Friday, October 01, 2010

The Reflector -- October 2010 -- Vol 7 Issue 9

From the District Moderator

This will be the last comment as moderator for our district, as district conference is about on month away. Next year’s moderator will be Lisa Fike from the Freeport Church of the Brethren. I have enjoyed working with her and commend her to your prayers as she prepares our district for its next phase of common life.

This year’s conference theme is “Get in line with Jesus.” “Get in line with Jesus” refers to Jesus not only as Lord and Savior but also the source and norm for our life, our ethics, our private and our public life.

The Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life recently published several interesting surveys, two of which surprised me. One said that Christians tend to use the Bible as normative for personal issues of morality such as abortion and sexuality, but then apparently abandon it on questions such as immigration and the environment. That strikes me as selective ethics, selective morality. It certainly does not fit in—as I understood it—with this year’s Annual Conference theme of taking Jesus seriously. It suggests, to my way of thinking, as taking Jesus selectively.

The other study that caught my attention was one that said that “atheists and agnostics, Jews and Mormons are among the highest-scoring groups on a new survey of religious knowledge, outperforming evangelical Protestants, mainline Protestants and Catholics on questions about the core teachings” of their faith. Especially interesting is that atheists and agnostics generally know more about our faith than we do. In my estimation, this is quite an indictment.

At First Church we are through our third session on the Annual Conference-recommended Controversial Issues discussion. How many congregations are engaging in this? My observation from our experience is that this process pushes us to think about how maturely and seriously we get in line with Jesus. And it pushes us to reflect seriously on how much work we are doing on understanding our faith.

I teach a class at First Church on biblical literacy, and my model for interpretation is Jesus. Jesus is the lens or frame through which we evaluate and live out all other issues of morality and ethics. Jesus guides our understanding and evaluating of life. Jesus is not absent or exempt from our living. Jesus is not a savior reserved for another time and place. Rather, here, on our planet and in our churches and communities, Jesus’ commandment to love God and our neighbor still trumps all other policies, mandates or rules.

I look forward to district conference as a time to get in line with Jesus.

DVD Available from District Office

The District office has a DVD of the Saturday and Tuesday evening Special Response hearing from Annual Conference in Pittsburgh. This DVD is available to loan to congregations wanting to review the hearings. You can call the office at 309-649-6008.

Illinois/Wisconsin District Conference

November 5-7, 2010
Eastland Middle School
Shannon, Illinois

Get in Line With Jesus!!
Join us at District Conference where the body of
Christ meets to discern what God wants us to do!

5:00 PM—Doors open for registration.
7:00 PM—Worship with Lisa Fike as worship leader and Orlando Redekopp, Moderator, as speaker.
8:00 AM - 4:00 PM approx.—Business session
5:00 PM– Buffet dinner is being provided by Cherry Grove and Yellow Creek congregations.
7:00 PM—Worship with Joseph Helfrich performing.
8:00 PM—Ice Cream Social sponsored by the District Youth.
9:15 AM—Insight Sessions
10:30 AM—Worship with Robert Alley, Annual Conf. Moderator
Insight Sessions:
Robert Alley—2011 Annual Conference Moderator
On Earth Peace
Brethren Benefit Trust
Fletcher Farrar

District Conference Registration Form

Silent Auction

Leadership Team Meets at Rock Community Church

The Illinois-Wisconsin District Leadership Team met at the Rock Community Church located near Fairfield in Southeastern Illinois. 12 members, Ex-officio members and NCDT members gathered around the table to continue working on their District Ministry.

Pastor Shannon Hinkle told us of the Ministry of Rock Community Church which emphasizes working with the young people and youth. Their evening programs draw 50 to 60 young people to their facility which was once a local grade school building. The congregation has transformed the building into a very pleasant place of Worship and Education. At the present time members are in the middle of a 40 day period of fasting and prayer.

DE Kevin Kessler led devotions emphasizing Luke 17 and the story of the healed lepers. Only one stopped to thank Jesus for the miracle. Kevin told of holding a door open for a delivery man at McDonalds and the man said thank you. Later another man, following the delivery man, was the recipient of the courtesy said thank you and replied, “And I wasn’t carrying anything” for you to be kind to me too. Jesus holds the door for us and all we have to do is walk through and say Thank You. Kevin ended by thanking all who helps him perform his Ministry as District Executive.

The Visioning Team shared the results of their last meeting with 5 areas where the District should work to move forward. The five points are: Unifying Leadership, Empowering Leaders, Multiplication of Churches, congregations and leaders, Generosity, and Inclusivity. Their work reflects scripture of John 15. The Team paused to pray for the work being done by the Visioning Team. The Team voted to support the Mission Statement and the 5 goals.

Kevin presented two reports for July and September. The Team expressed their appreciation for the amount of work Kevin does in the District as halftime DE and also fill the pulpit at the Canton Church. Our DE has a full calendar every week.

Pat Heid, District Treasurer, attended the meeting and presented the financial report to the Team. Chicago 1st repaid their loan early and we now have about $3,600 in the Mission and Mortar fund. She believes the Market will be positive in September making our investments to increase. Pat suggested that the money from the Frances Sanger Fund be invested at 33%bonds, 33% short term money market and 33% in long term funds. The LT agreed by voice vote. It was suggested that the LT form an Investment Team to advise the board on the best way to be good stewards of our funds.

Moderator, Orlando Redekopp, reported that the Program & Arrangements Committee recommended that the 2011 District be held at the Lake Williamson Christian Center near Carlinville. This is a self contained Christian resort with facilities including hotel like rooms, big conference areas and a wonderful cafeteria. One price would include lodging, meals and meeting facilities.

Ed Garrison of the Annual Conference Standing Committee reported that meetings have been scheduled for Special Response Listening Sessions on Human Sexuality. The meetings are at Rock Community Church, York Center, Peoria, Mt. Morris and Highland Ave and possibly one in Decatur.

The Douglas Park Steering Committee reported continuing work on the Ministries at that location with Pastor Ware and Pastor Petracek. A full report is available at the District Office. The Leadership Team voted to support the Steering Committee in its work and recommendations. Betty Ware has been acting as the property manager at Douglas Park and receives a small stipend for her work. She has requested to be considered property manager and increase her stipend to $400 a month. The LT voted to accept Mrs. Ware’s request.

After discussing appointments that need to be made the Leadership Team adjourned.

Camp Emmanuel Labor Day Weekend Family Camp

Labor Day weekend found about 60 campers enjoying Family Camp at Camp Emmanuel just south of Astoria, Illinois. The camp kicked off with a Friday night campfire attended by 27 campers and conducted by Andy and Theresa Fulk of Cerro Gordo. After breakfast on Saturday morning Gil Crosby led the adults in a forum entitled "Civility" while the children enjoyed crafts led by Michell Brockman and the youth met with Jennifer Lehman. In the afternoon Gil led an adult forum entitled "Life's Little Instruction Book". The evening campfire, attended by 47 campers was led by Richard and Denise Nichols of Virden. Snacks followed on the porch.

The Sunday morning message was given by Jeremy Westlake of the Woodland Church of the Brethren. An offering of $342.95 was received and will be used toward the purchase of a new mower for the camp. While the children enjoyed swimming both Saturday and Sunday afternoons, the adults enjoyed relaxing and visiting and a watermelon feed provided by Ernie Shanks on Sunday. Sunday evening saw the usual, a wiener roast followed by a skit/talent night with Ray Knotts serving as the master of ceremony. Eleven campers shared songs, stories, and performed skits to the delight of the other campers.

The camp deans and managers owe a debt of gratitude to Jeremy and Molly Westlake of the Woodland Church of the Brethren for cooking for this very busy camp.

It was perfect weather for Family Camp, in the low to mid 70's each day. This made the porch fires each morning and night and the campfires especially enjoyable. It was a perfect close to the summer, reconnecting with old friends and making some new ones.

Powerhouse 2010

A regional Conference for
Church of the Brethren Midwest Youth


Featured Speakers/Presenters: National Youth Conference (NYC) speakers Angie Lahman Yoder and David Sollenberger, plus a host of Bible study leaders and many others.

Theme: “Hidden Treasure,” Prov. 2:1-5 (plus Col. 2:1-4, Malachi 3:13-18, Heb. 12:1-3, 2 Cor. 4:5-12)

Who: for Church of the Brethren youth in grades 9-12, plus friends and advisors.


Watch This Fall For More Details And Information

News from Bethany Seminary

On the first day of classes this fall, Bethany Seminary held the opening convocation for 2010-11 in collaboration with the Earlham School of Religion. As dozens of seats in Bethany's Nicarry Chapel began to fill up, it was apparent that we did not have enough chairs for everyone and had to pull out the reserves. This was a nice problem to have as the new year was officially launched!

Thirteen degree-seeking students and four occasional students are newcomers to Bethany this year along with five students in the Academy for Ministerial Leadership (TRIM and EFSM programs). Orientation began with a welcome from President Ruthann Johansen; Academic Dean Steve Schweitzer; Doug Bennett, president of Earlham College; and Jay Marshall, dean of Earlham School of Religion.

And... A New Presence

Joel Kline, pastor of Highland Avenue Church of the Brethren (Elgin, Ill.), has arrived in Richmond as the first participant in Bethany's new Pastoral Presence Programs. Through these programs, Bethany offers pastors the opportunity for further education and retreat, and pastors can make personal contributions to the Bethany community. The intended result: strengthened communication and relationship between Bethany and Brethren pastors and personal enrichment for all involved.

Camp Emmaus Appreciation Dinner

After a successful year of camping and ministry Camp Emmaus celebrated with an Appreciation Dinner. The annual dinner of celebration was held on Saturday September 11. This free dinner appears every year to thank those who have helped through counseling, directing, upkeep and gifts. Approximately 100 people enjoyed the pork sandwich meal made by the Stitzel family of Lanark and the camp board members.

When the meal was completed everyone went upstairs to hear board president Mike Schnierla and others tell about the camp. They introduced all those who have continued to serve the camp. Afterward, it was time to sing camp songs and see a video presentation by Ralph Miner of photos taken during the summer.

A big THANK YOU to those who support Camp Emmaus and we continue to ask for your prayers for our camp ministry.

Bill Hare, Camp Manager for 44 years, and Don Long

Harvest Happenings: We Need Your Help!

Volunteers are needed for the following:
  • Grant Writing
  • Treasurer
  • NCDT Team Members
Please contact Lynda DeVore at or by phone 630-675-9740 if you are able to volunteer in any of these areas.

Harvest Happenings: Notice Partnering Information Change

The partnering information for Rockford Community Church has changed. Please send your notes of encouragement and financial gifts to:

Rockford Community Church
1505 Albany Lane
Rockford. IL 61107

You can also make contributions to the ministry on line at:

Harvest Happenings: Frances Maxwell Baxter

Pastor Frances is originally from Philadelphia PA where she received her Masters in Divinity from Lutheran Theological Seminary. While she was attending the seminary she often worshiped at the German Town Church of the Brethren just a few blocks away.

Frances is a passionate evangelist with a heart for multi-ethnic ministry. She senses God's leading to plant a church in the Aurora area because of its diverse ethnic make up.

Frances has completed the church planter assessment process and will begin her training in November. Upon completing her training she will begin raising support partners for the new mission. Her hope is to be in the Aurora area to begin sowing seed by the first of the year.

You will have an opportunity to meet Frances at the 2010 IL/WI District Conference. Please keep her in your prayers as she seeks to move forward in obedience to God's call to mission in Aurora.

Western Hoedown at Pleasant Hill Village

The theme for this year’s DINNER AND AUCTION FOR PLEASANT HILL VILLAGE on October 16, 2010 is Western Hoedown. Because of its success for last couple years and because people enjoyed the food, decorations, and relaxed atmosphere we continue the theme for another year. Come in your western attire.

MARK YOUR CALENDAR, AND PLAN TO ATTEND THE 14th ANNUAL DINNER AND AUCTION. The Hoedown will be at the Virden Knights of Columbus Hall. Doors open at 5:00 p.m. with dinner served at 6:00 p.m. There is a charge of $30 per person. Highlights of the evening include a live auction with many items to choose from. A silent auction will be an on going during the early part of the evening. Come and challenge your friends to outbid you. Purchases are for a good cause - the residents at Pleasant Hill Village. Pleasant Hill Village has served Girard and the surrounding community with caring staff and administration since 1905.

  1. Cash donation in any amount
  2. Be an event sponsor with a donation of $200 or more. You will be listed in the program as a sponsor.
  3. Donate item/s or services for the auction or join with others to donate a larger item. Items can include tickets to a sporting event, gift certificates, be creative with a gift basket, handcrafted items, service items as you fix dinner for a group, any other type professional services, or use of a Condo or a night/s stay at a Bed and Breakfast. If there is anyone with season seat for the Cubs or Cards and would be willing to donate a game for the 2011 season that would be GREAT!
  4. A Hand-Quilted Queen Size Quilt (94X108) with 12 appliqué blocks will be given away that evening for a ticket donation, $5.00 each or 5 for $20.
THANK YOU to those of you who have done this in the past as well as those who will contribute this year. To purchase tickets, to send a donation, to be a event sponsor, or if you have items to donate for either auction, or have questions please contact Paulette Miller at Pleasant Hill Village by phone at 217-627-2181 or by email at If you wish to mail anything Pleasant Hill Village 1016 W. North St., Girard, Illinois 62640

2010 Calendar of events, meetings, etc

 2 - Program & Arrangements – Cherry Grove
 2 - Gifts Discern. & Call Comm. – Cherry Grove
 3 - World Communion Sunday
 9 - Ministerial Leadership Development Team
14 - Men's Way of Christ Weekend (14-17)
16 - Mission & Ministry Board
16 - New Church Development Team – Virden
21 - Women's Way of Christ Weekend (21-24)
23 - Camp Emmanuel Work Day
24 - Midwest Dist. Executives meet – Camp Mack (24-26)

 1 - All Saints Day
 2 - Election Day
 5 - DISTRICT CONFERENCE, Yellow Creek (5-7)
 7 - Daylight Saving Time Ends.
13 - Powerhouse 2010 Regional Youth Conference - Manchester College (13-14)
13 - Ministerial Leadership Dev. Team - Peoria
13 - Leaf Raking at Camp Emmaus
19 - Ill.–Wisc. Leadership Team – Camp Emmaus (19-20)
25 - Thanksgiving Day
28 - First Sunday of Advent
30 - Ill. Conference of Churches LT - Plainfield

 4 - New Church Development Team - Canton
 4 - Cookie Camp Emmaus
25 - Christmas Day
31 - New Year’s Eve