Thursday, January 01, 2009


By Gil Crosby, Moderator - Illinois-Wisconsin District

"One in the Spirit makes you powerful and Satan will try ever harder to pull you apart."

It's Christmas Eve as I sit here waiting for the time when we go to the late night Christmas Eve Service at 11:00 PM. The "midnight" service has become a tradition in our church and is popular with families and visitors alike. The finale begins with communion as people come down the center aisle, break off a piece of bread and dip it in a cup of grape juice at the same time receiving a blessing from the Pastor or Deacon. The lines split from the front to the side aisles with each person picking up a candle on the way. When the last communicant has received a candle and people have formed a circle around the sanctuary someone begins to softly sing "Silent Night." The Pastor goes to the "Christ candle", lights his candle and passes the light on to those on either side. From the darkened sanctuary light flows from candle to candle until the room shines with the wonderful luminescence that artificial light could never reproduce. And it all began with the light of one candle, The "Christ Candle."

The Spirit shines through when all are focused on the Christ candle and pass the light to our neighbor. Jesus says in Matthew 5:16 "….let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.". If someone breaks the flow of light it creates a dark spot in the chain. Those around you will have to wait until the flame approaches from another direction before they receive the light.

Those who are focused only on their light don't see the others around them waiting for the light to come to them. They believe that theirs is the only light that shines for people to see and deprive others of their fellowship. As they hold their candles high out of reach, the others go around them spreading the flame of the Spirit to all whose candles that willingly receive the light. Each flame glows a little differently than the one next to it but still contributes light that illuminates the worship area.

We are One in the Spirit, not the same in the spirit.. Each of our lights shines differently than those around us but God sees each light for what it is, a beacon to those around us. God doesn't tell us to go around pinching out other people's lights.. He wants us to trim our wicks so that our lights shine brighter so men may see our good deeds and praise our Father in Heaven…

It's better to light one candle and shine than to condemn the darkness as evil. If we light up the darkness we may see good is there also.