Monday, October 01, 2012
Comforters for District Conference
Hurry, Hurry, Hurry! You Still Have Time!!!
We Encourage Your Participation.
We Encourage Your Participation.
Please Let The Appropriate Persons In Your Congregation Know About This...
Last year at District Conference at Lake Williamson we were able to participate in a variety of events including love feast, worship, business, fellowship, and an auction of some wonderful comforters. The comforters showcased the creative talents from many of our churches and the auction led by Brother Rick Koch from Milledgeville was a lot of fun as well!
We would like to continue the project for another year and invite each congregation to make a contribution. There are no rules - be colorful, be creative, have fun. Proceeds will go to support our District work.
Please spread the word about this project. Let me know by September 15 if you are going to participate and then bring your comforter to District Conference (Nov. 2-5, 2012) and enjoy the friendly camaraderie as we bid for these wonderful pieces of Brethren art.
In Christ's Service, Ed Garrison, (815) 734-4565
Power House 2012
For all youth in grades 9-12 and advisors
Cost: $50 for youth, $40 for advisors
Cost: $50 for youth, $40 for advisors
Registration due Nov. 2
Dixon Church Music Available
The Dixon Church of the Brethren owns a large supply of traditional organ music books and sheet music that we would be willing to donate to any church or person that would like it. They only need to pick it up. You can contact the Dixon Church at 815-284-2711.
Submitted by Marty Creager.
Submitted by Marty Creager.
ENGAGE to Take Place at Bethany Seminary

Tara Hornbaker, Professor of Ministry Formation
“Discernment as Spiritual Discipline”Dan Poole, Coordinator for Ministry Formation
Discover how discernment can be a lifelong practice, both personally and professionally.
“Exploring the Golden Triangle of Ministry”Ken Rogers, Professor of Historical Studies
This session looks at the reality that ministry is based on TBD (Hint: it doesn't stand for to be determined). Come explore insights of a balanced approach to life and ministry
“Martin Luther and the Beginning of Protestantism”Denise Kettering, Assistant Professor of Brethren Studies
“Monastics, Mothers, and Martyrs: Women in the Reformation”Dawn Ottoni-Wilhelm, Professor of Preaching and Worship
Was the Reformation helpful for women or not? We will examine various roles that were ascribed to and assumed by women in the Reformation period.
“Awesome, Playful Worship”Malinda Berry, Instructor of Theological Studies
Worship calls forth our best theological conversations and playful ingenuity. Come discover some thoughtful, playful ways of creating meaningful worship services for all God's people!
“How Should We Live?: Theological Reflection on the Christian Life”Prospective student guests will also receive information on admissions and financial aid, take a campus tour, and participate in worship. For more information or to register, visit the Bethany website at
We often think about being Christian as believing certain things, but we also know that being Christian has something to do with how we live. In this session, we will put it all together.
Profiles of Courage in the Gospel of Matthew

This workshop will start at 1:00 Friday afternoon and last until 4:30. The cost for the workshop will be $40, or $50 if you would like to receive .3 Continuing Education Units that will be issued for this workshop.
If you are interested in attending this workshop, please fill out the information below and return with payment no later than Friday, Sept. 28th to:
Illinois/Wisconsin District Office
269 E. Chestnut St.
Canton, IL 61520
Yes, I will be attending the workshop on Friday, November 2nd at 1:00 at Lake Williamson Christian Center! Enclosed is the fee of:
______ $40 for workshop only
______ $50 for workshop and .3 CEUs
Name: __________________________________________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________
City, State, Zip: __________________________________________________
Phone: ________________________
Email: _____________________________________
Please return by Friday, Sept. 28th, to:
Illinois/Wisconsin District Office
269 E. Chestnut St.
Canton, IL 61520
Come Sail Away with PHV at its Annual Benefit Dinner & Auction Fundraiser
The 16th Annual Pleasant Hill Village Benefit Dinner & Auction will be held Saturday, October 20 at the Knights of Columbus Hall in Virden. Doors will open at 5 p.m., and dinner will be served at 6 p.m. This year’s theme is “Come Sail Away.”
More than $242,000 has been raised at PHV’s annual Benefit Dinner & Auction over the past 15 years. The 2011 dinner brought more than $22,000 for projects at Pleasant Hill Healthcare and Pleasant Hill Residence. The goal for 2012 is to raise $23,000 and purchase items that will facilitate the safety and wellbeing of PHV residents.
“Thank you for your continued support of the Pleasant Hill Village ministry,” Executive Director Paulette Miller said. “We appreciate the various forms of support we receive from those dedicated to furthering our mission. We are blessed with wonderful volunteers who visit the residents, advocate the work of our ministry to others, help with our garden and make monetary gifts. With your support at this year’s Benefit Dinner & Auction, we will be able to continue serving PHV residents and community members to the best of our abilities.”
“The Benefit Dinner & Auction is a fun way to support a great cause,” Chaplain Terry Link said. “We have a lot of activities planned to entertain attendees.” This year’s event will feature catering by Sundae Best of Benld, live auction, door prizes, quilt, cake walk, silent auction, fellowship, and much more. To purchase dinner tickets, opportunity tickets for the quilt, or discover the other various ways supporters can contribute to PHV, call Paulette Miller at 217-627-2181
Founded in 1905 as a ministry of the Church of the Brethren, PHV is nestled on a rolling hillside in a quiet, residential neighborhood at 1010 W. North Street in Girard. After a century of caring, the nonprofit organization remains dedicated to providing a high quality of life at both its independent living facility and skilled nursing facility. For more information about PHV visit

“Thank you for your continued support of the Pleasant Hill Village ministry,” Executive Director Paulette Miller said. “We appreciate the various forms of support we receive from those dedicated to furthering our mission. We are blessed with wonderful volunteers who visit the residents, advocate the work of our ministry to others, help with our garden and make monetary gifts. With your support at this year’s Benefit Dinner & Auction, we will be able to continue serving PHV residents and community members to the best of our abilities.”
“The Benefit Dinner & Auction is a fun way to support a great cause,” Chaplain Terry Link said. “We have a lot of activities planned to entertain attendees.” This year’s event will feature catering by Sundae Best of Benld, live auction, door prizes, quilt, cake walk, silent auction, fellowship, and much more. To purchase dinner tickets, opportunity tickets for the quilt, or discover the other various ways supporters can contribute to PHV, call Paulette Miller at 217-627-2181
Founded in 1905 as a ministry of the Church of the Brethren, PHV is nestled on a rolling hillside in a quiet, residential neighborhood at 1010 W. North Street in Girard. After a century of caring, the nonprofit organization remains dedicated to providing a high quality of life at both its independent living facility and skilled nursing facility. For more information about PHV visit
Along the Paths of Camp Emmaus

We have scheduled Leaf Raking at the Camp for Saturday, November 10th at 8 AM. The Board meeting will follow lunch. Raking makes the grounds look better and the loads of leaves are available for farmers.
Outside groups are being scheduled for next summer by Bill Hare. If you know of a group who would like to use the full camp facilities in the month of June or on various weekends please contact Bill for available dates.
With November approaching you may want to consider Camp Emmaus for year end giving. The needs are great for both the operating fund and retiring the pool renovation debt. All contributions would be greatly appreciated.

Photo of Board Members: Gary Baisden, Dianne Swingel, Don Hart, Heidi Gerdes,
Sylvia Saunders, Mark Flory-Steury, Steve Dietrich, BethAnne Baughman,
and Tom Cline. Absent was board President Ellis Boughton.
Mt. Morris Monthly Meals
Well over a year ago members of the Community Outreach Team of the Mt. Morris Church of the Brethren began planning monthly breakfasts to be held at Pinecrest Grove in Mt. Morris. The purpose of the breakfasts was to offer a good, hot meal to those in the community with limited income and to get Mt. Morris community groups together to help serve the breakfast.
We held the first monthly pancake and sausage breakfast in July 2011. Since then over 15 breakfasts have been served. Twenty four separate community groups have helped serve including former High School classes, businesses, fraternal organizations, clubs, church groups, boards of the village, the library and the Post Office. Over 147 workers from the community have participated. Over 30 members of the Mt. Morris congregation planned, organized and cooked, many every month.
No set charge is made for the breakfast but donations are accepted. So far contributions have exceeded expenses with the surplus going to the Pinecrest Good Samaritan Fund, the Loaves and Fish food pantry, an Eagle Scout’s playground project and toward programming at the local library. The local Fire and Police Departments served breakfast in October with donations going to the local Toys for Tots Program.
We held the first monthly pancake and sausage breakfast in July 2011. Since then over 15 breakfasts have been served. Twenty four separate community groups have helped serve including former High School classes, businesses, fraternal organizations, clubs, church groups, boards of the village, the library and the Post Office. Over 147 workers from the community have participated. Over 30 members of the Mt. Morris congregation planned, organized and cooked, many every month.
No set charge is made for the breakfast but donations are accepted. So far contributions have exceeded expenses with the surplus going to the Pinecrest Good Samaritan Fund, the Loaves and Fish food pantry, an Eagle Scout’s playground project and toward programming at the local library. The local Fire and Police Departments served breakfast in October with donations going to the local Toys for Tots Program.

Those in the photo are: Frank and Dianne Swingel,
Steve Haney, Mary Lou Garrison, Pastor Ginny
Haney, Brenda Nevenhoven, Marge Powers,
Anastasia Gordon, Jim Rosenberger.
Steve Haney, Mary Lou Garrison, Pastor Ginny
Haney, Brenda Nevenhoven, Marge Powers,
Anastasia Gordon, Jim Rosenberger.
Church World Service Alternative Gift Fair
An African Proverb says “Life is the best gift. Everything else is extra”. By hosting a Church World Service Alternate Gift Fair this holiday season you will be changing lives through the transformational work of Church World Service (CWS).
Order your Alternative Gift Fair Packet today. In it you will find resources to help you organize an engaging and successful event that can bring together all facets of your community. In the packet you will find:
Alternative gift fairs provide an opportunity to honor those we love with a gift that recognizes their generosity and reflects their compassion. Through alternative giving, your congregation can open a dialogue around the true meaning and purpose of gift giving – and explore a new dimension of faithfulness. All while assisting those who struggle not for materials goods but for their very survival.
To order a CWS Alternate Gift Fair Packet or for more information please call Pam Folkers at 888-297-2767 or email
You may see the alternative gifts at
Order your Alternative Gift Fair Packet today. In it you will find resources to help you organize an engaging and successful event that can bring together all facets of your community. In the packet you will find:
- How to host an alternative gift fair that involves everyone in your congregation, as well as local agencies that help those in need.
- A poster to help promote your event.
- A copy of the new CWS “Best Gift” catalog.
- A sample gift card.
- An order form for extra posters, cards, catalogs and more.
- Information on additional resources available online.
- An envelope to send your donation to CWS.
Alternative gift fairs provide an opportunity to honor those we love with a gift that recognizes their generosity and reflects their compassion. Through alternative giving, your congregation can open a dialogue around the true meaning and purpose of gift giving – and explore a new dimension of faithfulness. All while assisting those who struggle not for materials goods but for their very survival.
To order a CWS Alternate Gift Fair Packet or for more information please call Pam Folkers at 888-297-2767 or email
You may see the alternative gifts at
Annual Conference 2013
You’re invited...
...To Annual Conference in Charlotte, NC
June 29 through July 3, 2013!
Find more information and a
new promotional video at
...To Annual Conference in Charlotte, NC
June 29 through July 3, 2013!
Find more information and a
new promotional video at
Calendar of District Events
7 - World Communion SundayNOVEMBER
13 - Program and Arrangements Committee @ Canton
20 - Camp Emmanuel Fall Work Day
20 - Ministerial Leadership Dev. Team, TBA
20–23 - Mission and Ministry Board @ Elgin, IL
24-25 - Midwest DE Meeting @ Camp Mack, IN
28 - Reformation Sunday
2 - Minister's Pre-Conf. Workshop @ CarlinvilleDECEMBER
2-4 - IL/WI District Conference @ Carlinville
4 - National Jr. High Sunday
4 - Daylight Savings Time Ends
10 - Camp Emmaus Leaf Raking
10-11 - Powerhouse Youth Conference @ Manchester University
16-17 - Leadership Team Retreat @ Camp Emmaus
16–18 - Mission Alive @ Lititz, PA
22 - Thanksgiving Day
27 - IL Conf. of Churches @ Springfield
1 - Ministerial Leadership Dev. Team, TBA
2 - First Sunday of Advent
25 - Christmas Day
31 - New Year’s Eve