Wednesday, April 01, 2009

The Reflector -- April 2009 -- Vol 6 Issue 4

We are one in the Spirit

By Gil Crosby, Moderator – Illinois-Wisconsin District

One person can make a difference and every person should try. (John F. Kennedy)

I look at my 401K and shudder and wonder how it will effect my future, what’s left of my future anyhow.. Then we read of people who are really struggling with job loss, foreclosure, no health insurance and all of a sudden 401k doesn’t mean much any more.

Times are bad and making a living is hard but sometimes adversity brings out the best in people. Bad times cause people to do good things. Many times I heard my Father-in-law tell of growing up during the Great Depression in the 1930’s. He lived on a small farm and his parents were able to sustain their family on what they could grow in their fields. The farm aunts and cousins also shared with their city relatives. The city relatives would come out to the country for Sunday dinner which was probably the only time during the week they had meat and fresh vegetables. When they went home, they carried produce with them to sustain their families until the next Sunday dinner.

My Mother-in-law, who also lived on a small farm, told stories of her mother making enough food at supper time to be able to feed the wandering, unemployed men who rode the rails. These men were called “hobos” and traveled from town to town in boxcars on the railroads. When they got to a town they marked fence posts with symbols telling fellow travelers where sympathetic women (usually) would provide them with a hot meal. My wife’s grandmother was one of these people as was my mother.

So what’s happening today. Are people doing similar acts of kindness.. Yes they are! Several stories on the radio and TV tell or a man who owns a small restaurant. He doesn’t charge for meals but asks you what you thing the meal is worth and what can you pay. Another businessman who owns a dry cleaning establishment will clean your clothes free if you are out of work and have a job interview. Even some big Hollywood stars are getting into the act. Jay Leno is performing two shows in Detroit for free for people who have lost their jobs.

Local churches have stepped up to the plate by collecting food for pantries and food banks. The food bank our church supports with donations has seen the number of families seeking help triple the past 6 months.

What is your church doing during these rough times? There is so much to be done and many are doing much to help. We can multiply our efforts by exchanging ideas. As we remember Matt. 25:40 when Jesus said, “…whatever you did for the least of these, my Brethren, you did for me.” Now is the time to be active in the Brethren Spirit of service to our neighbor. Send us news of what your Church is doing so we can share it in the Newsletter. Send it to or

Act as if what you do makes a difference…. It does.


Camp Managers--Jerry and Connie Reynolds, PO Box 557, Astoria, Illinois 61501 (309) 329-2291; e-mail –

April 18 Spring Work Day
April 19 – 24 Spring Work Week
May 9: CIT Workshop – 9:00 - 3:00'
Fall Work Day – to be announced

May 15 – 17, Young Adults Camp
Begins Fri. 4:00 PM to Sun. 2:00 PM
Ages 18 – 26 yrs.,
Directors: Rachel Dooly & Nich Jones (618) 780-1128
Fee: $60 ($75 after May 1)
Chaperone: Leon Swigart (217)627-2042
Weiner roast on Fri. Evening.

June 5 – 7: Women’s Retreat
Friday, 4:00 pm - Sunday, 2:00 pm
Director: Marcia Lewis 618-948-2708
Fee: $60.00 ($75 after May 22)

June 7 – 13: Youth Camp,
Begins Sun. 5:30 to Sat. 10:00 AM.
Campers – Completed grades 9 – 12.
Director Dana McNeil, (309) 243-8726
Fee: $125 ($140 after May 23) Weiner roast Sun.

June 14 -20: Jr. High Camp
Sunday 5:30 – Saturday 10:00 PM
Campers – Complete grades 6 – 8
Director: Lynn Jones (217) 627-2355
Fee: $125.00 ($140.00 after May 31)
Weiner roast on Sunday evening

July 10 – 12: Pre-Junior Camp
Fri. 2:00 PM – Sun. 1:00 PM.
Campers complete grades K – 2.
Director: Jane Weiss. (309) 443-5041
Fee: $60 ($75 after June 26)

July 12-18 Junior Camp
Sunday, 4:00 PM - Saturday, 10:00 AM
Dir. Rosie Brandenburg 217-763-6039
Fee: $125.00 ($140.00 after June 28)
Weiner roast Sunday evening

August 14 – 16: Men’s Camp.
Friday 4:00 PM – Sunday 2:00 PM, Dir. Richard Nichols
(217) 965-5895, Fee: $60 ($75 after July 30)

Sept. 4- 7 LABOR DAY FAMILY CAMP Friday, 6:00 PM - Monday, 10:00 AM, Dir.: John & Heidi Renken (309)712-9102, Dir. Dorthea Wood & Bev Stine Fees: Adults - $60.00 ($75 after Aug. 12) Children - 4-12 $40.00 ($55.00) under 4 Free Max per family - $155.00 ($215.00)

Note: Camp fees include a T-shirt for each camper. For the week long camps, the fee also includes a camp photo.


Illinois-Wisconsin District
WORK DAY – April 18

Camp Emmanuel
Astoria, IL

The April 18th work day for the District kicks off the Camp Emmanuel annual WORK WEEK.

The District Leadership Team will be joining the volunteers during the afternoon. They are meeting at the Woodland Church of the Brethren and will adjourn in the afternoon to go to Camp Emmanuel.

The Camp will continue with its Spring Work Week from April 19 – April 24.

There is a lot of Spring Clean-up work to be done on the cabins, the grounds and main building. Camping season is just around the corner and the camp needs to be prepared for its first group of campers.

If you have any questions or need further information please contact:
Jerry or Connie Reynolds, Camp Managers
(309) 329-2291


May 9, 2009 - CIT (Counselor In Training) Workshop: 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM at Camp Emmanuel

All persons who will be working at camps at Camp Emmanuel should plan to attend the Counselor In Training Workshop. Attendance is required before first time counselors may counsel at camp. They must have attended at least one CIT Workshop prior to their first counseling experience. There will be time for camp directors to plan their camps with their counselors in addition to a training session. One training session is planned with a professional presenter in charge of the session.

Food and all training materials will be provided free of charge. Pre-registration is required. Please contact the camp managers to pre register. All persons who pre-register and work at one of the camps during summer will receive FREE, valuable camp counselor materials.. These kits contain valuable and needed materials to successfully and "sanely" complete a week of camp.

The CIT Workshop provides up-to-date training for directors, counselors, and counselor assistants, covering state laws governing those who work with children and a variety of other useful topics. Registration - Complete and return the registration form before April 25, 2009, to qualify for free counselor materials. Food, program materials, and training are all provided free. All you need to bring is a desire to serve the Lord through the facilities He has provided at Camp Emmanuel. All churches who send campers are encouraged to provide leadership as well. For more information, call: Jerry and Connie Reynolds - Camp Managers (309) 329-2291.

If you have questions about the CIT Workshop, call: Jerry and Connie Reynolds - Camp Managers (309)329-2291 To obtain a CIT registration form, check with your local church. If one is not available there, contact Linda Dooly at (618)425-3723 or Thomas Dooly – CIT Coordinator (618)425-3723


"Child abuse prevention is good for the Church as well as the Children."

From the 1991 Child Abuse Prevention Handbook

"Children depend upon adults... Children learn from adults... Children teach adults... Children are a gift from God... Children and adults need each other".

From the 1986 Conditions of Childhood statement

During April and throughout the year, the Caring Ministries of the Church of the Brethren encourages all individuals and congregations to play a role in making your community a better place for families. By ensuring that parents and caregivers have the knowledge, skills, and resources they need to care for their children, we can help prevent child abuse and neglect by strengthening families and communities.

A variety of resources are available at and click on resources. You may also call the Caring Ministries office at (800) 323-8039 for paper versions of the resources.

Kim Ebersole
Director of Family Life and Older Adult Ministries
Church of the Brethren
1451 Dundee Avenue
Elgin, IL 60120
(847) 742-5100 ext. 302
Fax: (847) 742-6103


Steven Schweitzer, Assistant Professor of Old Testament at Associated Mennonite Biblical Seminary (AMBS) in Elkhart, Ind., will become Associate Professor and Academic Dean at Bethany Theological Seminary beginning July 1, 2009.

Dr. Schweitzer is a member of the Prince of Peace Church of the Brethren in South Bend, Ind. He received his B.A. in Christian studies summa cum laude from North Central University, Minneapolis, Minn.; an M.A. in theology with a concentration in Hebrew Bible and a minor in patristics from the University of St. Thomas in St. Paul, Minn.; and a Ph.D. in theology from the University of Notre Dame. He previously taught at North Central University and the University of Notre Dame before joining the AMBS faculty in 2006.

Although a young scholar, Dr. Schweitzer has an impressive publishing record. In 2007, T & T Clark International published Reading Utopia in Chronicles, and Utopian Visions in the Ancient and Biblical Worlds is under contract with Fortress Press. He also has published numerous journal articles, invited essays, and book reviews.

"Steve brings a love for teaching, outstanding teaching evaluations, and highly developed organizational skills to this position," said President Ruthann Knechel Johansen. "I am pleased that he has accepted this call. We look forward to welcoming him and his leadership to Bethany."

Marcia Shetler
Director of Public Relations Bethany Theological Seminary


In 2008 I had the opportunity of a lifetime to go to Honduras on my first mission trip. I had been asked to consider the trip for almost a year. It takes many things to prepare for an adventure such as this and an overseas mission trip adds its own unique requirements. Passports, shots, and the huge change in culture are but a few of the things one must face. The greatest barriers are the culture change and language. Our mission was to build fourteen houses with masons who spoke no English. It was surprising to find everything run democratically. Nothing happened without a vote. Material was allocated by house and inventoried in precise detail. Our tools were counted and stored so they would not disappear. In the past years a water supply storage tank and delivery pipes had been installed, water storage containers (pillas) were provided to raise their standard of living. Latrines were built to improve health conditions.

With poverty all around them, the villagers could still laugh and sing praises to our Lord. The children were at first curious and then became just as kids everywhere. Even though they suffered from malnutrition, they would share what they had with each member of the family. They know the Lord and would show it by wearing crosses, praying, and showing respect for those that the love our Lord.

During our days of construction, teams formed to work at each site to carry stone, mortar, concrete blocks or wherever was needed. No automation at all; Shovels mixed mortar on the ground; muscles and sweat moved things from storage areas to site; It was the order of the day. When a house was constructed to the top of the windows, the crew would move to another house. The owner of the house was required to have enough sand, rock and gravel ready before the construction was allowed to start. Each house was allotted a certain amount of cement and steel. The material would be moved to the site only just before the construction was to start to prevent theft. Material was audited when it was stored and when it was moved.

One afternoon when we returned from lunch three homeowners started to load cement and steel for their homes onto our truck without getting approval from the man in charge of material. The homeowners had loaded nearly 90 bags of cement at over 100 pounds each when the man in charge stopped them. I came over to the cement storage area to get a drink of water when a huge argument started between one of the homeowners and the man in charge of material. I sat on the ground with my back to the disagreement and prayed. The dispute got louder and the homeowner, who was mentally challenged, did not understand that he could not just take material for his house without permission. Men began unloading the cement bags as the argument continued. Our Honduran leader joined the heated discussion and it intensified even more. The children began to taunt the mentally challenged homeowner. Remember that this was all in Spanish.

Finally talk and arguing subsided and the men began to reload the truck. They had handled the 100 pound bags three times. I thought the argument was over. I turned to see the homeowner standing by himself with his fists clenched at his side with no one standing up for him. I could see how alone he must feel so I stood up, walked over to him and hugged him. It was like hugging a steel column rigid with anger. I held him for what seemed like forever. He started to soften and I could feel the anger slowly ebb away. Finally he hugged me back and smiled and kissed my cheek. He now had someone standing with him and did not feel all alone.

Ernie, our Honduran leader, told me later that what I did was extremely dangerous. The homeowner had threatened him and the material man with bodily harm by way of a machete. He said what I had done probably saved the project from going into chaos as fragile as it was at this stage. I told Ernie that the Holy Spirit indicated to me that the homeowner needed a friend to stand with him. It was answered prayer on the spot. Afterward, one of my teammates and I talked about what happened and reality set in. We held each other for a long time and just cried. Our Lord works in mysterious ways. The rest of the story is that same man was given special help from the rest of the villagers to get his rock, sand and gravel for building his house. When it was finished he danced inside and exclaimed, "I have a house and now I can get married!" Mission trips are a great joy for me. Hard work assisting villagers come to a better living standard and bringing the Word of our Lord to all, brings a 200% return to the team. You always get more in return than you invest. A word of advice to anyone interested in the mission field; Try it, you may fall in love with it.

Pastor Ellis Boughton, Yellow Creek Church of the Brethren


Church World Service is searching for a new staff person for enabling the organization to continue the tradition of excellence established by the CWS regional staff in the Great Rivers Region through community sponsored CROP Hunger Walks and the CWS Blanket+ Program.

An opening is available to fill the vacated position of Regional Director supporting the work of CWS out of an office in Oak Brook, Illinois. A detailed announcement is available from the IL/WI District Office. Interested persons should send their resume and cover letter to: Church World Service/CROP, Attn: K. de Lopez, PO Box 968, Elkhart, IN 46515. Applications must be received by April 20, 2009.


p. 20 & 33 Pastor, Romine Kenneth Cripps – last name: Cripps

p. 34 Harr, Martha – email:

p. 38 Smith, Marleene – Associate Pastor: Dixon

p. 32 Brandenburg, Sam – zip code: 61855-0505

p. 32 Archer, Brian – add: Jr. High Advisor

p. 37 Patterson, Marian; change: 815-734-1639
408 S. McKendrie St., Mt. Morris 61054
p. 34 Fike, Lisa; remove: V. Chair add: Jr. High advisor

p. 24 add: Jessup, Mary E. Springfield

p. 10 delete letter (l after P): Bill Plocklington

p. 15 Cherry Grove, Paul Weaver – add phone number:
(815) 493-6248
p. 38 Shockey, Howard – change:

p. 45 Add: Christian Peacemaker Teams
P O Box 6508, Chicago, IL 60680-6508


Latest news reports are that five terrorist cell groups have been operating in many of our churches. They have been identified as: Bin Sleepin, Bin Arguin, Bin Fightin, Bin Complainin, and Bin Missin. Their leader, Osama Bin Lucifer, trained these groups to destroy the Body of Christ. The plan is to come into the church disguised as Christians and to work within the church to discourage, disrupt, and destroy.

However, there have also been reports of a sixth group. A tiny cell known by the name Bin Prayin is actually the only effective counter terrorism force in the church. This group appears to be very weak. Unlike other terrorist cells, the Bin Prayin team does not blend in with whoever and whatever comes along.

Bin Prayin does whatever is needed to uplift and encourage the Body of Christ. We have noticed that the Bin Prayin cell group has different characteristics than the others. They have Bin Watchin, Bin Waitin, Bin Fastin, and Bin Longin for their Master, Jesus Christ to return.

Which cell group do you belong to?

New Church Development: Rockford Mission Point to Hold First Evangelistic Outreach Event

Friends of the Sarpiya family through YWAM will spend the week in Rockford with the Sarpiyas reaching out through street evangelism and a Hawaiian concert complete with dancing and Luau. You can partner with the Sarpiyas in their ministry by helping with clean up after the event, praying for the event, attending the Luau dinner which is $10 per person (reservations required) or by coming to the concert and giving through the love offering that will be taken to offset the cost of the outreach event.

The event is April 4th at the address below. The Luau is at 5:30pm with the concert starting at 7:00pm. Contact Samuel Sarpiya at 808-769-0831.

Rockford Community Church
6909 Auburn Road
Rockford IL 61101

New Church Development: Amankwaa Family Needs Additional Prayer Support

Please continue to hold Dawn and Benjamin Amankwaa and their family in your prayers. We had been quite certain that Benjamin would be in the states by mid March and they would be able to attend assessment at the end of April. However, the visa application has not yet received approval and there are still some other steps that need to be completed before Benjamin will actually be able to enter the US and be reunited with his family. Pray that this family will soon be together and Benjamin will finally be able to hold his newborn son.

Please pray for Dawn who experienced some health issues after the baby's birth and had gall bladder surgery on March 13th.

New Church Development: Rockford Outreach Overflows into Chicago

The Sarpiyas have generously offered to share the gifts their friends will be bringing to Rockford with the mission point in Chicago. On April 9th, the group will travel to Chicago to perform another concert and engage in street evangelism. Here is an opportunity to celebrate Maundy Thursday by washing the feet of our church planters on Chicago's west side with this event. Call Pastor Herma Ware at 815-260-7674 for details.

Glory to God Ministries
A Church of the Brethren Ministry
2734 W. 18th Street
Chicago IL

New Church Development: Prayer Points

  • Please pray for partners to join hands with our church planters to accomplish God's plan for new missions in our District.
  • Please pray for the expansion of God's kingdom through new mission points throughout the Church of the Brethren.
  • Pray that many seeds will be planted through the Hawaiian experience in Rockford and Chicago.
  • Pray for healing for Dawn Amankwaa.
  • Pray for Richard Marez as he participates in assessment April 27-30.


Our world is changing, as are the needs of those to whom we minister as deacons. Plan to attend a training session near you and experience:
  • Community
  • Worship
  • Support
  • Shared learning
When and Where
Saturday, May 2
9:00am - 3:30pm
Pinecrest Community
Mt. Morris, IL
Cost is $25 per person. which includes lunch.

Keynote Presentation:
  • Calling or Conundrum: The Role of Deacons
  • The Art of Listening
  • What to Say When There is Nothing to Say: Support During Grief and Loss
  • Deacon Spirituality
Registration is open! Go to to register online or download a paper registration form.
Registration deadline: April 17

Sponsored by The Caring Ministries, Church of the Brethren


Illinois and Wisconsin District
Church of the Brethren
Junior High Spring Retreat
at Camp Emmaus
April 24-25

Please Complete for each attendee.

Name_____________________________________ adult or youth

Date of Birth_________________________Gender M or F

Grade in 2008-2009 school year 5th 6th 7th 8th 9th


Phone ______________________________________________

Your email__________________________________________

Home Church _______________________________________

Registration fee for this event is $15.00 includes activities and meals.

Parents we may leave the retreat site for activities. Please sign giving permission for your youth to be taken to these activities. Drivers will be at least 21 years of age and have a valid drivers license.

Parent’s signature____________________________________________________

Emergency contact numbers____________________________________________

Your Physician____________________________ phone number______________


Current Medications _______________________________________________

If your youth needs meds please indicate details on medicine bottle.

Physical limitations________________________________________________

In the event of emergency I give permission for retreat leaders to take my youth to Doctor or hospital. I agree that the Doctor may treat my child in emergency.

Parent ____________________________________________date____________

Jr. High Retreat invites any youth 5th through 9th grade to come together for a few hours of discovery at Camp Emmaus. We will spend the weekend discovery the beauty and wonder of creation. Please arrive after supper and we will begin our time together about 7:00 depending on when most people have arrived. There will be time to worship together, play games together and renew friendships.

Please bring Clothes for the weather we will be at camp and will be doing some outdoor activities. If weather permits we will even have a campfire so don’t forget a sweat shirt and hiking shoes. Remember it’s April not July camp is much cooler this time of year. The retreat lodge has beds but you’ll need to bring bedding including a pillow.

Registration can be sent to Lisa or if you prefer bring it with you. If you are bringing your registration information with you please send Lisa an Email that says you are coming. If the registration fee is a problem please let one of us know a few scholarships are available. Please note please make checks payable to Lisa Fike.


Workday is planned for April 18th with rain date of April 25th. There will be projects for all ages. If you have a Youth groups at your church that would like to participate that would be wonderful. Majority of the work will be outside. Workday will begin at 8:30 a.m. will finish around 3:00 p.m. Join us for the full day or part. Continental breakfast will be available at 7:30 – 8:30 a.m. Lunch will be served at 12 noon.

Some of the projects are:
  • Add mulch to a walking path
  • Plant the garden
  • Flowers in raised planter
  • Plant flowers in other flower beds
  • Trim Bushes
  • Paint exterior doors
  • Top dress flowers beds with mulch
  • Add dirt and dress up around sidewalks and plant grass seed
  • Trims trees
  • Grind two stumps
  • Waterproof Gazebo and other wood areas
  • Other projects may be added
  • You may visit with residents, they always enjoy visitors and fellowship.
If you have a project you would like to do please contact us. If you have any questions please contact Paulette Miller (Executive Director) @ 217-627-9502 or 217-741-3765 (Cell number) or Kyle Hood (Maintenance Supervisor) @ 217-627-2181. We would like to know in advance is you are coming either call or e-mail Look forward to seeing you on Workday!


Apr. 4   Program and Arrangements Committee meeting, Naperville, 10am
Apr. 4   Gifts Discernment and Call Committee meeting, Naperville, 1pm
Apr. 5   Palm Sunday
Apr. 10   Good Friday
Apr. 12   Easter
Apr. 18   IL/WI District Leadership Team meeting, Woodland
Apr. 26-29   Council of District Executives Professional Growth Event, Kansas City, KS
May 3   District Deacons meeting, Peoria, 3:30pm
May 10   Mother’s Day
May 21   Ascension Day
May 25   Memorial Day
May 30   Joint IL/WI District Leadership & New Church Development Team meeting, Naperville
May 31   Pentecost
Jun. 21   Father’s Day
Jun. 24   Council of District Executives Summer meeting, San Diego, CA
Jun. 26-30   Annual Conference, San Diego, CA
Jul. 4   Independence Day
Jul. 11   IL/WI District Leadership Team meeting, Polo
Aug. 8   Program and Arrangements Committee meeting, Naperville, 10am
Aug. 8   Gifts Discernment and Call Committee meeting, Naperville, 1pm
Sep. 7   Labor Day
Oct. 3   District Deacons meeting, Peoria, 10am
Oct. 10   Program and Arrangements Committee meeting, Naperville, 10am
Oct. 10   Gifts Discernment and Call Committee meeting, Naperville, 1 pm
Oct. 12   Columbus Day
Oct. 25-27   Midwest DE’s gathering, Camp Mack, Milford, IN
Nov. 1   Daylight Saving Time Ends
Nov. 6-8   District Conference, Naperville
Nov. 11   Veteran’s Day
Dec. 24   Christmas Eve
Dec. 25   Christmas Day
Dec. 31   New Year’s Eve