau; Frauenchor, Schwarzenau; Kammerchor
Cantamus, Bad Berleburg
Sunday, August 3, 2008
10:00 a.m. Worship Service
Preachers: Rev. Frederic G. Miller, Jr., Pastor, Mount Olive Brethren Church (VA);
and Rev. James M. Beckwith, Pastor, Annville (PA) Church of the Brethren and 2007-08 Moderator, Church of the Brethren
Noon – 1:30 p.m. Lunch at Tent (cost included in registration fee; each person not registered - 6 euros)
2:00 p.m. Anniversary Program
Main speaker: Dr. Marcus Meier, Author of The Origins of The Schwarzenau Brethren
4:30 p.m. Gather at the River
Afterward    Auf Wiedersehen, Schwarzenau! Vielen Dank!

Persons contemplating attending the 300th Anniversary Celebration are asked to contact
Dale Ulrich
26 College Woods Drive

2008 District Calendar

4th-6th Mission Alive Conference, Bridgewater, VA
6th-9th Midwest Dist. Executives' Retreat, Camp Mack, Milford, IN
12 Deacon Training, Dallas Center, IA
19 9:00am District Leadership Team, New Beginnings (tentative)
24-27 Cross Cultural Consultation and Celebration, Elgin
1 National Day of Prayer
1 Ascension Day
4 National Youth Sunday
5 Cinco de Mayo
11 Pentecost
11 Mother's Day
15-17 Church Planting Conferecne, Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond, IN
17-25 District Executive on vacation
26 Memorial Day
7 District Leadership Team, West Branch
15 Father's Day
23-26 TRIM/EFSM Orientation, Bethany Theological Seminary, Richmond, IN
4 Independence Day
10th-12th       Council of Dist. Executive's Summer meeting, Richmond, VA
12th-16th Annual Conference, Richmond, VA
26 District Leadership Team, Springfield
3 300th Anniversary Celebration Sunday
3 300th Anniversay Celebration in Schwarzenau, Germany
11th-15th National Young Adult Conference, Estes Park, CO
1 Labor Day
1st-5th National Older Adult Conference, Lake Junaluska, NC
6 District Leadership Team, Neighborhood
14 Bethany Sunday