Wednesday, October 01, 2008

The Reflector -- October 2008 -- Vol 5 Issue 9


by Kevin Kessler

The time for our district to gather at the First Church of the Brethren in Peoria for the 2008 District Conference is quickly approaching. November 7-9 are the dates we will gather for worship, for fellowship, for eating together, and for doing the business of this district. Jerry Sales, Moderator, will provide leadership for the conference under the theme of "Love one another…by this everyone will know you are my disciples", based on John 13:34-35. This theme is appropriate at any time but seems most appropriate as we in this district continue striving to live together in love amidst a diversity of understandings about our faith and values. The struggles in which our world is embroiled, such as wars, partisan politics, ethnic hatred, divisiveness caused in a myriad of other ways, make this theme very appropriate, as well.

By now, hopefully, conference information has been disseminated in congregations and all have had an opportunity to peruse these materials. If you've not seen the information and would like to know more, please contact the district office. A brief summary of the conference is included here. Conference will convene Friday evening with a hymn sing at 7:10pm followed by corporate worship at 7:30pm. Moderator Jerry Sales will be speaking and Moderator-elect Gil Crosby will be the worship leader. Business begins Saturday morning at 8:20am and will conclude by 4:30pm. Business will consist of hearing reports, affirming persons to positions of leadership, and taking necessary action on items of business presented by organizations and/or teams. A concert by Andy and Terry Murray is scheduled for Saturday evening at 7:00pm, followed by a Brethren favorite-ICE CREAM! Four insight sessions are planned for Sunday morning: Some Core Values of the Church of the Brethren led by Annual Conference Moderator David Shumate, Living with Post Traumatic Stress Disorder led by Mike Bowman, Planting New Brethren Churches in the Illinois/Wisconsin District led by the New Church Development Team, and a youth session, The Pursuit of Peace: Into Your Communities Ready For Action led by Marie Rhoades. Worship Sunday morning will be led by host pastor, Dana McNeil and Annual Conference Moderator David Shumate will preach.

I encourage attendance at conference as this is a time in the life of our district when together we have an opportunity to engage actively in listening and sharing, to engage in fellowship with those we see only occasionally, maybe no more than once a year, and to engage in worship as the body of Christ we know as the District of Illinois and Wisconsin of the Church of the Brethren. I emphasize the word together. Together we are more than we are as a single congregation or individually. Together we can help shape, along with the leading of the Spirit, the destiny of this district. Together we can learn and grow and increase in wisdom, in strength, in service, and in mission, for the glory of God and the good of all.

COME TO DISTRICT CONFERENCE! I'm looking forward to seeing you there!


The Office of Ministry is sponsoring a retreat for clergy women from January 12 – 15, 2009 at the Mary and Joseph Retreat Center in Rancho Palos Verdes , California . The Retreat, open to all licensed and ordained women in the denomination, focuses on the theme of “Reconnecting with Holy Fire: Fanning the Flames of the Spirit Among Us.” Acclaimed author, teacher and speaker Marva Dawn provides leadership for the Retreat. The planning committee has planned an exciting time of Sabbath and reconnection.

Copies of the retreat brochure for your information as well as to share with any clergy women who might ask you about the retreat are available from Dana Cassell via e-mail ( or phone (847-742-5100 x317).

We have worked to make the event accessible to all but some women in your district – especially those credentialed women not currently employed by a congregation providing them with professional growth funds – may be in need of assistance in order to participate. Hopefully your district could have some funds available to support any one who would need financial assistance. If you are aware of needs for financial support exceeding what you are able to offer, please feel free to call us. The planning team is especially concerned that we not allow financial concerns to exclude clergy women from taking advantage of this Sabbath time of re-connecting and re-igniting.


Mary Jo Flory-Steury
Director of Ministry

Dana Cassell
BVS Volunteer, Office of Ministry


Sugar, chocolate chips, pumpkin, oatmeal raisin and butterscotch cookies one and all. Cookies and more cookies! What’s better than cookies, milk and Grandmother? It was with this thought in mind that the women of the Champaign Church of the Brethren answered the “Call to Bake” issued by our new pastor, Cynthia Taylor and inaugurated a new ministry, “Brethren Grandmothers”

Champaign, Illinois claims both the University of Illinois and Parkland College. Where there are colleges there are students. They could be freshmen living in dorms, sophomores moving into shared apartments, juniors working in after school programs or seniors serving as dorm monitors and many of them have something in common. They are Brethren raised. They are students away from home, many for the first time and getting acquainted with new surroundings. Now they make their own decisions and plan their own schedules. They make room for new activities, experiences and encounter new opportunities and people. They are sometimes a little lonely, a little scared and a little homesick.

Enter the Brethren Grandmothers. We’re not faster than speeding trains. We don’t leap over tall buildings in a single bound. Instead of “Spidey” sense we have mama sense. Using information solicited from member churches and provided by you, the moms, dads, grandmothers, grandfathers, friends and relatives we visit your student bringing fresh baked cookies, open arms and the hand of fellowship. We remind them that they are not alone and that there is a place in town that they can call “home”. Where there spirits can be fed weekly, potlucks can be attended monthly, prayer and cookies can be found any time.

If you would like your student to have a visit and cookies from the Brethren Grandmothers, please send their Name, Address, Phone, and your name to:

Brethren Grandmothers
Attn: Cookie Captain
Champaign Church of the Brethren
1210 N. Neil St
Champaign, IL 61820


Cerro Gordo had a meaningful worship service for International Prayer for Peace Day on Sept. 21. Interim pastor Rex Richardson shared a sermon on “The Peace of Christ.” Hymns were selected around the theme of peace. Brenda Richardson gave a reading on Shalom. Anna Rose Larrick sang “In the Shelter of His Arms.” The service concluded with congregational singing of “Let There Be Peace on Earth.” We were privileged to have several guests in attendance to share this time with us.

LEAVING CHURCH: Journeying with People of Faith In and Beyond Congregations

Palmyra Church of the Brethren Presents:
Journeying with People of Faith In and Beyond Congregations

A One Day Seminar with Alan Jamieson

Saturday, November 1, 2008
8 am to 4 pm (lunch included)

Palmyra Church of the Brethren
45 North Chestnut Street, Palmyra, PA

Alan Jamieson is a sociologist and senior pastor at Central Baptist Church in Wellington, New Zealand. His ground breaking book, A Churchless Faith, summarizes his research on why people leave churches and what happens to their faith after leaving. It outlines some of the supportive structures and one on one help that churches can implement to become “leaver sensitive.” In his book, Called Again, Jamieson raises a concern for those who still come to our churches, but long ago stopped being present mentally, emotionally and spiritually (internal leavers). How can their faith be nurtured and revitalized? Additionally, he raises the challenge of connecting with emerging generations, which are formed more and more by a postmodern world.

This seminar is for clergy and lay leaders in any congregation who are concerned with the faith journey of those who quietly disappear from their churches.

Supported by a Leadership Training and Development Grant from the Church of the Brethren Office of Ministry.

.6 CEUs available through the Brethren Academy for Ministerial Leadership.

Register by October 27 to guarantee lunch.

To register: detach this form and send to:
Palmyra Church of the Brethren
45 North Chestnut Street
Palmyra, PA 17078

I wish to register for the Alan Jamieson seminar.
Attached is my $20 registration fee

____ Lodging/Hotel information needed.

Name ______________________________________________

Address ___________________________________________

Phone _________________ Email ____________________

____ I would like to receive the .6 CEUs.

Brethren Benefit Trust Insurance Services


Brethren Benefit Trust Insurance Services is conducting an open enrollment for all of its insurance plans from Oct. 1 to Oct. 31, 2008. This includes Dental, Vision, Life, Supplemental Life, and Long-Term Disability insurance services. Not only will most insurance rates through Brethren Benefit Trust stay the same or decrease for 2009, but there are new benefits and better coverage to go with that savings. If you are not a present participant, please check out these plans to see if they might be appropriate for you and your family as you consider insurance coverage for 2009.

It is important to note: A one-time open enrollment is being offered for Life and Long-Term Disability insurance coverage. For Life insurance, everyone is eligible to enroll, even if you’ve been previously denied life insurance in the past. Long-Term Disability open enrollment is offered to anyone who has not been denied coverage in the past. This opportunity is only being offered through Oct. 31, so it is essential to act quickly!

If you participate in any of the BBT Insurance services, a packet of information will automatically be sent to you. If you are not currently a member, and you are employed at a church working 20 hours or more per week, you can obtain an enrollment packet by contacting Tammy Chudy at 800-746-1505, ext. 372, or


This is a reminder of the 12th Annual Fall Dinner and Auction to benefit Pleasant Hill Village. It is to be held on Saturday, October 18, 2008, at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Virden. Wear your favorite western duds as the theme is "Western Hoedown 2." The doors will open at 5:00 p.m. and Dinner will be at 6:00 p.m. There will be a Hat Contest, so wear your favorite western hat and compete with your friends and neighbors.

This annual benefit has raised over $164,000 to assist with different projects at Pleasant Hill Village. The goal this year is to raise $17,000. The projects for this year are as follows:
  1. A blanket warmer and blankets that will be used for all of Healthcare.
  2. A mechanical lift with slings for Healthcare.
  3. A reclining shower chair for Healthcare.
  4. Complete the purchase of window coverings for the resident rooms and dining room area in Healthcare.
  5. Landscape in front of the 1024 Residence Apartment Building
  6. Patio furniture for the Residence Apartment Buildings.
Come out on October 18 and enjoy a fun evening. Bid against your family, friends, and neighbors for a good cause.

District Moderator's Letter

Dear Sisters and Brothers in Christ, I bring you greetings on behalf of Jesus Christ and your District offices. I am looking forward to our time together at District Conference in Peoria and hope you are also. November 7, 2008 will be here before we know it. I will be bringing the Friday evening message and Moderator-elect, Gil Crosby will be our worship leader.

In addition to conducting the necessary business, this conference will be a time to renew our connection with each other and with our Lord whom we all serve. The theme for this conference is “Love One Another… by this everyone will know you are my disciples”, John 13:34-35. In many ways this is like a family reunion, a time to get together with all the Brethren from the Illinois and Wisconsin area; a time to be with those we love but don’t get to see everyday; a time to reunite with our family; to reconnect and create some good memories.

Please pray for the conference. Invite God to be present with us all in worship, fellowship, and business. With the Holy Spirit in our midst, we will be blessed.

We have a special service planned for Saturday afternoon, a Baptismal Water service that will symbolize our unity in One Spirit, our love for Jesus and for one another. Each church is asked to bring a sample of water either from a baptism or from the water used to fill your baptistery. This water will be used in the Saturday afternoon service. Please note that if you have previously provided water to be used for the Annual Conference service, I still have your water and it is not necessary for you to bring more.

I am excited about having Andy and Terry Murray for our Saturday evening concert which will focus on our Brethren heritage in celebration of our 300 year anniversary. We are also very blessed to have our Annual Conference Moderator, David K. Shumate, bringing the Sunday morning message and a Sunday morning insight session.

Peace and love,
Jerry Sales
District Moderator

Continuing the work of Jesus … peacefully, simply, together

District Conference Schedule

(all activities at the Peoria Church)
Friday Evening, November 7
5:30 Light supper for exhibitors and conference staff - Fellowship Hall
5:30 - 7:15 Registration open – Outside Sanctuary
6:00 - 7:30 Exhibits open - Fellowship Hall
7:10 - 7:25 Hymn Sing – Sanctuary
7:25 - 7:30 Gathering Music – Sanctuary
7:30 - 8:45 Worship – Sanctuary
9:00 - 9:30 Registration open – Outside Sanctuary
Saturday Morning, November 8
7:30 - 8:30 Continental Breakfast - Fellowship Hall
7:30 Registration open – Outside Sanctuary
7:30 - 5:00 Exhibits open - Fellowship Hall
8:15 - 11:55 Nursery & Pre-kindergarten – Church
Kindergarten - 5th grade – Church
8:20 - 8:30 Opening Music & Meditation – Sanctuary
8:30 Business Session – Sanctuary
10:10 - 10:25 Drinks and snacks available - Fellowship Hall
11:55 Pick up all children 5th grade and below for lunch
12:00 Lunch
Saturday Afternoon
1:00 - 4:45 Nursery & Pre-kindergarten – Church
Kindergarten - 5th grade – Church
1:05 Business Session – Sanctuary
2:00 Baptismal Water Service – Sanctuary
2:30 - 2:45 Drinks and snacks available - Fellowship Hall
4:25 Auction Results
4:30 End of Business Session
4:45 Pick up all children 5th grade and below
5:30 - 6:45 Dinner - Fellowship Hall
7:00 - 8:15 Saturday Evening Concert – Sanctuary
8:30 - 9:30 Ice Cream Social - Fellowship Hall
Sunday Morning, November 9
8:00 - 9:00 Continental Breakfast - Fellowship Hall
9:15 - 10:15 Sunday School for those Youth and below
9:15 - 10:15 Insight Sessions (locations will be announced at conference)
10:30 - 11:45 Morning Worship - Sanctuary (Nursery available)
12:30 Program & Arrangements Committee Luncheon Meeting – Fellowship Hall (old and new members and spouses)

2008 District Calendar

OctoberDisabilities Awareness and Domestic Violence Awareness Month
5 World Communion Sunday
12 World Mission Offering Emphasis
13 Columbus Day
16 World Food Day
16 National Boss Day
16 - 24 Peace With Justice Week
18 - 20 General Board Meetings, Elgin
18 District Leadership Team, Yellow Creek
19 National Children's Sabbath
26 - 28 Midwest District Executives' Fall Retreat, Dayton OH
1All Saint's Day
1MLDT Meeting - place TBA
2National Junior High Sunday
2Daylight Saving Time Ends
4 Election Day
7 - 9 District Conference, Peoria COB
9 Stewardship Sunday
11 Veterans Day
16 Bible Sunday
16 National Donor Sabbath
27 Thanksgiving
30 First Sunday in Advent
1World AIDS Day
6District Leadership team, Champaign
7Second Sunday in Advent
7Christmas Emphasis Offering
10Human Rights Day
14Third Sunday in Advent
21Fourth Sunday in Advent
24Christmas Eve
25Christmas Day
31New Year's Eve

Plan to Attend

2008 District Conference
November 7, 8, 9
Peoria, Illinois
  • Worship Friday, 7:30 PM & Sunday at 10:30 AM
  • Insight Sessions Sunday at 9:15 AM
  • Saturday Evening Concert – Andy and Terry Murray
  • Silent Auction
  • See Conference packet for details and registration
Continuing the work of Jesus … peacefully, simply, together for 300 Years (1708-2008)

The 2008 District Conference logo is an adaptation from the 2007 World Mission Offering materials of the Church of the Brethren General Board, and used by permission.