Thursday, April 01, 2010

Leadership Team Meets At The Neighborhood Church

The Leadership Team of the Illinois-Wisconsin District met March 6th at the Neighborhood Church of the Brethren in Montgomery, IL. Those attending were: Anna Lee Hisey Pierson, Kevin Kessler, Orlando Redekopp, Bill Pocklington, Shannon Hinkle, Carol Novak, Bob Champlin, Lynda DeVore (NCDT), Vernon Dean and Gil Crosby. Absent were Christine Hoecker, Lisa Fike, and Ed Garrison.

The District Executive, Kevin Kessler, opened the meeting with devotions from Acts 2: 33-47. It tells of the Apostles living in community sharing their resources. Kevin asked, Did Jesus come to give us religion, to follow the law, to follow rules? He came to teach us how to live. The Apostles didn’t have a creed or a list of rules to follow. He asked how do we, the Leadership Team, serve? Are we here to just be a committee or to learn how to live?

We then proceeded to discuss visioning and we talked about how to best serve the district. We are to keep the District connected and provide services like disaster relief, ordination and licensing of pastors, reconciliation processes, Pastor counseling, organization, finances District Conference, coordinating with Camps and Homes, Pastoral search and much more. We minister to a diverse body of city, urban, rural, liberal, conservative, old Brethren, new Brethren, converted Brethren, and much more. Kevin said we need to be in more prayer and worship (and less in confrontation). We need to continue to work on the communication and relation building to District churches.

Jim Lehman gave the Treasurer’s report for February. Our checking balance is down but this is not unusual for the beginning of the year. 2010 really doesn’t look as bad as last year. We discussed the need for a fund raising letter and a name data base for mailing. We will work on this.

The District Executive reported from the CODE (Council of District Executives) meeting. The subject on the agenda was credentialing. Kevin reported that Brian Archer of Cherry Grove resigned. They will be looking for a new Pastor. This year will be an evaluation year for the District Executive. Work at the Douglas Park church continues with a lot of progress being reported.

The District received a gift of $13,300 from the estate of Brother Morris Firebaugh of the Freeport Congregation. The gift was undesignated and the Leadership Team will create a Memorial Fund for such gifts. Their use would be determined by family wishes and the Leadership Committee designated to care for such bequests.

Lynda DeVore, Apostle of the NCDT (New Church Development Team) reported on progress of that team. Samuel Sarpyia is doing well in Rockford but still needs more financial support. He brings a message Friday nights at “Kate’s Café”, He has started a children’s d=soccer program and On Earth Peace is supporting Samuel in his peace ministry. Pastor Ware has started a clothing distribution center. There will be a grand opening of the “Glory to Glory” ministry in April.

Sue Coppernol asked to be released from her ordination as she is moving to where there is no Church of the Brethren. Her service to the District has been recognized and appreciated.

Many local Churches responded to the call for Health Kits for the people of Haiti. The District Disaster Team requests donations for Household Kits. These kits can cost up to $75 each. The Leadership Team has designated $4,000 out of the disaster fund to purchase the items needed to make Household kits. Carolyn Sweeny is coordinating these kits to be eventually sent to New Windsor. Churches in the District will be sent bulletin inserts asking for donations for Household Kits for Haiti.

The next meeting will coincide with the Deacon’s Pot Luck in Peoria on May 1st. The meeting was closed with prayer and adjourned.